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Time zone map

 World time zone map  


UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) defines the universal time zone, to which all the other time zones are relative. UTC is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It observes no Daylight Saving Time (summer time). UT (Universal Time) is based on the Earth's rotation, and often used in Astronomy. TAI (International Atomic Time) is based on atomic clocks. The military of many nations refer to time zones as letters, for example: Z (Zulu) = Zero Meridian (UTC or GMT). The other letters / words for different timezones are listed below. A to M moves eastwards and N to Y moves westwards. The letter J is skipped because J (Juliet) refers to current local time of the observer. The International Date Line (the place where a new day / 24 hours starts / ends) is between time zones M and Y. Time zone common names are also listed, with examples of citys, countries, areas included in each time zone.


Y  Yankee  UTC -12 hours  IDLW-International Date Line West
Pacific Ocean nations

X  Xray  UTC -11 hours  NT-Nome
Pacific Ocean nations

W  Whisky  UTC -10 hours  HST-Hawaiian Standard Time

V  Victor  UTC -9 hours  AKST-Alaska Standard Time
Alaska, Yukon

U  Uniform  UTC -8 hours  PST-Pacific Standard Time
Pacific USA, British Columbia

T  Tango  UTC -7 hours  MST-Mountain Standard Time
Mountain USA, Alberta

S  Sierra  UTC -6 hours  CST-Central Standard Time
Central USA, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Central America

R  Romeo  UTC -5 hours  EST-Eastern Standard Time
Eastern USA, Ontario, Quebec

Q  Quebec  UTC -4 hours  AST-Atlantic Standard Time
Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Caracas, La Paz

P  Papa  UTC -3 hours
Greenland, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown (Guyana)

O  Oscar  UTC -2 hours  AT-Azores

N  November  UTC -1 hour  WAT-West Africa
Cape Verdes Islands, Atlantic Ocean

Z  Zulu  same as UTC  GMT-Greenwich Mean Time
Britain, Ireland, Portugal, Reykjavik (Iceland), Western Africa

A  Alpha  UTC +1 hour  CET-Central Europe Time
Western Europe, Algeria, Nigeria, Angola

B  Bravo  UTC +2 hours  EET-Eastern Europe Time
Finland, Eastern Europe, Balkans, Libya, Egypt, South Africa

C  Charlie  UTC +3 hours  MSK-Moscow Time
Moscow, Baghdad, Eastern Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania

D  Delta  UTC +4 hours  ZP4-Russia Zone 3
Samara (Russia)

E  Echo  UTC +5 hours  ZP5-Russia Zone 4
Yekaterinburg (Russia)

F  Foxtrot  UTC +6 hours  ZP6-Russia Zone 5
Omsk (Russia), Bangladesh

G  Golf  UTC +7 hours  WAST-West Australian Standard
Krasnoyarsk (Russia, Zone 6), Western Indonesia

H  Hotel  UTC +8 hours  WST-Western Standard Time
Western Australia, Irkutsk (Russia, Zone 7), China, Hong Kong, Philippines, Central Indonesia

I  India  UTC +9 hours  JST-Japan Standard Time
Japan, Yakutsk (Russia, Zone 8), Korea, Eastern Indonesia

K  Kilo  UTC +10 hours  AEST-Australian Eastern Standard
Eastern Australia, Vladivostok (Russia, Zone 9), Papua New Guinea

L  Lima  UTC +11 hours
Magadan (Russia)

M  Mike  UTC +12 hours  NZST-New Zealand Standard  IDLE-International Date Line East
Kamchatka (Russia), Fiji, New Zealand, Marshall Islands


Daylight Saving Time (or Summer Time) is a modification of standard time by advancing clocks by one hour during the summer. This change makes the sunset and sunrise one hour later than during normal time. The purpose of this alteration is so that people can enjoy more daylight in the evening hours (and save power needed for artificial lighting after dark). Clocks are adjusted one hour ahead when DST begins in the spring, and moved one hour back to standard time in the autumn (an easy way to remember this is "spring ahead, fall back"). So during the months of March or April through September or October, countries in the northern hemisphere may observe DST. During the months of September or October through March or April, countries in the southern hemisphere may observe DST. Some countries / states observe Daylight Saving Time and others do not. The chart below will help you adjust for Daylight Saving Time. Read more about Daylight Saving Time.


ADT Atlantic Daylight Saving Time (GMT -3 hours)

AST Atlantic Standard Time (GMT -4 hours)
EDT Eastern Daylight Saving Time (GMT -4 hours)

EST Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5 hours)
CDT Central Daylight Saving Time (GMT -5 hours)

CST Central Standard Time (GMT -6 hours)
MDT Mountain Daylight Saving Time (GMT -6 hours)

MST Mountain Standard Time (GMT -7 hours)
PDT Pacific Daylight Saving Time (GMT -7 hours)

PST Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8 hours)
AKDT Alaska Daylight Saving Time (GMT -8 hours)

AKST Alaska Standard Time (GMT -9 hours)

HST Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT -10 hours)
Hawaii doesn't adjust for Daylight Saving


CET Central Europe Time (GMT +1 hour)
BST British Summer Time (GMT +1 hour)
IST Irish Summer Time (GMT +1 hour)
WEST Western Europe Summer Time (GMT +1 hour)

EET Eastern Europe Time (GMT +2 hours)
CEST Central Europe Summer Time (GMT +2 hours)

MSK Moscow Time (GMT +3 hours)
EEST Eastern Europe Summer Time (GMT +3 hours)

MSD Moscow Summer Time (GMT +4 hours)


AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10 hours)
AEST Eastern Standard/Summer Time (GMT +11 hours in summer) conversions/worldtime.html


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