Photography Portfolio

Take a look at my collection of photography!

About my photographs

Photography is definitely a simple pleasure for me. I love to draw inspiration from my photos and the experiences that I had when I took the pictures.

Subject Matter

Photos of architecture are probably the most interesting to me due to the heavy use of shapes, lines, and color. Photographed people don't normally rely on the heavy usage of shape or line, but they do frequently rely on color to help themselves stand out from the crowd and background.

Lighting, Shading, and Highlights

This is probably the most significant aspect to photography because every photo is reliant on at least decent lighting to make the subject(s) stand out or even appear. Lighting, shading, and highlights additionally provide the subject(s) depth, texture, shape, etc.

Depth of Field

To help push a subject forward, I believe that tweaking depth of field is a great method to achieve this. It helps the subject stand out from the background or it can be used to pull the background forward.

Latest Work


Parking Lot Coffee Stand

Parking Lot Coffee Stand, William Rail, 2016, Photograph
Building and Crane

Building and the Crane

Building and the Crane, William Rail, 2016, Photograph

A little about me!

I love to create comics and games from start to finish; I enjoy spending time with my family and friends; I'm addicted to the rush of playing competitive games; I'm almost always analyzing market trends whether it's past, present, or looking at potential futures; and I'm always excited to watch action and horror movies!

Get in touch with me!

William Rail
7117 SE Sterling Ln.
Hillsboro, OR 97123
P: 971-217-2298

Need help with a project?