Timothy Dalton. Russian Traceries. Films and TV.
Films and TV
Shot from the movie and the link to page of Timothy's recollections
Russian Language

Cleopatra, 1999

1. Introduction
2. A poem, written to "Cleopatra"'s first night
3. About the mini-TV-serial

1. Introduction

Cleopatra's image on the ancient coin

      Egyptian empress Cleopatra as an outstanding person attracts people's attention all over the world during more, than 2000 years. Stories of her contemporaries, legends, historical researches, narrative literature, poems, pictures and sculptures, musical compositions and theatrical performances�. If the competition "The most famous woman in the world for now and always" would started, Cleopatra could take the premier place there.

      From the only beginning of its existence the cinema art used this theme: the first movie about Cleopatra was done in 1899. It was the year of "Cleopatriada" birthday. Now you can find in IMDb 32 films, 10 TV- and video-films and 1 TV-serial. I mean only the titles with a word "Cleopatra".

Julius Caesar image

      IT's difficult to say, what a place could take Julius Caesar in the competition under name "The most famous man in the world history". But I think, he would be in the first ten for certain. Like in the case of Cleopatra, numerous works of art were done to describe Caesar life. And in cinema "Caesariada" numbers 20 films, 11 TV- and video-films and the same TV-serial. Honestly speaking, almost all the movies above are the picturizations of Shakespearian tragedy "Julius Caesar".

      Certainly, contributions of our super-heroes to world history are not commensurate. Caesar was a leader (the first imperator) of the most powerful (for those times) state in the world - Roman empire, but Cleopatra was only a woman of great calibre in the one of the Roman provinces. In actual fact, Caesar created the history, but Cleopatra simply lived during Caesar times. I hope, my readers will excuse me for my calembour: Caesar figured in history with his social activity, but Cleopatra - with her sexual activity.

      But the art has its own measures for appreciating this contribution. Now, when 2000 years passed sinse that times, both the artists and the viewers are interested in the knowledge of not the facts what and how was conquered by Caesar and the others - one or another territory (it was probably important for his contemporaries), we want to find the answers for the questions about the motives of their behaviour, about their relations and feelings. And because the same information is unavailable both to authors and viewers (even for the main heroes of the recent history) there is no limit to the creative fantasy. That's why Cleopatra takes such a place in the art, that Caesar takes in History! Especially in cinema.

      Georges Melies, a pioneer of theatricalized cinema and trick photography, was the first producer, who put up "Cleopatra". It was in 1899. And it was done in the genre of "horror" (in US this film was known under name "Cleopatra's Tomb"). Then (in 1908 and 1910) Shakespearian tragedy "Antony and Cleopatra" was followed. At all this one was translated to the screen most often (11 times), including two sets with Timothy Dalton participation as Antony in 1983 and 1989.

      However Cleopatra was performed every time as playwrights and directors wanted it. Probably, they used the fact, that nobody knows, what was the course of the events in the real life. At that "respectable audience" is very often interested in the intimate sides of Egyptian Queen's life. What different clothes she was dressed, what beautifications she used, what cosmetics! Even you can find, that sometimes she was without any clothes� All the stars of world cinema attended her bedroom: Richard Barton, Rex Harrison, Alec Guinnes, Charlton Heston, Timothy Dalton (the only actor, who appeared in cinema as Antony and as Caesar!), Claude Reins, Toto, Alberto Sordy, Billy Zane� Cleopatra was performed by the next divas: Helen Gardner, Vivien Leigh, Elizabeth Teilor, Sophie Loren, Cloudette Colbert, Lynn Redgrave. Although more often there were the young hollywood actresses, unknown before and after filming in Cleopatra movies.

      Cleopatra gave us the glad eyes from the screen, which ones could born the cinefilm. She made impassioned speeches, spun intrigues and encharged with murders of her antagonists, sang songs and danced, used mime and gestures during the epoch of silent film. By the way, Japaneses have done some animated cartoons on this subject!

      Well, it can't be helped! Probably Cleopatra is the immortal theme in the art, like "Cinderella" or "Sleaping Beauty" (only with a sign of a "minus").

      You will never say the same words about the image of Caesar. From the Shakespearian times Caesar is canonized in the art: he looks like a veteran, patriarch or a man of the world, a sort of elderly genius, who is always busy with the destiny of mankind. He is almost like Lenin in socialist realism. Ignoring the numerous documents of his contemporaries about Caesar's self-exaltation, avarice and depravity is the main feature of the imperor's image on stage and in cinema. Contrariwise, those, who killed Caesar, are the group of envious men, the scum of society. This is the most popular point of view in public conscience. Oh, it's so similar to our group of "Left Socialists- revolutionaries", who sent a woman Kaplan to hole our lovely Vladimir Ilych Lenin. By the way these "scum of society" were the best persons of their time, who rebelled against Caesar usurpation. (I can't say "the best persons" about our Russian "Left Socialists- revolutionaries". May be, I need 2000 years passed since that time?)

      That's why no one will begrudge an actors, who must play a part of Caesar: it's very difficult to play an icon. And the work of Timothy Dalton, who performed Caesar in mini TV-serial "Cleopatra" looks here significant. True to oneself, he could overcome the common knowledge stereotype, like he did the same with the image of James Bond 10 years ago. Certainly, Bond's image was redone by Timothy more radically. And this was, probably, a reason for some critics to give not only good words to his address. Dalton's Caesar is only the half-step. If he would make a whole step, the script would bust like a soap bubble. How many young girls and other women had Caesar in every Roman province? Tens. The special low was prepared especially for Caesar to permit him to have a number of wifes what and how many he wants, to born inheritors to him. So great thanks to Timothy for his Caesar, who has come off the altar and we can see very active warlord and politician: to achieve his plans he never stopped in front of difficulties he has met.

      As a very expensive movie, filming of "Cleopatra" accompanied with a traditional advertising. That's why Timothy Dalton's admirers spent 1998 and the beginning of 1999 in a waiting of the grandiose event. Somebody read books about Caesar and Cleopatra and first of all, the book of Margaret George, which was used in the script. Somebody saw old videos or studied the history of ancient world or dreamt to visit the cradleland of civilization and places of future movie events.


      The mood of most viewers before "Cleopatra"s first night on May of 1999 is very well reflected in a poem of Debra Best from Australia, who is the author and owner of the one among the best Internet sites about Timothy Dalton creativity:

      In 'Cleopatra' Timothy has some fun,
      He was excited even before it begun,
      On a set that was a quarter mile long,
      With Timothy and his chariot, could he stay on?

      Well, he did, and acted the part in style,
      The best Caesar we have had in a while,
      Tall, commanding and in control,
      All the scene's with him are never dull.

      We are excited as Sunday is near,
      Forget 'Star Wars' as we will be here,
      Watching the ABC over two special nights,
      Seeing Timothy, and all the battle's he fights.

      Wishing we were Cleopatra, yes it's true,
      Helping her Caesar each day get through,
      So congratulations Timothy on this project for sure,
      >From all 109 of us, now who could want for more.

      As for us, we perform now our (Russian) view to "Cleopatra", the review, written by Nikolay Nosov.

      �.�., 2000 Reply to author!

3. About the mini-TV-serial

      Film "Cleopatra" is a good illustration of idea, that a history is a transfer of a modern policy to old times.

        All the nations can find in their history a number of examples of their great victories, that crushed their neighbours. Endless memories of their victories strengthen the idea of noncrushability for own nation and are the base for victories in the future.

      This is why not the numerous defeats of crusaders, which have come to an end with the exilement of the West from these territories, but the triumphant times of Caesar became the favourite pages of Near East history in the West, the heir of Roman Empire. Unordinary personality of Cleopatra gives a special piquancy to those times, when rumours about the orgies with her participation impressed even worldly-wise Rome. The common interest kept up with the implication of Cleopatra into Roman intrigues. But the most important thing - she has come to nearest contact with Roman leaders and "fetched" Egypt to the bosom of West civilization. So we can see now, that the idea of wisdom and unordinary personality of Egyptian empress is now in the mind of everyone, though this information does not confirmed by reliable historical sources.

      Being in Egypt last Spring, I was surprised, when found another estimation of Cleopatra's role in history. Egypt is Islam country. In case of adultery beduins cut the throat of a man and bure by neck in the sand a woman, killing her by sun, walking around her for three days and beating her by stones. So Egyptians don't like the sexual orgies of Cleopatra. They don't think, that Cleopatra was the Queen of Egypt. Sex of Cleopatra doesn't important for Egyptians. They like queen - faraon Hatshepsut, who wasn't a legal faraon, but did many useful things for architecture and art of her country.

      What useful things for Egypt did born in Crete queen Cleopatra? Nothing, that was useful. All the attempts of the film director to show her as a friend of Egypt people have failed. Especially bad is the episode, when Cleopatra gave grain to people. This scene is absolutely unrealistic - if this event would take place in reality, the amok crowd could simply wipe out her.

      Sexual debauchery of Cleopatra became a legend now and wordgroooup "nights of Cleopatra" is a symbol of free love. But according to the film - Cleopatra is very virtuous woman., who really loves (turn and turn about!) two leaders of Rome.

      To my mind it is false. One Egyptian told me - "Love is idea of Europeans who don't want to pay for wife". I think, Cleopatra loves leaders of Rome only for their political and military force. I think, she was a politician first of all, she only used sex to achieve good results in her policy.

      Though, it's fact, that real history isn't important for Hollywood. They are interested in making the image of hero, what must correspond to his image in West mass media and be political correct. According to this point of view, the work of Timothy Dalton in this film is excellent. He is very accurate in creating of Caesar image, which is hold for years in the mind of peoples due to the means of mass media in the West, though this image is badly corresponded to the truth of History.

Shot from the movie

      Dalton's hero is full-hearted, sure of success, he is always a winner, he is a regular hero, he is an imperator.

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      Unlike him Cleopatra, especially in the beginning of the movie, is more a heroine of a "soap-opera", who has accidentally came to filming of the historical movie. This contrast seems to be the most significant near the acting of Cleopatra's sister, who is much more suitable for the role of pretender. The only feature of Cleopatra's character, which saves the film, is her hankering after power. I can agree with it.

      To my mind the work of decorator in the film is very bad. Film wasn't done in Egypt, but he must know the picture of palace in Alexandria. Decorator didn't know it. He constructs this palace by himself, using gates of old Egyptian temple (like in Luxor), as a gates of palace and didn't think of architecture more.

      At the same time Alexandria is a typical Greece town, built by Alex Makedonsky, and in reality we can't find there the old Egyptians architecture, like in a film.

      I "liked" a story about Iside temple and legend about sun shine from the movie. In reality this is a legend about sun shine and Ramses II temple in Abu-Simvel. More, Isida, a God of Cleopatra in the movie, wasn't God of Sun. Ra was the God of Sun for Egyptians and he was simultaneously a symbol of man and a woman.

      It was very interesting for me to see the new, modern piramides of Heops, Hephren and Mikerin, built 20 centuries before the times of Cleopatra (Now we can see only a small part of facing on the top of Heops piramide) and new Sphinks (Faraon Tutmos III did excavation of it 15 centuries before times of Cleopatra).

      All the film studio scenes was done very bad. We often see bad painting on background, for example in scene with Alexander Lighthouse.

      I'd like to remember the former version of the movie about Cleopatra with Elisabeth Teilor in the main part. Though this one was done many years ago, it gives us much more true image of a queen of Egypt due to, first of all, the good acting of this actress. The work of decorator was better too. I can't say bad words about the acting of Richard Barton in the part of Antony, though his interpretation has a subject for controversy . But I didn't like Caesar in this film.

      We see old and ill man with a character of soviet village leader from soviet films. He is not very intellectual, but he is a good leader, who haven't any honor, who doesn't think about glory and occupation of the world.

      Timothy looks much more better in this part due to the fire in his eyes and the elusive charm of egotism. I belive, that Caezar might be in the real life like a man performed by Timothy Dalton.

Shot from the movie

      The contemporary version of Cleopatra is a good "love story" among the backdrop in the style of Egyptian exoticism. Certainly, it's not a masterpiece, but a good Hollywood production, which gives you a chance to have a useful by-time.

      N.N., 2000 Reply to author!


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