(witchcraft for 3 or more)
Well if you're on this page, then i assume you either have the sufficeint amount of  people to form or a coven or you're searching for one, or maybe even looking to start a coven if thats the case then i suggest you try the coven section of witchvox (or use it to find other people)

With your coven thers a few thingsyou should do. First of all you should all gather and talk about it, what you want, want you need, this sort of stuff.
Next you should decide whether a coven is a good or bad thing for EVERYBODY! Do not feel inclined to accept anyone into the coven, some people simply are not fit to be in a coven at their present status!

Now you have the people, well you should decide over, where will you meet? how will your rituals be performed? Will you wear 'normal' clothes? or cloaks? will tools be used? all this and more should be answrered! Also you will need to have a coven name and possibly a symbolic Picture or sigil to show your coven! (For Coven names you can look in the
Craft Name section of this site.

Then there are beliefs to look upon, not everybody will have the same beliefs so you must find ways to please everybody, and if by now, your thinking this is WAY too much work, then maybe your just not ready for a coven yet? maybe you should wait a while! or maybe you'll decide that Solitary is best, but meet up with other Pagan/Wiccans on Sabbats?

What ever you choose i wish you the best of look, and Happiness in your life!
Blessed Be
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