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Superior-voip Has Arrived
By Aubrey Wilson
Looking for professional people to expand business worldwide.
After 100 years the Government's & Corporation's have lost the monopoly.
If I could show you how to achieve an income of up to the max allowed $24,000 per week..would you give me 15 minutes of your time? (FREE Online Presentation)superiorvoip is an Irish based wholesale communication company,based in Dublin Southern Why SuperiorVoip is Different to any other Voip Provider. This service will work over any connection whether it is Dial up - Broadband - Wireless - Satellite. Superiorvoip also works on it's own private network and platform using a very high end encryption codex program to assure maximum security and privacy to its user base*. *It is not peer- to- peer technology,if you aren't the only one who uses you PC, or if you have more than one PC in your house/office and are sharing an Internet connection,then you'll want to listen to this.Does anyone who shares your network or PC visit any peer-to-peer sites? If you are not familiar with the term or what it is exactly,here is a quick description: Peer-to-peer file sharing is the method used to share illegally copied movies and music over the Net,it's really popular with teens and college students. Basically what you do is go out and download and install a program from one of these sites.Once it's installed you do search for whatever type of file you want (song,movie,etc) and the software goes through

all the users and comes back with a list of others that have also installed the software and have the file you want. First and foremost,these programs are riddled with Spyware,and if you run any reputable spyware removal on your PC the program will be rendered crippled,this sounds great,but more than likely whoever is using the peer-to-peer file sharing may simply install it again so that they can get some more free stuff. Another nasty thing that these sites do is rob you of bandwith,do you think your nephew or daughter is getting all these files for free?..Nope! it's not called peer-tp-peer file sharing for nothing. In order to download files from others your PC also gets set up to share files by default,so even if you are not actively sharing files,but let's say surfing the Net your PC could be allowing people from across the web to download files from your hard drive. This can become a serious issue not only for your bandwith,but it's not exactly the best security strategy you could put in place. This is bad,and we haven't even talked about the viruses yet,whenever you are downloading files from sites like these you are playing Russian roulette with your PC,especially if you have allowed your antivirus subscription to expire,or you get caught with disabled after a software install. Some food for thought!

About the Author

I live and work in Northern Ireland.
Enjoy Golf,Good music,meeting forward thiking people who enjoy the good things in life.



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