Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Shot from the movie
Russian Language
1960 - 1970-th

Timothy Dalton's James Bond

      James Bond movies have always been hugely successful here in the US. These movies offer us a world of excitement and intrigue. And of course there is a handsome leading man in the title role which makes it attractive to the ladies and with the beautiful women in the movies it makes it attractive to the men. Everyone man wants to be James Bond...every woman wants to be the lady he is with in the film. It is a fantasy world and we are offered the chance to escape to a land of make-believe.

Shot from the movie

      The James Bond movies blend together, action, romance, adventure...and for 2 hours we live that adventure with that handsome British secret agent, leaving our ordinary lives for something much more exciting.

Shot from the movie

      I have been a James Bond fan for many years. I have seen all the movies countless times. Personally, I never cared for Sean Connery in the role but I did enjoy all the Roger Moore movies very much. When he left the role of the world famous secret agent I wondered who the producers would choose to take over the role. When I read in our local paper here that Timothy Dalton would be the new James Bond, I was very excited. I had first seen Timothy in Flash Gordon and became an instant fan.

Shot from the movie

      For me, Timothy Dalton has given the best portrayal of James Bond. Handsome, intelligent, witty, having an eye for beautiful ladies... Timothy perfected all these qualities of the British secret agent in his two Bond films.

Shot from the movie

      In Living Daylights, when we get that first glimpse of him on that mountainside, his handsome features capture your attention. You want to know what is in store for him. What is the meaning of the cryptic message found on the climbing equipment of the dead ageant and what will happen as Bond follows the trail.

Shot from the movie

      We are taken on a journey with him traveling around the world from England, Venice, Afghanistan... Bond is loyal to his country and will do what he must to complete his mission, even if means going against his orders from M to kill Pushkin. Timothy gives a wonderful performance in his first outing as James Bond.

Shot from the movie

      In Licence to Kill, we see a different Bond... one driven by anger and revenge. Timothy did the opening stunt with the plane himself and for that I truly admire him. It shows how much he is willing to put forth to give us a good performance.

Shot from the movie

     This is an emotional story for Bond. The death of Della and the maiming of his best friend, Felix Leiter. When Bond enters Felix's home and finds Della.....Timothy gives an emotional performance. You feel his overwhelming grief at finding the bodies of his two friends and when he realizes that Felix is still alive, he can't get help to his friend fast enough. What follows is an emotional roller-coaster for Bond, fueled by revenge. From his resignation from the British Secret Service to the death of Sanchez, Timothy brings Bond's pain alive and you experience every minute of frustration and anger that his character feels.

Shot from the movie

      For me, Timothy Dalton is James Bond and gave us two wonderful and outstanding performances in Living Daylights and Licence To Kill. It's bad, that because of the long proceeding in court over the copyrights for Bond's movies the filming of the third one with Timothy as a star (it was signed in his contract) was constantly removed. It's pity�

Shot from the movie

      We do have two Bond movies by him so (though and) for anyone who is a Timothy Dalton fan, I highly recommend them for your viewing pleasure and I definitely made them a part of my Timothy Dalton video collection.

      Cindy from Texas. Reply to author!

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