Drum Music, Electronic; with Vince Schaefer High School Marching Band from Brentwood Pennsylvania

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FerruccioFerrucio Busoni, a piano virtuoso was a successor to Liszt, and the superior of Rachmaninoff and Paderewski. Busoniprophet of electronic music - ".....one day, it seemed clear to me that the full flowering of music is frustrated by our instruments ....in their range, their tone, what they can render, our instruments are chained fast and their hundred chains must also bind the composer" 

Pierre Schaeffer Pierre Schaeffer received his diploma from: L'Ecole Polytechnique in France, was the first to loop music!- Inventor of Musique Concrete - engineer and broadcaster had profound effect on music!

Edgard Varese - Varese "refused to submit to sounds that have already been heard". Some of his friends included: Picasso, Duchamp, Lenin Trotsky, Russolo, and many more!
inspired by Busoni and Debussey -
"I long for instruments obedient to my thought and whim, with their contribution of a whole new world of unsusoected sounds, which will lend themselves to the exigencies of my inner rhythm"

Frank Zappa - Zappa was inspired by Varese, and almost got to meet him!thoughts on Varese

Brentwood High School Spartan Marching Band 
   Some of my first music performances were in marching band, under the direction of Tom Booth. He also gave me my first lessons in percussion. Brentwood was an active band participating in many parades and festivals. We were the first high school to have Triple tenors. Actually maybe triple basses would be more appropriate because the sizes were: 16", 18", 20", and in the chromed wood Slingerland hid extra weights to make these babies round out at about 90 pounds. And they were carried with slings!  Vince leads the drumline and band at the Expo, in Spokane Washington! Check out the chrome Ludwig Super Sensitives snare drum.
     I played snare drum my four years in the marching band, providing a solid background for future years of snare drumming with: Finleyville, Steel City, and Silver Sabres.

   A highlight was the Worlds Fair Expo in Spokane Washington. The picture shows the band during a parade at the Expo. As drum sergeant, I blew the whistle to move the band and start the music, like a modern day drum major would. In the picture the next snare is Kenny Knecht, and after that Katey McGannon, two of my best friends. 
    While participating with the band, I wrote 3 or 4 street cadences for the drumline, which were still being played when I heard the band, 20 years after I graduated. I also arranged: 'One Fine Morning' for the Macey's Thanksgiving day parade. These were my first attempts at writing and arranging music, and it's very exciting to me that they got much good use from the material, and many got to hear its' simplicity for years after I graduated. Other drummers I marched with include: Ron Tomnay, Art Crivella, Dave Hertzog, Don Wenzel, Dale McCorkle,  Leo Dressel, and others.
      I can't forget the direction early in my drumming life provided by some of the 'senior drillmasters' especially drummers: Mike Pace and Paul Laur who really provided foundation for the years of drumming to come. Mike and Paul were also the drum set players, and had performing projects including the 'Chicago' style band: Survival, which was some of my first experience watching good set drummers up close. 
Other memorable drillmasters involved helping to keep Brentwood band great were: Mark Coticchia,  Joe Kammermier, Bob Lee, PJ Arbogast Jr., Sue Morgan, Jim Mohan, Patty Wilmot, Joy Morgan, Mike Gula, Linda Acheson, Debbie Brunett, Sue Werthheimer, Barb Eisenbarth, Lauri Emery, Denny Flanigan, Rege Gill, Linda Rossini, Tom Grden, Patty Milewski, Bob Mitchell, John Stewart, Kathy Mitchell, Donna Sartorio, Kim Tennyson, Louise Halapatz, Marilyn Kleinsmith, Bob Mitchell, Sue Collins, and Bob Pollitt. Great memories learning to march and play music, from bandcamp at Thiel college!

    Some of the friends from my years marching and performing include: Joe Kammermier, Tom Gimper, Eric Bold, Dave Zern, (also played guitar in many of my first 'jam sessions') Lisa Yovetich, (piano player) Mark Coticchia, Casie Porto, Lynn McNamee, Jim Zern, Jim Smith, Sue Lee, Sue Murphy, Mary Strable, Sue Collins, Karen Silk, Donna Zmuda, Regina Gemperle, Archie Bradshaw, (my favorite bass player)  Keith Knecht, Steve Lewandoski, Kellen Hodge, Lori Crocco, Luanne Stosic, and Marianne Scovron. I can still picture a couple more faces, but can't find the names in my brain; so if you're missing from the list.....e-mail me to refresh my memory! [email protected] 

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