Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Shot from the movie
Russian Language
1960 - 1970's

The Emperor's New Clothes, 1984

      Inventively done with humor, good suits, texts and music, this known to everyone from very childhood fairytale, written by Hans Christian Andersen, undoubtedly afforded pleasure to those, who could watch it on Russian TV. Lambent, good humour of this movie creates a marvellous aura of inward peace and high day both for children and adults.

      In this film Timothy Dalton has only some opening and closing lines of the text, which he speaks voice-over. But he, probably, is a real elocutionist, because his voice literally spellbinds you and introduces into the world of fairy tale:

      "Many, many years ago there lived an Emperor, whose only passion in life was clothes. He cared for nothing else; nothing at all. In fact, he spent all his money on his wardrobe. And if he needed more money, he would simply tax his subjects, so that he might be the best-dressed Emperor in the world."

Illustration was done by artist V.Konaschevich

      In the end of film Dalton says:

      "And so the Emperor had learned his lesson. And, in time, became a kind and benevolent ruler.He now knew that being an Emperor was more than just looking the part. And as for Bo and Morty, they gave up the con business, and mended their ways. And good fortune followed them ever after."

      "The Emperor's New Clothes" was demostrated, like it usually takes place in Russia, in inconvenient time. And it's'pity. It would not be amiss for � to see old tale. Yes, you are right, you know, what persons I mean! But I don't know, will it help them or not?

Illustration was done by artist V.Konaschevich

      K.E., December, 1999 Reply to author!

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