Carl "Obi-Wan" Zenobi
Age: 21
Auxiliary Percussionist

"To me, high quality music is like fine wine; it gets better with age, yet it still tastes like ass." - Carl Zenobi
Carl also holds the title for the guy who has been in the most bands.  He has, at one time or another, been a member of:  Waitless, Poodle Mouth, The Keck and Carl Revue, Poodle Mouth Allstars, JHO, The Niner Boys, Pink Sweater, Rotating Pies, Less-Wait, The Apple Complex, Carl Likes Girls, Cloudy Cloud, Dogboy, and Bophus.
Because of the fact that Carl is in so many bands, it was hard to find time to meet with him one-on-one.  Luckily, I was able to hitch a ride with him in his car on his way to another band practice.  It seemed as though the pressure of being in 38 bands was started to get to him....

Interviewer:  Well, Mr. Zenobi, you are quite the busy guy.  How do you find the time to be in so many bands?  How do you keep them all in balance?

Carl:  It's not easy, I'll tell you that.  HEY BUDDY!! Stay in your own lane!!..........but seriously, I love all my bands, it's definitely worth the trouble.

I.  It's rare to find an auxiliary percussionist in a rock band.  Any comments on that?

C.  HEY JERKASS!!! The light is green!! GO!!  Oh, sorry, yeah, it's a little different, but where is it written that a band must only include the conventional guitar, drums and bass?  I think it adds a whole new dimension to the music.

I.  Um.....I think you're being pulled over.

C.  For real??  Oh shit.....

Cop:  Liscence and registration please?

Carl:  What the hell did I do now??

Cop:  Failure to stop at a pedestrian cross-walk.  Exceeding the speed limit by 20 mph.  Changing lanes without signaling.  Intentionally driving through someone's backyard to avoid a red light...

Carl:  There's no way you can prove that was intentional.

Cop:  Step out of the car please, sir.

(The rest of this interview was confiscated as evidence and will be returned after the trial has concluded.)
The Carl Interview:
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