SOARING BEAR Ph.D. Pharmacology
Scientific advisor to the health professions & herbal industry


Educational & Tutorial: Chemistry Principles - chemtutor - wikibooks - molec universe - chemvc - YoungUIC - BlaberFlaStU - collective - teaching with cache - MITorganic - Ox - EpochOrgChem - OrgChemonline - chemspy - Avogadro number (Murrell) - thermodynamics (Murrell) - solar energy theory (Bahcall) - orgChemtutorial&cards - VirtualTextOrganicChem (Reusch-MSU) - AdvOrgChem (Evans-Harvard) - ACSchemalive - chemcollective - assign - rhodes - NIHredox - MITchem - orgchem(Alberta) - chemweb journals,db,books - org chem Bradley Drexel - cheminfoSousa -

ChemDigIndexingRzepa - surechem -
google structure files: http://www.google.nl/search?as_q=benzene&as_filetype=mol

Pubchem: Pubchem - PubchemAdvSearch - help - wiggins - IUutil - pubchem2acd - download - downloadftp - aboutPubchem - PubChem - PubChem advisory FedRegister9/1/05 - Zerhouni on PubChem - Bryant04 - Bryant07 - PMRustcriticism - sourceDB -
link format: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?DB=pcsubstance&term=malagashanine
Pubchem User Gateway Mining: Eutil - EUtilwebsvc - PUG - pugsoap - FiehnUCRutil - Fiehn - pubchemIU - pubchemBioruby - pubchemsmilesRuby - kracked - Willighagen - rdfchem - bioguid - PubchemStrangenessCorbett - PubchemStrange - 3Dview -
ChemID.NLM 300k (http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/direct.jsp?name=bw-755c or regno=) -
Pubchem Mining: pubchemSR - pubchemSR(IU) -
Cheminformatics: cheminformatics - rdfwiki - rdfchem - RDKit - RDKit - RDKit - WigginsCourse - cheminformorg - ChemInfLett - Bioclipse - chembiogrid - wikiproteins - greasemonkey -

Molecular structures: Apodaca07 - Nicklaus01 - proteins(biochem) - chemdraw - elements - Wiggins -

site focus # 000 2D 3D inchi smiles logP RN

mp bp

stru sim activ link formats notes owner software
PubChem - PubChem - biomed
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COMPOUND Structures:

Pubchem ACS debate: 8/22 - 9/22 - 10/3 -
NLM's Pubchem as front end to Elsevier's xpharm: arl - cnn -
Other: chemFinder 20K(sobearj, open cdx with chemdraw, paste into word) - chemfinder - Zinc2mil(Shoichet) - zinclist - chembank1mil - chemExper - KEGGligand - NCI - NCI3Dsearch - NCI - NCI(NLM needsIE) - NIAID - NIAID - ACDwebli(needsIE5) - chemwebACD(sobear j) - reciproIU NSF 3-D stru 2k - CSDchemviz (uiuc bears 1p6474XZ) - PolycycAromStructures (NIST 1K mol & wmf) - EPAchemdb - Sigma - SigmaFisher - AcrosToronto - 400drugs - Dobashi400drugs(chime) - Woodcock2k - pherobase2k - chempedia - chemcyclopedia - ChemNavstruct search (soarbearj) - USDA300 - FriendliPhytochemGroups - UCB aroma molecules - nyu - FluorescentProbeStruct - DyesStruct - Csonka links relativistic compounds - mdpi diversity 189 - mdpi molmall - chemviz (few dozen) - melius - cpma - molbank - sharc - sharc search - antas links - macmol links - crdb 211 - Cambridge Structure Db info - CSD - CSD - oxford lab? - oxford server? - Syr 103K smiles Gewurze(by plant family) - SwinFine - ligandDB - drimane sesquiterp - MSD - IMBaminoacids - CAScount - CASsearch - CAShistory - Chemnavigator22MilStru - Webmolecules - MDD30k - infochem4000k - mrlewisclassroom - recipnet - CMU - CMU - wisc minerals & molecules - db of chemical stru - Lancaster - bio-molecules - ChineseHerbMol - ligand1mil download - GasteigerMolnet(NIH_LibMed_MD_US, toAqiPud) - emedicine(sbj) - chemidex(sbj) - CHMIS(sbnihj) - moltable - NucleicAcidsRes - NARdrug - biomedcentral - FiehnMetabolites - wichemia - orleans - CNRS -
PDBligand small compounds: PDBbind1700sbnih - PDBbind - bindingMOAD1400 sbnih - BIND (biomolec interaction network db) - BINDing(UMd) - SitesBase - sc-PDB-Kellenberger - RutgersLigandDepot - scPDB - scPDB - Relibase search prot-ligand (CCD) - Ligbase_ucsf - PDBsum - LunaPDBligands(Sayle) - PDBligand - biomedcentral - iRefindex - PDBligand - Molecules R US - Klotho(small compounds pdb) - TherapTarget - umich -
Categories: lipids - NCIcarcinogenClassif - ANT-Amino Acid-Nucleotide (Hoffman, UTx Austin) - molcad cyclodextrin - steroids - flavonoids - anthocyanidin - 60organic -
Inorganic: Zeolites - icsd Inorg xtal - icsd Inorg xtal - inorganicXtalINorgXtalPredict - GRINSP INorgStructPredict - GRINSP - MercuryCSD - crystal modl - AmerMineralogist - GRINSP=Geometrically Restrained INorganic Structure Prediction -

Nomenclature: autonomchemweb(sobearj) - Woodcock - Woodcock - amino acid nomenclature - oximes - Claff - ChemAmbiguities - polymer - polymer - copolymer - copolymer -
Name ambiguities: Williams - Eller -
IUPAC: gmw - acd - iupac - orgww - unique chem identifier -
chem classes: NIAID - CancerCompoundGroups -
chemRN: Universal Chemical Key - CAS -
ChemDB: EPAlist -
Biochemical Ontology: google - chemgroupsNIAID -
Chemical Taxonomy Groups: ChemTermSegmentationAMIA - markush search STN - markush combichem lib - markush derwent - markushDARC - Marpat - MarpatCAS - MarkushPatent1924 - MarkushClaim - scaffoldCAS - questelMMS - SCONP Struct Classification Of Nat Prod - beilstein - chemmindmap -
Chem Dictionary: ChemspyWord -

Molecular Similarity Comparison: eyesopen - eyesopen -

Chemdraw-web Java: Cactus 3D draw for smiles, sdf, pdb, mol - Cactus - CCPlinks - WebSketch - WebSketch chemaxonMarvin(bj) - Marvin - Marvin - jchem (interface with Marvin or DB) - webmolecules - BK - Moledit - chemsymphony - chemsymphony - chemsymphony - chemsymphony - Gusev java builder for MCM-41 xtals - Ihlenfeldt 2-D sketcher - AccuModel (MS) - Chembuilder (AccuModel) - weblab (msi) - Jchempaint - Jchempaint - Jchempaint  - jsmol -  jmol - xchemdraw - draw from pdb - MolSurf (molec surfaces, sketcher, smiles gen) -
Chemdraw-PC software info: wiki - chemaxonMarvinsketch(bj) - ErtlJME - Apodaca - compare ChemDraw, ISIS/Draw, ChemWin, ChemSketch & Chem4-D 5/02 - ChemWriter - ACD Chemsketch - ACDnewsgroup - ACD Draw - WinDrawChem - WinDrawChem - cdsinfo - Isis 2D to 3D(acd) - ElsevierMDLIsisSymyx(sgbj)- SymyxAddins - MDL Isis - Isis - isis info - isis docs - Isis MDL chime - chime scripting - BKinchi - CCPlinks - chempen - SoftShell Chemweb gif maker - CSC Chemdraw - CS Chem3D- Chem3D (plugin free8880, educ1008) - 2000 CS3d compounds - ChemInnovation 4D-draw - list - Biorad Drawit - BioradDocs - scitech - moldraw - moldraw - MAC - Claessen chem - Molecules-3D - Carbodraw - ClideOCRSymbios - chem software links - biosolveit -
Structure embedded in PNG images: GChemPaint - ACDchemsketch - depth - firefly - python - inchimatic - BKinchi -
InChi: Kosata - faq - wiki - inchiKeyLimits -
InChi parsing: ninja - bkchem - JNI -
InChi to structure: babel - BK - CDK - RDKit - MCDL -
InChi from structure: inchimatic - inchimatic - inchimaticsource - inchigen - nlm -
InChi conversion: Apodaca - java -
DB of figures: chemsymphony chem db -
Chem Viewers: JMol - JMol docs - JMol -
CML chem markup language: wiki - sourceforge - google - PMR96 - PMR95 -

compchem page for file type conversions

Molecular chem db software: MOE3D(CCG) - Jchem (chemaxon) - Chemaxon - Jchemsearch - scidex - Cambridgesoft - gNova - Daylight - Molsoft - Biorad - MDLisentris - Infochem -
natural products libraries in sdf: Bionet - Analyticon - Cerep - iflab - InterBioScreen - Nanoscale - Pharmacore - SPECS240k - TimTec - diversa - RBC - key -
PlantExtractChemicalLibraries: google - timtec4k - bioscreen5k - ibio12k - ibio12k - Analyticon12k - AnalyticonMegabolite - MerlionGSK30k - NCI50k - Synta10k - AlbanyMolecLillyLib300k - InterMedBayer -

Chemical Properties: NIST physchem properties - NIST standard ref data - NISTstdref - Melius 2k gaussian calcs - Steinmetz enthalpies - predict mp, bp from smiles - BP, logP, IUPAC (acd) - BP, logP, IUPAC (acd) - bio-online - pH theoprax - amino acid properties (UWi) - Lipinsky rule of 5 - matweb50k - SteinbeckNMR - TsukubaSpectra - NMRspectra - EPA-EPISuite -

Thermodynamic Data: NISTwebbook - MansooriUIC - aicheDIPPR - DECHEMA - FIZberlin -

Predict Biological Activity from Chemical Structure (see tox predict in pharm): PASS - PASS - aboutQSAR - SOMFA download -

Chemistry Education & Principles:

chemie - Siebert - about - sfu - VT hypermedia - earley - conceptests - atoms&bonds(Bader) - valence (Steinmetz Pomona) - 300namedreactions - chemguide - IU - IU - UAkron - Whitewolf Lisa Ganora phytochem - Wermuth med chem - Chemory recall game - chemguide - chempractice - MCWeb CSU Fullerton - Leffingwell chirality and aroma - combichem (sbearj) - Warshawsky combichem - Pauling on Bonds -
ChemInfo Search: ChemInfoHuntBiblio - Akos - ChemInfoACS -
ChemLitCourses: Mari (FAU) - Matthews(Tenn) - Cooke(ChicoSt) - google -

HS tutorials: chamotlabs - uiuc(molecular structure) - wisc - deakin - deakin - fokus - cipsi - zum - schulchemie - wvusd - thinkquest - mzh - mit - Jacobs, Wilton HS - HShub - willamette -

pH/Acid-Base: acidbase(UBC) - pH(ISI) - pHcalcs(UCDavis) -  linksUT - bemidji - simchem -
Organic Chemistry: ReuschVirtualText - AlkeneAddition - MartindaleUCI - Glaser - UIC - Umea - Bruzik - review(mit) - Gervay - Parrill - Sibert - Okanogan - Woodcock - Rzepa - Aldridge - Shusterman - Koen -

Specific chemicals: polyphenol stru - polyphenols defined - humic acids - tannin - tannin - isoflavones - flavonoids - nutrients - prostaglandins - flavins - flavins -

Water structure and behavior: sbu -
Water Coanda Effect: wiki - jnaudin - answers - aardvark -

Tautomerism: jce - eyesopen - answers -
Enolization: usm - msu -

VaporPressure: Blaber FlaStU - UFla - wvusd - wikipedia - ILPI vappres - ILPIvolatility - allrefer - chemalive - volatility - Plambeck - OheData - StrettonTISS -

Molecular Interaction: SRIontology -

Systems Chemistry: Ludlow&Otto -

Physical Chemistry: David UCt - Stoichiometry - Borkent - EarleySimChem(win) download - entropy - radicals (ndrl) - radicals(Buettner) - esm thermodyn - gsu - sandiaHiTempThermodyn -
Electrostatics: Gilson -
theoretical chem lectures: simons

Orbitals: sheffield - darmstadt - google - norton -
Wave Particle duality of Quantum theory: wiki - DeBroglie - google - Young - winnipeg -
Quantum Chem lecture notes: uga - uga - gatech - worldsci -
Organometallic: ilpiinorganicXtal
MRI: How it works: BMJ -
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): uci - uci
Radioactive Decay Calculator: UNR - UBC - RADDK -

Electricity: thinkquest - amasci - galaxy -

Analytic Chemistry: Scimedia - Umea - SheffieldHallam - CE - ChromatographyJ - separationsnow - XCMSSpectraAnal - environmental methods -
HPLC: HPLCtext(Kazakevich & McNair) - Jinnu Data - Regis spectra - UKy - Altria links - chiral? - Dr - UAkronbasics - MacMod - StLouis - chromatographynet - PDA - fedichem - LatinAmer - kncv - SQA - Hamilton chromatograms -
GC: GueSu -
SolidPhaseExtr(SPE): lipidlibrary - uiowa - polymerlabs -
FTIR: ftirsearch -
MS: protein prospector ucsf - MS mass/charge calculator - MALDI - jmass -
TLC: camag - litdb -
Natural Products Analysis: Herbalyser spectra - PlantBioactives - Oil Specifications(Statfold) - IndofineStandards - ChromadexBotanicalStd -
Natural Products Chemistry: Looney -

Periodic Tables of elements: phoenix col - WebElements - WebElements (Berk faster) - WebElements(ouc) - WebElements & chem calc (Shef) - chemind - yogi - maricopa - ACS - Umea - robresint - chemdex links - chemsoc - LANL - haiku - isotope calculator - list NIU - chamot elements ff - mitChemicool - bc - nist - environchem - umn - ucsb - chem4kids - dayah - antas links - bradley haiku - comicelements - Chemicool? - TomLehrerElementSong - elementalcrystals - solarsystem - HistoryofPerTbl -
Element properties: kasap - radii - minerals - titanium - bnl - neutronactivation -

Units conversions: about - berlin - calchemy -

Suppliers: sciquest - ACSchemsuppliers - wildcrafters - Phytochemicals Supplier: chromadex -
Materials DB matweb - NIST chem/materials - NIST StRD - atoz of materials - zeolitestru -

Chemicals in Products: EWGcosmeticChem -

Molecular model kits: ccp - umsl -

Surfactants: huibers -
Misc: gluethistothat -
chlorophyll & carotenoids - rotaxane monolayer - rotaxanes, catenanes, calixarenes -

Color & Spectrum: What Color Is -

ChemPortal: chemie - boehme - U Liverpool (chem part of virtual library) -

Chem search engine: chemie - chemie - CDK -

Chem Networking: CCN - acsCheminsight -

ChemLinks: Liverpool5k - fda - chemindustry - STNdemo - STNquickguide - Napralertkeywords - organicworldwide - organicworldwide - IU - willamette - demokritos - Cheminfo - pomona - cheminformatics - chemih -

Chem Resources: chemistryguide - chemindustry - IPLlinks - Bender - wiley - knovel - ChemwebLitSearch - virtual lib - chemsoc - chem abrev - unb - ElsevierChemvillage - acronyms - chem db - chemdb - Wiggins/Warden - Wiggins - 12,000 acronyms - molec diversity preservation - idt chem - ccl index - constants - chem lists - starch structure - ACS(sobj) - ACS ChemCenter - ACS/COMP links (SAR, jobs, acad, meetings) - chemsoc UK - chemplace $50/yr - ACS Comp Chem - ACS abst form - niu chem links - CyclodextrinNews - $CRChandbookChemPhys - $KirkOthmerEncycChem - virtualChemLab - cyclotides -

CHEM CENTERS: Cambridge (dept & journals, 2k) -  Links for Chemists/Barker/Liverpool (6k) - UCLAvirtual - Chemdex/Winter/Sheffield (4k) - labvelocity -
au - NCI struct bio - GSU - SUNY Binghamton - UAlberta Liverpool - ColumbiaHHMI Stru - Gardner Mac software - Oxford Biophysics - Austrl Chem - CAS home - CAS - MolStru-Stony Brook - regensburg - chemstarter discussion - Va - indiana - U Md index Monsanto - UOk Chem Eng - Genentech - GIC Links - Sheffield home - Shef - Sussex - Reading Mol Modl - Heterocycle Soc - csc chem graphics - uia - uia - niu - vt - qub - Chem Concepts - leeds - UFl chem engineering - rpi - yahoo - latrobe - global - csc - galaxy - eecs - CRC press - wa - chemplace $50/yr - ChemEd/Cairns - NC Comp Chem Ed - umn - Cambridge Struct DB(CSD) - camb - stn chemport (soarbear 8WNG19NG) - utex utex - phoenix - erlangen - erlangen erlangen darmstadt - berlin - uibk - csiro - netlib - wustl - wustl - jungle - idbsu - dcl - or bayreuth - kun - ucg - Brunel - wavefun - edusoft-hint-hydrophobicity - VCU hint manuals - chalmers - mpg - or unige - regensburg - Molec Modl e-conf Franklin Inst - UMemphis Chem blah

Chem Spell Checkers: Azman - Azman - inso - toxspell -

Chem trade: chemdex - connect - echem - chematch - chemOL - 1stMkt - freekt - recycle - xs - sciquest -

Chem assn: ChemicalStructureAssn -

Chem news:

Lab Reference: protocol -

Synthesis: orgsynthdb - orgsynthdb - webreactions - webreactions - photochem -

Highly cited papers: CAS - ISI

Chem Conferences: chemsoc - Gordon - WATOC - ACS - ACS CompChem programs -

Historical Alchemy: AlchemyKey - modern chemical history of intermolecular forces 1700-now Cohesion, JS Rowlinson -

Energy: H & fuel cells -

Plastic: dupontChemResistance -

Food Colors: fda - color - pbm - roha - parshwa - neelikon -

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