Egypt, Cairo and the Pyramids

In July we went to Cairo on our way to Thailand, a brief transit stop-over on the way to Asia. On our way back we had a day and a half, the time had to be exploited as good as possible. We got time to visit the Giza plateau with the great pyramids and the Sphinx and in the afternoon a trip to the Bazaar before drinks in the sunset by the Nile.

Below you find a map of Egypt. It isn't much I have seen yet, Egypt is one of the places I have to visit again. Please click on my sponsor on the top of my pages to encourage me in writing these stories.

Do also check out my awesome holiday in Africa, USA, round Europe and Brazil and Thailand.

[PIC of Egypt]

[ In transit | The Giza plateau | The Bazaar ]

[PIC Of Peer] Peer Wandel Hansen

Here's a bit about the travelers: My name is Peer Wandel Hansen, I work for IBM in Allerød, 20 miles north of Copenhagen. Here are my Homepage and the rest of the w3masters ..

[PIC of Shehab] Shehab Zenussi

I am Shehab Zenussi.

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[email protected] [Mail] August 16'th, 1999

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