This site will eventually have a variety of info about my art, my writing and me. Its purpose is to answer questions that are asked frequently, but require either an extended conversation over espresso or just can't be typed out in three word abbreviated lines on Instant Messenger.&nbsp; It is being constructed for your convenience and clarity. Welcome and I hope you are at least amused for a moment or two. <br><br>Once a seer; a clairvoyant if you will, told me that in trying to help me find my spirit helper she was at first confused by the chaos that seemed to float everywhere in my aura. I guess she could see it or something, some people can. Then when she found my spirit helper; my animal totem, she said it became more clear to her.<br><br>Not only did I have a strong influence, but I had two and they worked together and against each other sometimes simultaneously. My spirit helpers are a pair of wolves; a black male and a white female. Sort of a Yin and Yang of animal totems. <br><br>She said it meant I was a dichotomy; balanced, yet dynamic, order and chaos all in one. Making me a caldron of irony, polarity, paradox, the blatant and the inscrutable. <br><br>The photo actually has two wolves in it. There is a snarling black wolf on the left, he stands out against the snow. And a sniffing white wolf on the right. She blends so well into the snow in the background you almost can't see her.<br><br>Well, with that said as a small intro, feel free to click through from link to link to find out more. I actually have a photo of myself in here somewhere and am trying (yes I am really trying) to get something more current and up to date...
The Naming Game
Even In Chaos Is There Order
No One Ever Loved Me For My Looks
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