More pics to follow
I'm in my late 30's and quite wide for my height :). I'm only 5 ft 3 inches short!  My ideal weight should be between 10st1lb - 8st 1lb. I have been on the increase since  I was 16 years old. I started going out with my husband at 18 and married 6 months later (have known him from school since I was 14). Once I was married and very settled the weight just piled on and after having my kids became even heavier.

Starting weight with Weight Watchers was 16st9lbs (size 24 in UK clothes) that was on 17th June 2003. That was this time, as this is my second time with Weight Watchers. The first time I lost 100lbs but sadly put it back on in 2002 after I was assaulted and became very depressed., then lost a bit more until I piled it on once again after the death of my brother Dave, who died aged 29. Since then I have suffered from PTSD and now I am begin the quest again to be slim at the massive weight of 276.5lbs (UK clothe size 26-28). My goal is 10st 1lb (141lbs), but would be comfortable just over ther 13st mark (185lbs). I WILL DO THIS AGAIN AND KEEP IT OFF!

I began the diet because of health problems that affect most of my family, mainly heart disease. So I decided enough is enough it has to go! I don't want to leave my young family motherless or make my husband a widower! But most of all I'm doing this for me! One of the problems I have found it keeping myself busy enough, hence making this site and trying to gain some email buddies who are in the same boat as I. Keep an eye on My Blog as this will be my little diary, as I like many people have bad days and finding a way to over come these may help other people.

I'm Denise. I'm married to Phil and I have three children. A daughter and two son's (Current ages in 2008 are 10, 13 and 15). I run my own reptile rescue centre called Reptile Rescue Den,

I like lots of different types of music mainly heavy rock though. My favourite bands are Iron Maiden, Metallica, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson and Ozzy Ozborne. I love gardening and I like to read horror stories and true crime stories and I love Harry Potter too.
Fat Photo :)
Size 26/28
July 2008
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