"What is in a name? Would not a rose smell as sweet by any other name?"
Hey, I thought I would answer a question that has been put to me I don't know how many times; why the "69"? At one point someone asked me if that was my age. If I could have evil-eyed him into paralysis from this side of the computer I think I might have. I didn't have any kind of problem with my age until I went on line and met so many individuals that assume you are dead or stupid if you are older than 30. I always have looked younger than I was so it never bothered me and I really am actually more of a hedonist now than I was at 18. I just know more and better ways to go about it. Tee Hee

Anyway�the answer�right�then there were those that assumed it was all about the sexual position. Well, that is quite a nice position, but that wasn't it, either�although that assumption has gotten me talked to quite frequently without me even bothering to say "hi" to anyone first myself. I will say talked to and accosted, my entire screen filling up with windows so full sometimes I have had to tell them to take a number or buzz me later, or until I was able to set them straight as to my feelings about Cyber Sex. "What?! You want to cyber sex on the first chat?! I'm not that kind of gal." And it has embarrassed my friends on occasion as well. But still I keep it�why?

Well it is actually the number to my taxi. I used to drive taxi; owned my own car. I still have it, too. It has been cannibalized over the years, but I still have it. And here is the proof. See, the number is right there just behind the back passenger window on the roof panel. See, see�I am telling the truth.

And yes, I got razzed lots for being the driver of this cab and a woman
Change Your Name; Change Your Life
Name: "Gypsy"
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