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Introduction Gallery

When the Artist Marianna immigrated to Canada from Hungary during the 1980's, the profound cultural diversity between her native home and her new home formed a harsh adjustment in her personal energy. To balance this, Marianne turned toward creative expression and began to transform her emotions into unique pieces of decorative art. Marianna realized that not only did she have a talent and a skill, but she immensely enjoyed creating! Employing mixed media into her pieces, Marianna utilizes texturing, brushing, sponging, roller painting, glazing, wallpapering, marbleizing, staining and many other techniques while she works. She has the ability to transform her visions into pieces of art that enhance as well as compliment their surroundings.

Marianna is a skilled Interior Decorator and most enjoys commissions to create her signature “Wall of Art”. The “Wall of Art” is a custom designed wall-sized mural created directly upon a client's wall. Marianna is insightful and resourceful with endless ideas and is happy to provide professional references from satisfied clients. For details please contact us. But do not forget the limit is the imagination, what could be done in Your home with her unique wall technique.

In her personal life, Marianna resides in London , Ontario and is an industrious promoter of contemporary Canadian art. She enjoys quiet times with her husband Milan , her son Emerson and a supportive network of friends.


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