Starboard Aviation Group

Starboard Aviation HQ

Phone: 1 (603) 123-4567
Address: 1200 Echo Road
Manchester, NH 03103


To contact us, please provide us with some information below!

Full name:

Telephone Number:


Reason For Inquiry:

About Our Page:

Starboard Aviation wanted to use a friendly and easy to use site design, so that our clients can easily navigate the site to address their travel needs. As a charter company, we wanted to provide specific and simple site that would allow them to easily make choices regarding their inquiry. For example, the way that the "Contact Us" link under "Aircraft Acquisitions" that is linked to the "About Us" page where the information inquiry form is located. Clients can contact us via the form under contact us, or call us and speak with an account executive that would be able to assist them in their travel needs; while streamlining the logistical process of the all the other travel needs like hotel, black car, or rental car. These hyperlinks to subsites, such as the "Radisson Hotel" are fully functional to allow clients to jump right into that site to view their hotel needs in a separate tab while remaining on the Starboard page.

The site has room for growth in many areas, such as more information about the services being provided, client testimonials, and perhaps more interactive options for site visuals. These visual can include more interactive elements, such as Javascript.