Technically, we don't even really count "No Day at the Beach" to be our first album.  Don't get me wrong, the songs are great, but the quality blows.  We fixed that though, with the purchase of our brand new digital 16-track recorder.  It's taken forever, but in a few short weeks, the new album should be completely done and ready to listen to.  It will include 11 brand new tracks.  Below is a listing of the songs.  Only hardcore Waitless fans will actually know these songs by name, but I guess this entire page is just for hardcore fans anyway, so who cares?
Track List:

Waiting Here For You
Something I Said
Maybe It's Me
One Time Round
In My Back Pocket
The Best For You is Better For Me
Somehow, Someway, Someday
Asleep Beneath the Deep
You Don't Own Me

Carrying no weight
She never hesitates
To pick me up and put me back together again
Here through thick and thin,
She's just like oxygen
She fills my space with all the air that I need

And never wanting more
Then what I can afford
To give her of my free time
It's like she reads my mind
And can always help me find the long way back to our home

And I know
That she knows
I will never let her go
Waiting Here For You

Stand back, I think I'm gonna blow up
Tonight, if you don't get outta my face
Right now, or are you ready for what happens next?
And if you think I'm joking, you're a fool
To believe anyone else but me
I'm begging you please

Can't you see that this is fate?
You're all I got in this place

I'm so all alone on the inside
There's no one here but me
I'm so all alone on the inside
Just take a look and see
But I'm standing here, so sad and blue
And there's not a thing that I can do
I'm so all alone on the inside
And I'm waiting here for you

I know all your friends think I'm wrong for you
But when I look in your eyes I can't deny that what we have is real
And if you are willing to roll the dice
I know that we can make it through whatever we do

So it all comes down to this
I can only have one wish
So I'll choose you
If you want me to...
Something I Said

It must've been something I said
To make you react that way
It's just that I've noticed a change
In your attitude today
And no day after day
It seems like you no longer care
For anyone or anything
Especially for yourself
And as your attention starts to stray
My suspicions start to raise
About all the lies you feed me
You're never where you say you'll be

Cause you're out with him
When you should be with me
You left me alone tonight thinking how stupid can I be?

We were lovers before friends
But the end is what you hoped for
Waiting for me to leave
So you can begin to deceive
This trust I placed in you
Would only come back to hurt me

Cause you think of him
When you're with me
Tonight I sleep alone, knowing I can never be
Something I could never be

Which is someone you could control
I gave you my heart but you wouldn't let go
This is hard but I need to know

Did you really love me?
Did you ever love me?
The answer is found from within
But I think that we disagree
Cause love is something you cannot see

I stopped in to say hello
But you could only say goodbye
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother at all
Cause my efforts go unnoticed
I'm just another face in the crowd
No different than any other fool
In this town

And you never see what it takes to be
The man who stands before you today
So tell me why
I should stick around

When all you do is drive me away
It's what you love to do
And all you do is drive me away
So I can't be near you
And all you do is drive me away
No matter what I do

You think you are the center of this earth we all live on
And your actions could never hurt anyone
But I learned your shallow waters
Made it easy for me to drown
And now I find I'm safer back here on dry ground

And after all we've been through
I've decided to give up
On trying to
Get close to you
Maybe It's Me

Yes was the answer
Now what was the question?
I guess I should've been paying attention
How do I get myself into these situations?
Yes was the answer
Now what...
Was the question?

It's a wonder that I've lived this long
When every choice I make in life is wrong
I'm always a day late and a dollar short
Missed the bus again, forgot to hand in my report

And people say it's got to be
Some sort of mental indefficiency
But I'd have to disagree

Here I am once again
Bailing out another so-called friend
They do the crime and I pay the time
I started out in front but now I'm last in line

Well I guess this is my destiny
To be the King of Mediocrity
I know now I'll never see
Just exactly what is wrong with me
One Time Round

You belong to him
But will you dance with me?
Just one time round
I promise he won't notice a thing
There is something I must say to you
I know now's not the best time
But no other time will do

So I look in your blue eyes
As you listen to my suprise

Please dance with me
Just one time round
There is something I have to say to you
Before you go walking out that door
Please dance with me
Just one time round

The music starts to slow
But we don't care
The floor has now emptied
As everyone sits and stares
Watching from their chairs
They begin to see
The song is now over,
But you're still holding on to me

So you look in my brown eyes
Cause you know I cannot lie

Please dance with me
Just one time round
There is something I have to say to you
Before you go walking out that door
Please dance with me

Just one time round
Is all I really need
Just one time round
Will make you believe
Believe me...
In My Back Pocket

I think I've got, I've got you right
In my back pocket
But I don't
Wearing my heart on my sleeve
I know you won't let me go
Cause you won't

But you will make me chase you down
Every street in this damn town
And I will
Cause I want to
Yeah I want to

Watching you, watching me
Do you like what you see?
I think you do
Together on the couch we sleep
But I won't wake to hear your feet
Hit the floor

As you're running down
The streets of town
That you make me chase you down
Cause I want you
Yeah I want you

I would chase you down
Wherever you would go
Even if you wouldn't want me to be
I'd be right behind you
The Best For You is Better For Me

This is our last goodbye
Now babe, don't start to cry
Cause you know those tears ain't real
It's impossible for you to feel
Anything for anyone
Other than yourself

I hope you understand
This is not how I planned
To break the news to you
I hope that we can still be friends
But even thought I know we won't
I just thought I'd ask you today

And someday, babe
I know that you will see
That in the end
This was the best for you
And it was better for me

Yes I'm serious
I meant everyword I said
Are you delirious?
Why can't you get it through your head?

That was our last goodbye
No tears I saw you cry
We both knew our love couldn't last
Now we're a part of each other's past
And I think that's the way it was meant to be,
Somehow, Someway, Someday

I met you only yesterday
But I know that you're the one for me
And if you'd only let me show you how
Happy we could be
Well then I'd promise you
That I would never let you down
So anytime you call me baby
I will always be around

The situation's in my hands
So how can I get you to understand?

Somehow, someway, somday
We will be, you'll see
Somehow, someway, someday

You met me only yesterday
But I've noticed just how you look at me
And it's what's behind those eyes that I
Cannot wait to see
So what is it that's keeping you
From walking towards the things you want
I can hear your footsteps
Down the hall way
But will you take the plunge?

The situation's in my hands
So how can I get you to understand?

Somehow, someway, someday
We will be, you'll see
Somehow, someway, someday
Asleep Beneath the Deep

Once I thought there was a way
Of convincing you that you should stay
Instead you went and ran away
So I had to let you go

Alone I rocked her in my chair
Acting like I didn't care
That you had deserted me
And left me on my own

But inside I was really lost
Trying to make sense of this
Tragedy I hold so close
But I'll never understand

For reasons that you didn't give
Of doing what it was you did
Will always be a mystery
That I could never solve

Cause you've gone to sleep beneath the deep
You're too far down for me to reach
But your secret I will always keep
Cause your trust I never could breech
You've gone to sleep beneath....
Beneath the deep
You Don't Own Me

I can't take this any longer
Your orders I refuse to obey
And I've decided that this is over
Your abuse finally stops today cause....

You don't own me
You don't own me
You don't own me but you think you do
You don't own me, but you owe me
Give me back, give me back, give me back the rest of my life

Now you're only sad and lonely
And it's something that you hate to be
Round your finger, you couldn't keep me
When you weren't looking I managed to break free
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