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Latest AVP News
June 2003

Our AVP board is currently meeting fortnightly on Thursdays at VAC/GMHC, 6 Claremont Street, South Yarra at 7:00pm as we prepare for the new Anti-Homophobia campaign. All AVP members and interested people are welcome to come along. Please email us to aascertain the date of the meeting. AVP committee meetings are working meetings to guide the progress of the AVP's work in Victoria. More information will be available in our next newsletter which will be snail-mailed and emailed out to all AVP members, and other interested people and organisations who have indicated that they want to keep up-to-date with the latest news from the AVP, during July & August 2003.
Highlights in next months newsletter will include information about the ongoing Speak Out! campaign, information about upcoming campaigns and events, and an undate on violence reports in our communities.

This year we have been actively involved in training of new Gay & Lesbian Liaison Officers at the Airlie police training centre in South Yarra, alongside other community leaders from the VGRL, VAC/GMHC, Seahorse, the ALSO Foundation & P-Flag. Co-convenor Greg Adkins is an active representaive on the City of Stonnington Community Safety Committee, and all AVP committee members have a range of memberships of community groups which extend the anti-violence network beyond the AVP into larger public dmains. Successful meetings have also been held between management/staff representatives of gay/lesbian pubs & clubs about issues surrounding alcohol consumption in GLBT venues and the AVP fully supports the new Drink Spiking campaign jointly run by Victoria Police and CASA House.

Details of the previous "Midsumma Festival" ‘Forum on Violence’ held at St Kilda Town Hall are available. This forum generated discussion on homophobic violence and considered ways for the GLBT communities to mobilise & take a stand against homophobia. Our gratitude for the support of the City of Port Phillip and the former Mayors Darren Ray and Julian Hill, as well as Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police, Christine Nixon for thei input at the forum.

Our funding funding objectives remain clear and should future funding be gained an immediate priority will be to set up a readily accessible office and enhance the violence reporting & referral system which is currently on trial for GLBT individuals who find themselves to be victims of violence.

The AVP committee meets at 7pm on the 2nd Thursday evening each month, however meetings are now fortnightly as we are in "campaign development" mode. We access meeting facilities at the Victorian AIDS Council/Gay Men's Health Centre (6 Claremont Street, South Yarra) - heart-felt thanks from all AVP members are extended to the VAC/GMHC management & staff for their welcoming support!!!

The AVP Co-convenors dialog regularly with Victoria Police and have met with the Chief Commissioner of Police, Christine Nixon. These discussions highlighted the need for a greater understanding of EXACTLY what is happening, when and where, with respect to violence as it affects the GLBT community. Clearly an AVP reporting service is essential. Many, if not most GLBT people experiencing violence have traditionally not trusted the police nor had appropriate access to supports to assist them to report their experiences. We envisaged that an enhanced service would provide the GLBT community with more accurate statistics on the levels of homophobic violence and harassment.

The AVP currently consists of a 13 person Committee which meets monthly. The AVP has become increasingly active in both the mainstream and gay and lesbian communities. AVP activites have included a one day Women’s Safety Consultative Forum organised by the Victorian Office of Women’s Policy; the presentation of a paper at the ‘Context’ conference which explored current practice and research around lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people (at the conference connection was make with teachers, youth workers and health professionals working with same-sex attracted young people in rural as well as urban Victoria.

The AVP's AGM will be held in November or December, 2003 - stay tuned for further information on venue and date. Feel free to explore our aims and objectives. and seriously think about becoming a part of the team.

The AVP continues to receive letters of support from groups as varied as Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (‘PFLAG’) and the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA). 

Contacting the AVP committee and general membership will be easier in the next few weeks when we are included in the community links sections of the MCV and BNewS. Stay tuned for more news on the forthcoming Workshops & Forums. 

Last Modified 25 June 2003.
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