Waitless in cartoon form (just in case you couldn't tell).....by Brian Craig
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Welcome to the Waitless Home Page. First of all, congrats for finding the site in the first place. Secondly, if you're here, then that means that you are somewhat interested in finding out more about your favorite Alternative/Pop band. Well, I'll just assume you are, and why shouldn't you be? After all, what else are you gonna do on the net? Look for porn? Yeah, I know, that comes later.  Anyway, for those of you still here, and can tolerate my stupid sense of humor, sit back, relax, take your shoes off, and surf one of the coolest sites around.
Links to Other Bands:
The Joe Houpert Orchestra: A local band which includes the former bass player of Waitless. Check it out.
Dog Boy: This is a band that Steve plays the drums in and Carl plays percussion.  The style is a blend of jazz, funk, and rock.
[email protected]
# of hits to date:
No Day At the Beach
Update:  The album is friggin done!!  No word yet on when it'll be ready to give out, but it's defnitely been worth the wait. 
Band Info:
Click here to read about Carl
Click here to read about Kyle
Click here to read about Mike
Click here to read about Greg
Click here to read about Steve
The Eric Schwan Page!
New Waitless Album
Band Pics
Useless Waitless Trivia Quiz
The Niner Boys Sitcom
The Keck and Carl Revue
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