who's april??

My name is April

Fun and adventurous, I am the youngest daughter of Eligio P. Valdez jr and mrs. Marita A. Valdez. Like any other typical girl i attended my first school experience when I was 5 years old at Mijares Elementary School as kindergarten after then my family decided that i should continue studying on that same school. At the year 2010 I finally graduated as Fourth honors of our batch followed by many special recognitions such as Most Trustworthy and Most Cooperative Student. By that time i learned a lot in life, and also at that very early age I manage to help my family in many things such as doing house choirs. Also upon graduating my elementary I met and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal saviour.

After my Elementary, I finally stepped into a higher stage of my life which is High school: some says the most exciting part of teenage life. At first i was shy and unable to cooperate with my new classmates maybe beccause I am too much concious andI have no idea about whats happening .Then after having a hard time on my first year, I finally get used to it. I can communicate and aI became the one of the most naughty but still nice student inside our classroom, I even joined some competitions such as Coockfest volleyball tournaments, Quizshows and many more. On the year 2010 me and my friends graduated high scool,and during our graduation Ceremony we didnt expect it when tears fall from our eyes as we finally accepted that wqe are going to part our ways and unable to see each other everyday

Now, I am on my college experience, the hardest and i think also the funniest part. Here in college you will differntiate many things from your high school. Here you cant play "tumbang Preso" or 'patintero' . In college, instructors dont spoon feed students, they just simply talk and talk until the class ends and gives assignments, projects or problem set afterwards. even though it is far different from my past experience i know that someday, somehow i can use to manage it as i am preparing myself for the near future.





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