(Story 2 in the, Make It Stop series.)
Joss� toys, just playing here.
W/B ( nc17-intense drama and serious naughty)
Summary: Willow wants to hurt herself. Buffy takes control.

Xander paced the floor.
�Sweetie, you are going to wear a hole in the carpet,� Anya said, watching him from the sofa.
�Where are they? What if something�s-�
�Nothing has happened.� She cut him off.
He stopped mid pace and looked at her.
�It�s Willow,� he softly stated, his eyes showing his fear.
Anya stood and walked over to him. Wrapping her arms around him, she hugged him tight.
�Buffy will find her. She loves her and needs her and will move heaven and earth to bring her home.�
Returning the embrace, he nodded, closing his eyes and saying yet another silent prayer. This time, however, he added a big thank you for the woman in his arms. What would he do without her?
�They�re here!�
Dawn�s excited voice rang through the air bringing the hug to end and Tara and Giles into the room.
�Is she ok?� Xander nervously asked, walking over to the window where the youngest Summers stood peering out.
�She looks ok. She�s walking,� Dawn answered.
He sighed in relief and thanked God his best friend was alive and home. He knew better than to think she was ok, but that was something he couldn�t help with�a fact that made him crazy.
�Buffy doesn�t look too happy,� Anya noted, as she watched the Slayer, the witch and the vampire come up the walkway.
Giles, Tara and Xander exchanged a look and Xander turned to his girlfriend. She nodded her understanding and he put a hand on Dawn�s shoulder.
�Hey, Dawnster, what do ya say about camping out with Anya and me tonight.� It was more a request than a question.
Before she could answer, the front door opened and in came Willow, Buffy right behind her, Spike bringing up the rear.
�Upstairs, now,� the Slayer�s voice was all business.
Willow hit the stairs without blinking, not giving anyone even the slightest of a glance. All eyes fixed on Buffy, who was more upset and angry then any of them had ever seen. It was painfully quiet, the sound of Spike closing the door cutting through the silence with bone chilling grace.
�Xander, Anya,� Buffy finally spoke. �Can Dawn spend the night with you?�
�Buffy,� her sister began, �what�s wrong? Is Willow ok?�
�Sure, Buf, I was just asking Delta Dawn here if she wanted to camp out at our place, wasn�t I, Dawn?�
Dawn didn�t answer, instead holding her eyes on her big sister.
�Dawn, I want you to go with them,� Buffy said, taking her hand.
�But Willow-�
�Is going to be just fine, I promise.�
She pulled Dawn into a hug and held her for a minute. Giles removed his glasses and headed into the kitchen. Spike stepped over to Tara, took her hand and followed the watcher.
�Ok, I will call you in the morning,� Buffy said, letting go of Dawn and opening the door.
�Buffy, I don�t have my stuff. I need to go up and get my pajamas, my toothbrush.�
Buffy shot Anya a help me look, to which the ex demon quickly replied.
�You can borrow a pair of my pjs, Dawn. I have the cutest pair. They have little monkeys on them.�
�And we can stop and pick up a toothbrush,� Xander added, seeing how desperate Buffy was to get Dawn away from there. �I need to pick one up for myself. I want a Spongebob. And they have toothpaste to match. Now you can have good dental hygiene and look cool while you�re doing it.�
Dawn looked from Anya, to Xander and back to Buffy, and decided not to argue.
�Cool,� she said, giving them a smile.
Buffy sighed, gave her sister another hug and let her go.
�Thank you,� she whispered to Anya, giving her a hug as well.
�Anytime,� Anya whispered back and then joined Dawn on the porch.
Buffy and Xander looked at each other, no words needing to be said. They hugged tightly and then he left, closing the door behind him. Buffy sighed deeply and went into the kitchen.
�Are you alright?� Giles asked, concerned.
�Spike told you?� she mused, ignoring his question.
Tara nodded.
�Buffy, if there is anything I can do?� she said.
Buffy managed a small smile.
�You both have done so much already. Thank you for sitting with Dawn tonight. And Spike, thank you again, for helping me find her.�
The vampire waved a hand.
�Don�t mention it, Slayer. You know I got a soft spot for Red.� He took Tara�s hand. �Come on, Pet, let�s go home.�
Tara gave Buffy a one arm hug, said good night to Giles then left with Spike. Buffy walked over to the fridge and retrieved a small bottle. Giles watched but said nothing. After removing the lid, she took a healthy sip, made an ick face then returned it to the shelf.
�Even cold that stuff still tastes nasty.�
�Buffy, perhaps you should wait until tomorrow, when you are not quite as upset.�
�I could wait a year and I would still be this upset. I caught her, Giles, caught her begging that creep to�to�to hit her!�
The words cut through her like broken glass and she felt the tears well up in her eyes. Giles approached her and pulled her to him, his arms embracing her. Tears were close to falling from his own eyes as the memory of what Spike had told him echoed in his ears.
After nearly three hours of searching, he and Buffy had found Willow at one of Sunnydale�s less than presentable dives, a hole in the wall bar known as, DJs. There the redhead was looking desperately for someone to feed her need to be hurt.
It was enough to break his heart�especially since she had been doing so well as of late. She and Buffy had worked it out so when the need did arise, they could take care of it in a safe way. And it had been working. It had been nearly a month since Willow had harmed herself and all of them were thrilled. Buffy in particular was ecstatic� seeing her love cut and bruise free was what she wanted more than anything.
�I�m sorry,� Buffy muttered, breaking away from him and wiping her eyes.
�There is nothing to be sorry for, Buffy,� he assured her, removing his glasses and wiping his own eyes.
�Why don�t you go home, Giles, I know you are exhausted. You put in a lot of search time yourself tonight.�
�I can stay if you need me to.�
She shook her head.
�I�m fine, promise. I drank the stuff so it�s ok. In two minutes I�ll be Buffy the mellow vampire slayer.�
Giles studied her face. She was trying to be brave but he could see how bad she was hurting. His mind drifting back to Willow, he thanked God for manhatta root, calre herbs and the little old gypsy lady who had taught him what to do with them. Thanks to her, Buffy could take care of Willow without any danger of hurting her. A simple yet unique mix of herbs and magic and the Slayer had a nifty little cocktail that guaranteed total and complete calmness while she tended to her girlfriends special needs. It was something his Slayer was eternally grateful to have. Buffy could never say no to Willow and was willing to do anything to help her love. But she was greatly concerned about harming the redhead and realized that, in a situation such as this one, her emotions could very easily become a problem. Having a sip of Slayer Calm, as it had been dubbed, put those worries to rest.
�Giles, get out of here.�
Buffy�s voice jolted him out of his thoughts and he looked at her.
�If you are sure,� he said, checking to make sure she was.
�Giles, if I didn�t know any better, I�d think you wanted to hang around and watch me spank my girlfriend.�
�Do lock up,� he clepped, putting his glasses back on as he hurried to the front door.
Buffy had to chuckle at his hasty exit, but it didn�t last very long. She had a beautiful redhead to punish and did she ever plan on punishing her! As the events of the evening flashed through her mind, she knew the cocktail had kicked in. Although she was extremely upset at the thought of her Willow doing what she had done, she had a handle on it. And she knew she could go upstairs and take care of things without any worry.

placed the wooden paddle on the bed and sat down next to it. She knew she was in for it and that she deserved every ounce of it. Going to that sleazy dive had not been one of her best ideas. And getting caught there by her girlfriend, who just happened to show up just in time to hear her begging some creepy jerk to hurt her, had to qualify as the worst moment ever in her life. Glancing down at the wood next to her, she shivered.
Why hadn�t she gone to Buffy and told her she was having a bad night? Why did she decide this time to not confide in her lover? Buffy had always taken care of her, always given her exactly what she asked for. And Willow knew that wasn�t easy for her girlfriend. But Buffy did it, every time without complaining. All Willow had to do was ask. There were times when she didn�t even have to do that. There were days when Buffy just knew. There had been nights when the Slayer had come home from patrol, looked into her love�s eyes, taken her by the hand and guided her over her dust covered lap. Buffy knew how to take care of her and went to great lengths to make sure she did. She even had Giles make a special potion, to make sure she was always in control when she tended to her lover. The last thing Buffy ever wanted to do was to hurt her.
Even now, even though she knew she was about to face one very, very angry Slayer, Willow knew she was in no danger. However she did know, from experience, that tonight�s spanking would not be their usual, preventive medicine. No, tonight she was going to be punished and although she knew no real harm would come to her, she knew quite well that sitting for the next few days would most definitely require a pillow.
Her thoughts came to a halt as she heard approaching footsteps. Despite the fact that she was about to be punished and it was well deserved it, the redhead found herself feeling a bit warm and fuzzy in places. This wasn�t a new thing. Lying across Buffy�s lap more often than not, led to eventual warm and fuzzies as the badness gave way to a glorious goodness. And nearly every time, love making did follow the spanking, both parties hungry for each other in a way neither had ever known. The punishment sessions were no different.
There had been only three, before tonight, the first occurring when Buffy had walked in on her slicing her stomach with a razor. Thankfully, the Slayer had kept her cool enough to not injure the redhead despite having no potion. But she had spanked Willow rather hard and although she had been assured by her girlfriend that it was not only what she needed but what she deserved, for not coming to her and telling her how she was feeling, Buffy still felt guilty. That was when she went to Giles and asked for help.
From then on, she never punished Willow without taking the potion first. Personally, Willow would have liked Buffy to lose it, to go beyond spanking and really beat her. She had even asked the Slayer once. That was the second time she found herself in punishment position, Buffy assuring her that if she ever, ever asked that again, she would need a skin graft on her ass.
Being the intelligent gal she was Willow dropped that question from her vocabulary. Yes, she craved the need to be hurt, but even that need wasn�t stronger than a Slayer threat. And besides, Willow wasn�t always in the, hurt me state. A lot of the time, she was just regular, ol� Willow, net gal and super witch. It was just sometimes, sometimes the badness came and with it, the need.
Green eyes met hazel as Buffy came into the room, closing the door behind her. Willow wanted to tell her how sorry she was, to admit how stupid she had acted. But she remained quiet. Buffy had that look, the one that told the redhead talking would only make it worse. So she sat quietly and waited.
Buffy walked over to the bed, her eyes never leaving her girlfriend. She wanted nothing more than to take Willow in her arms and hold her forever. But that had to wait. Willow had put her very life in danger, not to mention, not come to her when she was obviously having a tough time. And for both of those things, she had to be punished. It was how it worked, what the woman she loved more than life itself needed. If she slacked off, allowed Willow to get away with hurting herself even one time, Buffy knew that one time could be the last. And there was no way, while she had a breath in her, that she was going to let that happen. There was no way she would lose her Willow.
�Stand up,� she ordered, her voice firm, serious.
Willow did as told, the knowledge of what was about to happen sending a mixture of fear and lust throughout her entire body. It was a highly erotic blend that had her ready to wet her self.
�Jeans, off,� was the next command and she quickly followed, removing them and tossing them aside.
Once they were off, she looked back at Buffy who was remaining the picture of cool, even though the sight of the redhead standing in front of her, clad only in a tee shirt and white undies, was enough to make her body scream for attention. It was true she had been more than a little concerned when they had started this, experiment. And even now, she still found it somewhat hard to cause her lover any amount of pain, no matter how much good it was doing. However that was a fading thing, to some degree, now that she knew how turned on her Willow got while being spanked. She got more than turned on, actually. By the time Buffy was finished with her little bottom, the redhead was like a bitch in heat�her bitch. And that Willow was a far cry better than hurt me Willow. Buffy hid a smile. They were both hers and she loved them with everything she had, everything she was.
�Over the bed,� came next, to which the witch complied, bending over the side of the bed, resting her elbows on the mattress.
She took a few deep breaths, and tried to decide whether or not she wanted Buffy to notice how wet she was. She came to the conclusion that it didn�t matter, for she who wields the wood could see all at this angle. Buffy, for her part, could not only see how wet her lover was, but slayer senses ablaze, could smell the lust. It filled her like a sweet drug, causing her to actually catch her breath more than once.
�Present that ass, witch,� she ordered, nearly choking on the words.
Willow�s heart skipped more than one beat as she raised her bottom high for the oncoming punishment. Buffy swallowed hard as her eyes savored the cotton covered backside, the thin white material damp, a second skin for the redhead. Suddenly remembering why they were there, she pushed her own desire aside and concentrated on the task at hand, picking up the paddle and moving behind Willow.
�You know why you are getting punished, don�t you, Willow?� she asked, rubbing the wood over Willow�s bum.
�Yes, I know,� Willow answered, the wetness spreading.
�Tell me.�
Closing her eyes, Willow began.
�I didn�t come to you when I should have, like I am supposed to, like we worked out.�
�Go on.�
�And I went to a bad place, an unsafe place, putting my life in danger.�
Buffy pressed the paddle into her flesh and rubbed harder.
�What else?�
�I asked someone, a stranger, to do bad things to me.�
As she confessed her crimes, the tears began forming in her eyes.
�Yes, you did all of those things, Willow. You put your life in danger, worried everyone and scared us all.� Buffy paused to wipe a tear from her own eye. �We couldn�t take it if we lost you, Will�I couldn�t take it if I lost you.� She pulled the paddle away and Willow braced herself. �You are my life, my heart, my soul, Willow Rosenberg and I will not let you endanger yourself.�
The first crack of the paddle landed sending a mixture of pain and pleasure through Willow�s body.
�Goddess!� she gasped, her eyes flying open.
�Praying would definitely be a good idea about now, Will,� Buffy noted, bringing the wood down again onto Willow�s backside. �Because I am going to insure�� *Smack*� �Even if it takes all night�� *Smack*��That you never�� *Smack*��Ever�� *Smack*��Ever�� *Smack*��Do anything like this again.� *Smack!*
Willow gritted her teeth and gripped the sheets as Buffy continued to accentuate her message. Her butt was officially on fire and it wasn�t alone. The now very wet place between her legs was an inferno, getting hotter by the minute as the Slayer paddled her with a passion. It took everything she had to not rub herself against the sheets.
Buffy wasn�t fairing much better, although she was under the potion�s influence so keeping calm was a touch easier for her. The potion, however, would last only half an hour and when its effects were gone, she had every intention of getting her girlfriend�s favorite strap on toy and pumping her well spanked ass long and hard with it. The thought nearly made her cum right there.
�Oh goddess,� Willow muttered, as Buffy landed another perfect smack to her sit spot.
�What do you do, Will, when the badness comes?� she asked, bringing the wood down again, slightly to the left of the last smack.
�Oh! Goddess, I, I come to you, Buff-Buffy, I come to you, oh goddess.�
�Let�s make sure you remember that, ok, Will?�
*Smack* Smack* *Smack* *Smack* *Smack*
Willow was now crying as well as moaning and the sound tore Buffy in two. She hated the tears, though she knew they were needed to free her baby from the guilt and pain that she felt from so many years ago. The moaning, on the other hand, she absolutely loved! As did watching her sweet Willow�s body writhe and tremble as her little bottom turned nice and red. It would soon match her hair and that was when Buffy would stop. By then, Willow would be all cried out and begging to be fucked. And of course, the potion would be gone allowing Buffy to give her love exactly what she desired, in as many ways and as often as Willow wanted�which, the Slayer knew, would be every way and through most of the night.
One could have mistaken the witch for a Slayer, if ever they saw her in the bedroom. Buffy had pretty much decided that that would never happen. Willow was hers and hers alone and should anyone, or thing, for that matter, ever try to help themselves to a bite, well, they would find living a mere thing of the past.
�If you ever, ever, ever��*SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!*� �Breathe the words, please hit me�� *SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!*� �To a living or non-living soul or soulless�� *SMACK!*� �You�� *SMACK!*� �Will never�� *SMACK!*� �Know the joy�� *SMACK!*� �Of sitting�� *SMACK!!*� �Again!� *SMACK!!!!!* �Do you understand?�
Willow nodded enthusiastically through her tears, arching her back as they gave way to a more pleasurable wetness.
�Goddess, yes! Yes, yes, oh Buffy, yes!!! I promise!�
The Slayer watched as she came hard, her body convulsing, her cry echoing through the room. It was the sweetest music Buffy had ever heard, her beautiful Willow surrendering to the fire that consumed her, freeing herself and letting go. Dropping the paddle to the ground, Buffy moved to the bed next to Willow, carefully taking her in her arms and holding her tight.
�I love you so much, Will,� she panted, kissing her over and over again. �You can�t scare me like that! I couldn�t live without you!�
Willow used what strength she could find to grasp the Slayer�s hand, nodding weakly.
�Goddess, I love you, Buffy, thank you,� she breathed.
Buffy stroked her hair and waited for her to come down. It didn�t take long and before she knew it, she heard the familiar words she had been waiting so anxiously to hear.
�Buffy, please,� Willow began, looking up into the Slayer�s eyes. �Please, fuck me, fuck me hard, Buffy, please.�
Although Willow never had to do more than look at her, Buffy got incredibly hot when the redhead asked her to fuck her. It was partially due to the fact that Willow rarely used any language that couldn�t be found in a Disney movie. She loved Willow dirty talk! It was the hottest thing, along with the asking, and when she begged �as Spike would say, bloody hell!
�Where, Will,� she asked, trying to keep her cool. �Where do you want it, Will?�
Willow smiled wickedly and got on her hands and knees, wiggling her well spanked ass in Buffy�s face. The Slayer needed no further questions. Reaching over into the bedside table drawer, she retrieved the favored strap on and turned back to her lover. With the grace and speed only a slayer would possess, she freed Willow of her oh so wet panties, feeling more than a twinge of guilt at the sight of her Willow�s very red and already bruising bottom. Reading her mind, the redhead looked over her shoulder.
�Buffy, don�t, it�s ok it�s what needed to be done.�
Buffy�s eyes met hers and no further words needed to be said. The Slayer knew Willow was right, and despite the discomfort she would be in for what looked like, the rest of the week, Buffy knew that finding a dead or beaten up Willow would be much worse than a bruised butt. Willow gave her a wicked smiled.
�So, you gonna fuck me with that, Slayer, or just hold it all night long?�
Buffy matched her lover�s smile with one just as wicked and slipped the harness on. Willow turned back around and reached for the bars of the headboard, grinning all the way. Buffy moved behind her and slid the vibe up and down her slit, coating it well. Willow moaned raspily and opened herself wide, giving the blonde full access. Buffy hurried to complete the task, the desire to take the redhead�s ass overpowering. If she didn�t get in there soon, she�d go crazy!
�I am going to fuck you so hard, my little witch,� she whispered, licking her ear. �You so won�t be sitting for quite some time.�
Willow whimpered. Vibe well lubed with Willowy goodness, Buffy placed it at the entrance to her yummy little behind and teased. She was rewarded with a low, husky growl and a wiggle of said yummy. Buffy�s smile grew and she began easing in.
�Oh goddess,� Willow moaned, closing her eyes.
Buffy loved touching Willow any and everywhere, making love and fucking her, but there was just something extra special about taking her here, this way. Maybe it was because she knew how the redhead loved it, knew how hard she was going to cum. Maybe it was the guilt, seeing her lover�s backside red and bruised because of her. Maybe it eased that guilt, pleasuring the area she had just finished punishing.
It was both, Buffy knew that and she was going to ease that guilt and more importantly, please her witch with such fervor that the poor thing would be weak and trembling for days.
�You like this, don�t you, witch?� she purred, sliding in deeper. �You like having your naughty little bottom fucked, don�t you?�
Willow�s breathy murmurs were not enough of an answer. Buffy wanted to hear that voice.
�Answer me, witch, or I will spank this ass some more.�
She felt the pull of the vibe as the redhead�s muscles tightened around it and gently caressed her behind.
�Oh goddess, yes, oh I love having my naughty ass slayer fucked,� Willow moaned, pushing back for more. �Mmm, I love it so very the much.� She moaned then added,� Please, fuck my naughty ass good and hard, my slayer, please.�
Had Buffy been a y chromo with a real penis, it would have exploded right then and there. As it was, she pressed her own crotch firmly against the strap next to her and pushed deeper in. Willow�s moaning encouraged her to sink in to the hilt and once there, she paused to savor the sweetest of the moment.

Savoring was all good and well, but Willow wanted action and let Buffy know by allowing a low growl to escape from her lips. The Slayer couldn�t help but smile at the cuteness of her girl. Willow in heat was even more adorable than adorable Willow.
Another growl emerged, this time followed by a sharp backwards thrust letting the Slayer know that she was more than ready.
�Is my little witch impatient tonight?� she teased, wiggling ever so slightly.
�Yes, she is,� Willow replied, her voice low and husky. �After all, she just had her ass paddled rather hard and you know, slayer, what that does to her.�
�Teaches her NOT to ask to be hit?� Buffy replied, pulling out slowly then sliding back in.
�Oh goddess, yes.�
�Hmm, was that a yes, I have been taught, or a yes, that feels so good?�
She pulled nearly all the way out then pushed slowly back in, changing Willow�s groan to a breathless moan.
�Mmm, both, I have learned my lesson, slayer o mine, you can...oh, goddess yes�believe that�and it feels so darn good, I want more and more and more�..oh, fuck me Buffy, goddess, fuck me good.�
Gripping her hips, the Slayer pushed harder, deeper yet kept her slow pace. She wanted to make love to Willow before she fucked her into tomorrow. And so she did, slow, even, gentle thrusts, pumping in and out of the tight little bum she loved more than life itself, Willow�s husky moans, desperate pleas and hungry growls making her own heat all the hotter.
�Buffy, oh goddess, please,� Willow begged, sending a spasm of sheer ecstasy through the Slayer�s body.
�Please what, witch?� she purred, her lips brushing over naked Willow flesh.
A high pitched mewl followed by a deep growl filled the room as Willow pushed back hard. Buffy reached down and spanked her, not hard, but with the state of her bottom, it was enough to make her cry out.
�Answer me, you naughty little slut witch.�
Willow moaned approvingly at Buffy�s choice of words and answered her question.
�Please, fuck me harder, I need it, goddess, I need it slayer, I need a good, hard slayer fucking in my tight, little naughty ass.�
Without even realizing it, Buffy pushed a tad bit harder and deeper than planned, causing her to cry out.
�Oh goddess, Buffy, yes, more, please, oh please, slayer, fuck your witch�s red hot ass!�
The time for slow and gentle was over. Pulling out, Buffy slammed in hard and deep, setting a new pace, one of which Willow whole heartedly approved, crying out, begging for more. Buffy happily obliged, pumping in and out of her with perfect rhythm, her hands strong on Willow�s waist, her body one with her lover�s.
Willow�s knuckles were white, her grip on the headboard tight as her slayer plunged and plunged, each deep, penetrating thrust sending her closer and closer to total abandonment. This is what she needed, this drove the badness away. Buffy drove the badness away. She was the only one who could, the only one Willow wanted to. She belonged to the slayer, for always. And the slayer, belonged to her.
�Oh goddess, Will,� Buffy murmured, taking one of her girl�s lines. �Goddess, you are so damn tight!� She thrust harder, faster. �Oh I so love taking this tight, little ass of yours! I love fucking it good and hard!�
She pounded even harder, making Willow moan louder. She was close, Buffy could tell. Her moans were mixed with low growls and husky grunts, a sure sign that orgasm was very close.
�I am going to make you cum so hard, witch,� she went on, her hand stroking Willow�s behind. �You�ll still be wet in the morning.�
Buffy spanked her a few times then plunged harder and faster, going as deep as possible, brushing her lips over Willow�s shoulder. She pumped furiously, licking the soft, smooth skin before her, then with enough slayer strength to do the job, she rammed in one, big thrust while at the same time, sinking her teeth into the pale flesh. Willow screamed her release so loud Buffy feared the neighbors would call the police.
Carefully, the slayer eased out of her lover, took the strap on off, tossed it aside and reached for Willow. Taking her gently in her arms, tummy side down, she kissed and stroked her until she calmed down and the trembling stopped. It usually took several minutes for that, the intensity of these couplings shaking the redhead to her very core. Not that Buffy wasn�t affected, she definitely was, her wet jeans a testament to the fact. But taking care of Willow was priority number one, so her desires were put aside for the moment. Tending to her love was the most important thing to her and that she would take very careful care to do.
Willow�s soft voice finally came and the slayer smiled down at her.
�You ok, my goddess?�
�Mmm, so very the ok, baby, thanks to you. I love you, Buffy.�
Buffy leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.
�I love you more, Will.�
They stared at each other for a moment then burst out into giggles. Then Buffy�s eyes moved to Willow�s backside and her smile faded.
�Gosh, Will, I didn�t mean to-�
�Stranger in a bar, please hit me,� Willow cut in.
�Guilt all gone.�
Buffy furrowed a brow.
�How are you, sweetie?�
�Mmm, blissfully sore and satisfied, thank you very much.�
Willow�s smile lit up Buffy�s heart and she had to smile back.
�Badness all gone?�
�Thanks to you, yep.�
�And if it comes back?�
�I come to you.�
�Good witch!�
She patted her head and Willow shifted, wincing as her behind brushed against the sheets. Buffy frowned.
�I think I need to take care of that butt,� she said, getting out of the bed.
�Thought you already did,� Willow teased, wiggling a brow.
�I was referring to ice, lotion and soothing stuff.�
�But what about the rest of me?� she pouted, opening her legs enough to give her lover a nice view.
Buffy grinned.
�Oh that will be well taken care of, trust me. We have all night, my naughty, little witch. All night.�

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