Getting to the Urogenital System



Getting Started

Removing the reproductive organs is not as frustrating as finding lymph nodes. But it is no walk in a park either. You've done great thus far, so there is no reason to believe that you can't pass this test with flying colors. After opening up the body cavity, you are going to start with what presents itself first, in this case the easiest object to extract from the mouse is going to be the urogenital system. You will see a pouch budding up under the intestines, this is the bladder and will be your starting point.








It's A Boy!!!

First, let's discuss the more difficult male system.

1. Located posteriorly to the bladder are the scrotal sacs containing the testes. Free the testes from their anchors of fat, careful to include the epididymal capsules and gently move it up toward the abdominal cavity.

2. As you do so, the ductus deferens will follow and you can severe it at the point it joins the urethra near the prostate. Obviously, place it in a preservative if you wish to save it.

3. Next, you have to remove the fat and muscles hiding the pelvic arch from view. You should be able to see the penile sheath threaded through the hole in the pelvic arch.

4. With a dull pair of scissors reserved for cutting bone or with bone cutters, gently cut through the pelvic arch on the each lateral side of the penile sheath removing the resulting bone chip.

5. You now have a nice little canal to gently peel the seminal vesicles, bladder, prostate, penile sheath, and bulbourethral gland down and out. Through the entire process, use care with your instruments in order to prevent compression or tears. A great handle for the male system is the penile sheath posterior to the prostate.

It's A Girl

Female Anatomy
The female anatomy is not as complicated and therefore not as difficult to remove.

1. Once again make two cuts through the pelvic arch, forming a canal to remove the uterus.

2. Free the Y shaped uterus from the surrounding fat, remembering to include the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

3. Using the fat or the uterus itself, pull the structure down through the canal, cutting any anchors as you go.

4. Once you get below the pelvic arch, use you scissors to free the rectum from the vaginal canal.

5. Rinse with saline and lay flat on paper, leaving it intact. Place the paper in preservative.

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Site designed, written, and selected pictures illustrated by Erin Parsoneault, inspired by D.E.Devor-Henneman, and edited/mentored by Dr. J.M.Ward

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