
A basketball team is usually very easy to spot in an airport. They're the tall guys. More so than any other sport, basketball is a game for tall people. The average American male stands 69.4 inches tall, or a shade below 5 feet 10 inches. The average American woman, meantime, is 63.8 inches --- nearly 5 feet 4 inches. But these typical heights would often make you the smallest player on a basketball court. A typical NBA center stands in the 7-foot range. Guards, who are the smallest players on the court, often are above 6 feet tall. The reason: A basketball hoop is 10 feet high; so the taller you are, the more of a built-in advantage you'll enjoy. Endurance

In order to become a successful basketball player, you need to have excellent endurance. In a study performed by the Victoria University of Technology and Australia, players performed 105 "high-intensity efforts" in a standard game, lasting an average of 14 seconds and elevating heart rates near peak levels. It's a fast-paced sport that at times can resemble a track meet in its near non-stop sprinting. Add to all of that the running, jumping, physical contact and other required body motions and you've got a sport for which you need to be in good shape to play well. Athleticism and Agility

While height and endurance will aid your cause, basketball also relies heavily on athleticism. Basketball players often have a prodigious leaping ability, which aids in scoring, rebounding and blocking shots. It also helps you to be agile; the sport requires the ability to change direction frequently and suddenly. In fact, a study conducted by the National Center of Medicine and Science in Sports in Tunisia identified agility as a distinct commonality among the sport's elite players. Strength and Toughness

Though basketball isn't considered a "contact sport" in the same way football is --- you can't tackle a basketball opponent without being penalized --- it does involve a good deal of physical contact. If you don't have the strength and toughness to keep your opponent from overpowering you on both offense and defense, you might struggle to succeed. Mental toughness is important as well; you must have the ability to keep playing with peak confidence even after missing several shots in a row or allowing your opponent to score baskets against your team.

Badminton is a fast paced, exciting sport that is wide spread and for one to become a good badminton player is not extremely difficult. Like almost all sports, playing badminton requires a certain level of physical fitness. A person also must learn all the basics and advanced skills of badminton to become a good player. After learning and fine tuning the skills, it is time to study how to utilize common tactics. The attributes listed above enable a person to excel at the game of badminton. Because badminton involves a lot of running, stopping, and changing directions, it is very easy to become tired while playing. A high level of physical fitness is required for a person to play several games continuously. I usually last only about two games (not very fit, am I?). After two games I usually just stand on the court, rather than running to get the shuttle. Playing badminton requires fitness, but playing often also improves one’s fitness. This is a major reason why people play badminton. A person can’t become a good player if he/she doesn’t know the proper skills. A game cannot be won if the player can’t make an effective return. The more basic skills such as footwork should be learned first, while more advanced techniques such as backhand smashes should be studied after all the basic skills have been mastered. Like many other skills, badminton skills are mastered by a lot of practice. A person can get a better grasp and form on the skills from practicing. The last thing required to become a good badminton player is understanding tactics. Part of this comes from reading books and watching tapes of high level competition, and the other part comes from experience. Understanding tactics is an important part of the game because it allows a player to make it difficult for opponents to return shots and also allows the player to predict where the opponent will hit to. It is much easier to win if a player have a good idea about where an opponent’s return will land, because he/she can counter the shot with less difficulty.

Be in shape. You have to run fast, hit hard and be ready. You have to constantly be working out and training.Learn that one important aspect of training is plyometrics (jumping). A high vertical jump gives a hitter/blocker numerous advantages. By training by jumping rope or squats or tuck jumps, your vertical will increase dramatically. The key is to keep up with it.Practice with a jump rope. This is one of the most amazing tools for general fitness, as it increases endurance, and helps your jumping muscles. Look up some good jump rope routines.Train with agility workouts. You have to be fast enough to react and pass a ball in volleyball.Keep a positive mind set. If you hit a ball out or shank a pass, it's okay. Just move on and focus on the next serve. Volleyball is a mental sport and by getting down, you will greatly impact your game in a negative way.Be alert, even if you are winning with a 10 point lead, the game could easily turn around with a good server.Know where the ball is and who's going to get it. In server receive, the passer should always call the ball before it crosses the net. The setter should be loud and clear if calling help and if not, then she should call her hitter.Go for every ball like its your last hit. Basically give it your all and the benefits will show.Try wall sits. If you "sit on a wall" then your muscles in your thighs will get strong. You need strong thighs in volleyball because you need to squat down a little bit to show that you are down and ready.Encourage your teammates. Say, lets go team, or, way to go! Something like that. You could also say it specifically to that person if they miss a serve or something. Always high five!