Eric Schwan
Age: 20

"Greg Keck is awesome!!!!!!"  Eric Schwan
(he hasn't given me an actual quote yet, so I just made one up. It sounds like something he COULD say............right?)
Eric has graced the following bands with his presence:  Waitless, The Elderly Stalkers, Art Pit, Major Tom, JHO, The Niner Boys, Concentric, The Apple Complex, and The Pompei Rock N Roll Allstars.
The Eric Interview

Eric:  I've never been interviewed before.  This is pretty exciting.

Interviewer:  It sure is.  Just so you know, I plan on asking the hard-hitting questions and probing deep to get the straight-forward answers.

E.  Ok, ask away.  I'm ready for it.

I.  What's your favorite Pokemon?

E.  Pokemon?

I. know....."pocket monsters"....which one is your favorite?

E.  Um...I'm not sure.  I never really watched the show.

I.  Hmm....interesting.  And how does that make you feel?

E.  Excuse me?

I.  Did you have a bad childhood?

E.  No.......but I don't see how these questions relate to me being in Waitless.

I.  If you were a tree.....what is your bowling average?

E.  145.....I, I play the keyboard, you know.....

I.  Do you believe in love at first sight, and if so, don't you think that $8.50 is ridiculous for a movie ticket??

E.  Are these considered "hard-hitting" questions?

I.  Hey! I'll do the questioning around here!

E.  Sorry.

I.  Do you ever wonder if, when you die and you see God sneeze, that you won't know what to say?

E.  No.

I.  Me neither.  What is your stance on bookshelves?

E.  They.....hold your books?

I.  Interesting theory.  Paper or plastic?

E.  Paper?

I.  Regular or decaf?

E.  Um....regular.

I.  Cash or charge?

E.  Please stop.

I.  Democrat or Republican?

E.  Shut up.

I.  Letterman or Leno?

E.  Stop talking.  I want to leave.

I.  What are some of your musical influences?

E.  Excuse me?  Did you just ask me a music-related question?

I.  Oops, sorry.  I read that wrong.  I mean to say, "What celebrity would you rather meet: Tom Hanks or Bob Saget?"

E.  *sigh* ........Bob Saget.
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