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Contact info | Other eGroups | Running events calendar | Saturday bike riders in Abu Dhabi

Running, Biking, and Swimming events in the UAE and Arabian Gulf

Upcoming events in the UAE and vicinity:
This page is a personal attempt to keep track of activities of the nature described here taking place in and around the UAE. It is not anybody's 'official' site. However, it links to official sites, and if you search for UAE triathletic sports on Google, etc. you might wind up here, in which case just follow the links for the info you're looking for.

Example weekly events; double check times before turning up ...

Day of the Week



  • In Abu Dhabi, Interval training from 6.30. Meet at car park back of Hilton - see for most current information. This event was reconfirmed in July 2007.
  • Dubai DH3 -, and for all the bumph: - This year the 1300th run coincides with our Xmas run. As in previous years this is a mixed event so all are welcome. The run will be on Tuesday 19th December 2006 at 5 pm. Site will be announced later. There will be the usual teeshirt, food, mulled wine, carol singing, Santa and more. Pressies can be given for Santa to present for the kids or whoever. (no Lamborghinis) Put in your Chrissie diary and hope to see you there.



  • Abu Dhabi Wasps Hash meets each Tuesday now, usually around an hour before sundown ß Follow link for more info This information is correct here as of Sept 2006. It may be listed at the Abu Dhabi Triclub site as Saturday still. I have informed them but as of early Feb 2007 they haven't corrected it yet.
  • Swim training Saturday and Tuesday 5:00 pm, cost 10-15dirhams per session: 2 km swim and coached swimming with Susan at Al Jazira sports club pool,(same building as Jaziera bowling). (as per abu_dhabi_tri_club list posting Apr 17, 2005) Directions: Head down Airport road (2nd st) towards airport. At 19th st go under the bridge as if doing a U turn . Just before you get back on to airport road, there is a street to your right (white signposts), turn right here and then about 10m along is a street to your left. take this and just on your right side is the bowling alley. It's in there. Come in the front door and turn left. . - For location of 'wet place' see map on the abu dhabi triathlon club web site: click "maps" on the upper-right
  • Creek Hash meets in Dubai on Tuesday nights. It's a men only hash, last hour of daylight. Contact, Ian Browning (Ahpisto) 050 4515847 and [email protected] . Web Site:


  • Predictor Run, Abu Dhabi Striders - each Wednesday, 6:00 to register for the run, and 6:10 start for 8 km and 10 km; 6:20 for 3 km and 5 km; six-ish for 15’s. Click here for directions to the New Predictor Site. What's a predictor? You predict your time in 3, 5, 8, 10 or etc. kilometers and run without a watch, liquid assets awarded most accurate guessers. - see for most current information.


From Sept 2006 the public sector workweek in the UAE is Sun-Thu (but this is not uniform for the private sector)

See for events this weekend



Now that Saturday is a weekend day in the UAE, I'm not sure of the new schedule. We can all get it at I'll update these pages when I've done that. Venues change all the time anyway and it's best that you check there for Abu Dhabi Triclub events and not rely on my postings. I believe the events listed below for Muscat should still be on though again, I haven't verified for a couple of years now.
  • Swim training Saturday and Tuesday 5:00 pm, cost 10-15dirhams per session: 2 km swim and coached swimming with Susan at Al Jazira sports club pool,(same building as Jaziera bowling). (as per abu_dhabi_tri_club list posting Apr 17, 2005) Directions: Head down Airport road (2nd st) towards airport. At 19th st go under the bridge as if doing a U turn . Just before you get back on to airport road, there is a street to your right (white signposts), turn right here and then about 10m along is a street to your left. take this and just on your right side is the bowling alley. It's in there. Come in the front door and turn left. . - For location of 'wet place' see map on the abu dhabi triathlon club web site: click "maps" on the upper-right
  • Muscat Hash in Muscat, going strong when I was there Dec, 2001
  • Jebel Hash in Muscat -


Some 2008 events

For more information (and confirmation) on events in the UAE and elsewhere which may or may not be listed below, please visit the Dubai Triclub website at and/or the Abu Dhabi Tri Club homepage at

If you're in Bahrain: check at for competitions there


Triathlete sports in Abu Dhabi

The Abu Dhabi Triathalon Club website is at To get on the ADTC mailing list, send email to Abu-Dhabi Tri-Club [email protected]

Some URLs:

The Bike Ride group originated largely through the efforts of
Veronica Hookstead
who died at age 31, during triathlon swim training in Abu Dhabi September 10, 2000. Veronica is sorely missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. She had just completed her first Lake Placid Ironman/woman Triathalon.

The abu_dhabi_tri_club YahooGroup list welcomes the participation of runners, swimmers, and cyclist in the various hashes, athletic groups, and triathlon competitions in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. The purpose of the list is to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding athletic events involving the triathlete sports. As member of the list you will receive email posted by other members, and you can automatically send email to everyone else on the list. Only members who subscribe to the list can post or receive messages.

· Subscribe to the abu_dhabi_tri_club YahooGroups list at

· Post to the list at [email protected]; subscribe by sending blank email to [email protected], and to unsubscribe, send blank email to [email protected]






Abu Dhabi hashes


For specific pages, click on links at left

· Wasps: Posts information, current into 2008, at and

· Island: .

· Mainland: egroup at and

Abu Dhabi Striders



Now subsumed under the larger umbrella of the Abu Dhabi Triathlon Club

Abu Dhabi Triathalon Club something on each day of the week


Al Ain HHH (A2H3)


Garry Bluff (Bushman) <[email protected]>; fax 03 7625093

 YahooGroup at

Bahrain Cross Country & Road Running Committee (CCRRC)


Mr Adnan Alqassab, Chairman
Tel/Fax: +973 689320
Mobile: +973 9685547
EMail: [email protected]
P.O.Box: 15365, Adliya, Bahrain

Dubai, Creek HHH


Contact, Ian Browning (Ahpisto) 050 4515847 and [email protected]

Creek Hash meets in Dubai on Tuesday nights. It's a men only hash, last hour of daylight.Web Site:

Dubai, Desert Hash


Bums'n'Roses, [email protected], ICQ 33722213; directions to runs (sometimes) in the Sunday Gulf News under the DXB Personal Announcements; YahooGroup at

Dubai Moonshine Hash

Full moon

Simon Dove, aka Wingnut [email protected] or Raymond Caldwell aka Rhode Island Red: [email protected]

Run monthly on night of full moon from various pubs in and around Dubai. 8pm. Cost 5dhs. – [email protected] and a website announced June 2001, Moonshine H3.html and Not Found July 25, 2002

Dubai Tri Club

Serious triathletes in the UAE

Ras Al Khaima HHH

HHH and Annual Wadi Bih event

John Gregory, 03-352126


Kuwait Hashes


Alan Holden, [email protected], ICQ 3817770

Muscat Road Runners The Muscat Duffers are now the Muscat Road Runners organised by Duncan Snell, contact info for MRR is Rob Gardener email [email protected], mobile number 9239658  



'family' HHH, Tim Joseph, Grand Master, Dec 2001, +968-513489


Muscat Jebel Hash,

Saturdays and full moon on Mondays

Ken Moore, [email protected] mobile number 9456765; Steve Miller at [email protected] , web master (Oct 2000)
May 2003: Bruce Marks <[email protected]> mobile number 9036640

The Full Moon Hash of Oman will now run on Mondays. Info can be found at

UAE HHH YahooGroups:

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For comments, suggestions, or further information on this page,
contact Vance Stevens, page author and webmaster.

Last updated: May 26, 2008 03:00 gmt

Copyright 2007 by Vance Stevens
under Creative Commons License:

January 17, 2007

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