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Getting around this site - Venues for upcoming hashes in Abu Dhabi | Directions to Abu Dhabi hash sites | YahooGroup info on UAE hashes | Commentary on hashing in Abu Dhabi
Contact info and sports calendar for the UAE and Gulf region: : | Some links to hashing worldwide
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Current as of: September 21, 2008 05:00 gmt

Hash House Harriers in Abu Dhabi

Home of the Wasps HHH

If you run with us please join the
Click the link, then click Join

WASPS are a House House Harriers group with a difference. We run (and some walk, push baby strollers, etc.) and then retire to some location for a quiet meal and beverage, without any of the rigamorole normally associated with more puerile forms of hashing. We start at 5;15 in winter. We charge ten dirhams for a run plus 5 dirhams if you're joining us for a meal. So we differ from other Abu Dhabi hashes in that there is no pressure to remain hours at the run site for ritual circle and food, but you have the option to join us afterwards if you wish, and you also have the option to run with one of the other hashes on Mondays and run with us on Tuesdays. All are welcome. If the format appeals to you and you're at loose ends in Abu Dhabi and in the mood for some exercise, check the link to our run site and join us. On On.

Upcoming Hashes in Abu Dhabi:



When and Where (click for directions)



Our run venues are being updated on our Wasps Wiki:

Receding Hareline: Our run sites these days:



AUH4 - For run details, check the website at



MH3, see Mainland HHH Yahoogroup site at

Click here for contact info for the above three hashes.
More UAE and Gulf hashes

Trophy shoots:

AD Striders race, 9 March, 2007.
Race results and photos can be found at
We had three Wasps come first in their category

"Creek" relay, Feb 23, 2007
Run by the four on the left in the picture below, results and photos are on the website at

We ran Wadi Bih again January 25th, 2008: Vance, Dusty, Joan, Omar, and John Kiernan

Jan 19, 2007 - Wadi Bih Run:
Team members
(Marshals - Liza Green and Nadir Bushnaq):
  • Dick Green
  • Bobbi Stevens
  • Vance Stevens
  • Ali Bushnaq
  • Kevin Garvey

Check out Graeme's web site at

Ali Bushnaq's climb of Mt. Everest URLs

Links to Hash House Harriers worldwide:

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page, contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
under Creative Commons License:

August 13, 2007

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