About Our Company

Timeless Photography was founded in 1998 and has been providing high quality photography services and products ever since.

Located at 100 Main Street in Woodbury CT our on-site portrait study is ready to handle all of your portrait needs.

We also specialize in Event Photography and are ready to help you create a package for your most important occassions. Photo and Video services are available to help you create timeless masterpieces which capture your most precious memories.

Need photos of your merchandise for your website? Photo's of your facility and products for your company brochure? Our Commercial Photography services can help you build your business.

Our Photo Products can help you create amazing custom gifts or items for your business.

Why Hire a Pro?

Watch these brief video to learn about the benefits of hiring a professional photographer. Want to know more about Professional Photographers of America? Visit their homepage at PPA.com

Site Development Process

This page was developed to display the products and services Timeless Photography has to offer to it's customers.

To create this page I:
- Identified what content the company needed to have included on the page to meet customers needs and expectations.
- Developed six webpages to create a logical structure for the site content.
- Created a standard two column framework to apply to six webpages.
- Created standardized styles by creating a CSS style sheet file which was linked to the six webpages.
- Submitted a raw version of the site for peer-review.
- Developed content for each page, based on recommendations, to provide the business with an online presence which would please it's customer.

Conent and resources used to develop this page were provided by the IT270 course curriculum from SNHU and W3Schools.com.

Final Product

Since Timless Photography is a photography business, I wanted to include an element on the pages which portrays that, which is why the navigation buttons are strips of 35mm film. The title photo was designed to be simple and match well with the color scheme of the site, while also including basic contact information so the customer can easily find it. The main header of each page provides the page title. The general design of each page is the same to provide continuity, making it easier for the user to navigate. The color scheme I choose was black and gold. The black represents the blackroom where photos are developed. The gold represents memories which are more precious than all of the gold in the world. Both of these colors also allow for the use of white text, providing high contrast which helps ensure the user can read every word. To bring more elegance to the page I choose to use a calligraphy font for the various headers and Times New Roman for the text of the body.

Web Pages:
- The Home Page contains a simple collage of some of the company’s best work in order to draw customers in. I left the page simple and uncluttered in an attempt to not overwhelm the vistor.
- The Appointment page contains a form which provides the user with an easy way to submit a requests and tables were used to create calendars which provide the customer with information about appointment availability.
- The photo slideshow on the Photo Portfolio page was used to reduce clutter on the page while still allowing the user to view several photos. Music was also added to the page to set the mood while browsing the photos.
- The Products and Services page uses a table to provide information about Timeless Photography's various offerings.
- The FAQ page provides users with a Form to submit any questions they might have to Timeless Photo. As questions are received and answered those questions will be addedd to the FAQ page, thus building a database FAQ's.
- This About Our Company page provides a some brief information about Timless Photography and what it has to offer. It also includes an embedded YouTube video which explains to customers how they benefit from hiring a professional photographer. Finally it provides details about the process which took place during the development of the website, as well as what changes and enhancements could be expected in the future.

Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

As Timeless Photography grows, it's site will need to grow and change as well to fill the businesses needs and align with the it's image. While it is too early to know what all of those changes are, there are some things that can be done in the near future to enhance the site and provide the customer with more content.

Those changes and enhancements are:
- Make the calendar on the Appointment Page an active calendar which updates automatically when someone submits a request for an appointment.
- Create folder for the Photo Portfolio page to categorize and group the companies photo's in a logical order, allowing the customer to view examples of the types of photos they are interested in.
- Add more content to the Home Page which will help draw customers in and make them want to explore the site.
- Add more content to the Products and Services page, allowing customers to obtain price estimates and view the various products they can purchase.
- Load the FAQ page with questions that are likely to be asked and add search functionality.