Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

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Lei WuLong
Super Cop
雷 武龍
Tekken 3
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 10 minutes, 00 seconds
Conception: November 11, 1999
Picture Date: February 27, 2000
Appearances: Fanime Con 2000
Components: Gray Button Shirt, White Socks, Black Shoes, Brown Pants, Cut Off Gloves, Pistol, Holster, Badge, Handcuffs, Long Ponytail
Powers Gained: 1. Martial Arts with many different styles, including Drunken Master
2. Handcuffs! *wink wink*
3. Very mobile and comfortable costume.
Drawbacks: 1. He's old.
2. Difficult to recognize out of the blue
3. Ponytail getting yanked
Story: I was just doing some research on the Laguna costume one day, and realized I need brown pants. Then Christmas rolls along and KinKi dropped off a couple of cap guns for my Laguna gun preparation. Well, what am I going to do with two guns? Just in case I mess up maybe? But then I somehow managed to end playing Tekken 3 and noticed, hey, SuperCop mode Lei WuLong has a gun, and brown pants and was a relatively easy costume! Not only that but Lei is patterned after Jacky Chan, who's totally cool in my book. I may not be a diehard fan of Jacky Chan, I can't say I've seen all his movies, but he does seem to be a cool guy. And Lei's a strong fighter in the Tekken series so I was all psyched to go do this costume. If it weren't for the ponytail, the costume time would be about three minutes. I think the most expensive part of the costume was the handcuffs. ^^;


Lei WuLong Lei WuLong Lei WuLong Lei WuLong Lei WuLong
Lei WuLong Lei WuLong Lei WuLong Lei WuLong

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to these "Costumes"
(if you are so generous to call them that),
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Fanime Con 2000

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Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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