Revised 7/27/03 Theology Department Theology Homepage | Ultimate Goals of Jesuit Education | Jesuit Ideals

Archdiocese of St. Louis Prayer & Faith Resources | The Catholic Encyclopedia | Catechism of the Catholic Church | Theology Library

National Catholic Bioethics Center | Ethics update | Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Good, informative media: PBS | NPR | PBS NOW | Frontline

Grammar, spelling & more: Purdue On-Line Writing Lab
Dictionaries, encyclopedias and so much more available at Reference Desk/a complete reference library
Learn new words! American Heritage Dictionary's 100 Words Every High School Student Should Know

Great sites to explore: Calendars Through the Ages | A Walk Through Time | Judaism 101 | Best of History Web Sites
Here are some beautiful web sites: Interview with God | Pathways to Peace | Sacred Space| Trust

Guiding Ideals of Jesuit Education

Course Goals & Objectives


Outline of the Course: Pre-course | Actual

Course Calendar: Daily Summary of Class and Homework

Test & Exam Preview | Tentative Grading Plan | Model of Faith Assignment | Parent's page

Notre Dame Lecture Series:
Pascal and the Meaning of Life Outline
Tom Junker | Alex Sciuto | Trey Suntrup | Pat Ivers | Justin Bushong

Tom Campbell's summary of
Deitrich Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship

Paul Florek's summary of
Victor Frankel's Man's Search for Meanning
Paul's essay on The Theological Virtues in Neo

M. Sciuto's e-mail | website | Human Condition

Justin Bushong's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Who do you say that I am?"

Tom Campbell's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"Who do you say that I am?"

Isaac Dripp's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Michael Harrington
"Who do you say that I am?"

Paul Florek's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Malcolm X
"Who do you say that I am?"

Pat Ivers' e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Chan Khong
"Who do you say that I am?"

Tom Junker's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Who do you say that I am?"

Dave Koehneman's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Who do you say that I am?"

Alex Sciuto's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Mother Theresa
"Who do you say that I am?"

Trey Suntrup's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Karol Wojtyla
"Who do you say that I am?"

Charles Ullmann's e-mail | website
Human Condition | Mission essay | Karol Wojtyla
"Who do you say that I am?"

Websites for building web sites
Barebones Guide to HTML | Creating Your own Homepage | RGB color codes | How to get more from Google

Monday, June 23 First Day of Class
Be in M208 by 8:55; class starts at nine.
Bring Catcher in the Rye, a three ring binder, pens and pencils and a highlighter. It would also help greatly if you brought a curious mind, a willingness to work and and open and trusting disposition.

View past student work on the internet
This is why I'd like you to get a geocities web site. Your work can be more creative (with colors, links, pictures, even sound and video).
It can be preserved and shared. And you will have the chance to use,or acquire, a new skill.

Official SLUH website | Dauphin Players Web Site | SLUH sports | SLUH Science Club (Hiking Club)
Prep News | Cross Country Web Site | Sisyphus | SLUH Choral website | SLUH Varsity football | SLUH Rifle Team

"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do, and what I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.�
- Dr. Tom Dooley

My course's All-Stars from your freshman year 2001-02
1Q | First Semester | 3Q | Second Semester

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