UPDATES!!!! To My Goal Page along with a new Weight Chart, New Diet Tools added and new pics added to the About Me page. Plus new pages added to the Humour page.
  I'm Denise and I'm currently doing  the Weight Watchers diet. I started WW on the 17th June 2003, I weighed in at 16st 9lbs (233lbs) and my BMI was 41!!! So yes I have a long way to go to being slim. I must add that I left Weight Watchers in September 2003 due to lack of funds to keep paying their weekly fee. However I am still doing the program on my own.
  This site is intended to bring dieters together as a little community. I want any imput from any of my visitors who can perhaps send in recipes so I can point them up (if they haven't been already) and share them with the rest of the sites community or success stories would be nice to hear. Also any tips you can offer to avoid the munchies!! And finally we all need a laugh so jokes are welcome to bring a smile to o
This site has been created by Denise on 16.10.08.
O 2008
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  I'm Denise and I was doing  the Weight Watchers diet. I started WW on the 17th June 2003, I weighed in at 16st 9lbs (233lbs) and my BMI was 41!!! So yes I have a long way to go to being slim. I must add that I left Weight Watchers in September 2003 due to lack of funds to keep paying their weekly fee. However I am still doing the program on my own.
  This site is intended to bring dieters together as a little community. I want any imput from any of my visitors who can perhaps send in recipes so I can point them up (if they haven't been already) and share them with the rest of the sites community or success stories would be nice to hear. Also any tips you can offer to avoid the munchies!! And finally we all need a laugh so jokes are welcome to bring a smile to our faces. Plus any other suggestions would be greatly received by email.
   Please check out My Blog as this is my little diary of how I'm doing with the diet and other events that could throw a spanner in the works LOL! Please call back again soon as this site is updated often.
The Saga Begins
I am following the Weight Watchers diet on my own. My heaviest weight was 276.5lbs and my BMI was 49!!! I have struggled with my weight since I was in my late teens. Please check out MY GOAL page to see my starting weight and to follow my progress.
Site Info.
This site is intended to bring dieters together as a little community. I'd like any input from any of my visitors who can perhaps send in recipes so I can point them up (if they haven't been already) and share them with the rest of the sites community or success stories would be nice to hear. Also any tips you can offer to avoid the munchies!! And finally we all need a laugh so jokes are welcome to bring a smile to our faces. Plus any other suggestions would be greatly received or if you'd like to be linked to my site please email me.
   Please check out My Blog as this is my journal of how I'm doing with the diet and other events that could throw a spanner in the works LOL! Please call back again soon as this site is updated often.

Please take a moment to sign my guest book!
xxxxxxxxxx              xxxxxxxxxx
am going to do this!!!
I am currently trying to raise much needed funds for Reptile Rescue Den as Reptile Rescue Den are currently revamping their Tortoise Enclosures and hoping they will be ready for spring 2009. I am looking to raise �500+.
My aim (within the Sponsored Slim) is to lose 65lbs in total by 5th May 2009, which is also Reptile Rescue Dens 4th Anniversary since the rescue centre began.
If you can help us to raise funds then please donate what you can even if it's just �1.00. You can donate via Paypal to this email address
[email protected] or alternatively you can send a cheque or postal order payable to Reptile Rescue Den Fund. Just contact me for the details of address. Or if you prefer you can pay directly into the rescues bank  account, again just contact me for the details. To follow my progress go here.
�128 raised so far!
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