Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

Have visited Perfect Spin Off Cosplay since Halloween, 1998.

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Instant Cosplay

Finally, a home for my instant cosplay
"Just add water!"
AKA 5 Minute Costumes
AKA Super Easy Costumes
AKA Pseudo Costumes
AKA Out of the Ordinary Outfits
AKA "You really in costume?"
You get the drift.
Costumes that if I wore to public,
I'd look absolutely normal
Or at least get criticized for poor taste....

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan Adventures
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Conception: October 27, 2001
Picture Date: April 27, 2002
Appearances: Fanime 2002
Components: Brown Pants, Black Shoes, White Socks, Blue V-Neck Shirt, 12 Talismans
Powers Gained: 1. Jackie Chan Talk
2. Talisman Power
3. Martial Arts
Drawbacks: 1. Making sure Jade doesn't eat the Rooster Talisman
2. Chased by Shadowkahn and the Dark Hand.
Story: Jackie Chan Adventures is such a cool series! Hikkles looks so much like Jade, so I decided I would be Jackie to her Jade. I decided to make the shirt just like the one in the TV show with the differing shades of blue on the sleeves. I can easily say that one Talisman took me longer to make than the entire Jackie outfit. But the Talismans are so cool! They've already been stolen by our Valmont once. So now they just have to finish their costumes!


Jackie Chan Jackie Chan

Andromeda Shun
Saint Seiya
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 7 minutes
Conception: July 27, 2001
Picture Date: October 27, 2001
Appearances: Halloween 2001
Components: Green Hair, Green Shirt, White Pants, White Suspenders, White Socks, White Shoes
Powers Gained: 1. Nebula Chain.
2. Armor
3. White Suspenders
Drawbacks: 1. The color of his "cloth"
2. Only Nomi will recognize this outfit.
Story: URAN really likes Saint Seiya and I thought this costume would be really easy to do. I don't particularly like his "cloth" cos it's bright pink and teal green (ick) but his normal clothes were easy and look okay. Well I think the suspenders are cool, so I wanted a pair of those. I also ended up taking the Saint Seiya personality test and I ended up matching with Andromeda Shun as the #1 character I'm like so it was a shoe in for me to dress up like him.


Shun Shun Shun Shun
Shun Shun Shun

Urashima Keitaro
浦島 景太郎
Love Hina
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 2 minutes
Conception: July 1, 2001
Picture Date: July 6, 2001
Appearances: Anime Expo 2001
Components: Square Glasses, Green Shirt, Black Pants, Black Belt, Sneakers, Purple Dress Shirt, Tama-chan, Tokyo University Study Book
Powers Gained: 1. Narugesawa Naru.
2. Carry around a huge book to hit people with
3. Can walk around normal places without people staring, much.
Drawbacks: 1. Tama-chan's always being stolen by Naru
2. Without Naru, zero recognition factor.
3. Looks like a nerd!
Story: Kelly had a botched up red skirt left over from Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, and it was perfect for Naru so she got herself a yellow turtleneck to match. So she would have a group cosplay, I dug up a green shirt, bought the purple dress shirt and hokey glasses. I look like a total nerd in the Keitaro get up but at least I can walk around without getting too many stares. (Green inner shirt is way too bright and Keitaro cannot color coordinate)



Shinji Ikari
(School Outfit)
碇 シンジ
Neo Genesis Evangelion
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 3 minutes, 45 seconds
Conception: March 3, 1999
Picture Date: July 14, 1999
Appearances: Anime Expo 1999
Components: Blue-Green Shirt, White Dress Shirt, Dark Blue Slacks, White Socks, White Shoes, Belt, Backpack
Powers Gained: 1. Minimal -> Nil smiling necessary.
2. Get everyone around you absolutely depressed
3. Perfect costume if you are sleep deprived and not very with it.
Drawbacks: 1. Backpack holds all of Misato's stuff
2. Without Misato, zero recognition factor.
3. Must watch out for noogies by Gendou.
Story: Let it be known....I have no plans on making a plugsuit. But Claudia still wanted a Shinji. "Oh, you will make the -Perfect Shinji-! ~.- chu!" I am -so- glad that she prefers school outfit Shinji to plugsuit. Never gonna get me in one of those. In other words, this was a request costume. And quite a simple one at that, so I cannot possibly refuse Claudia. Just had to find a blue-green shirt with a wide enough collar to match that of the anime (since conventional shirts are too tight around the neck). And lucky for her, I was soooo tired during AX, that I could pull of an uncanny impression of Shinji. Sorry guys! Didn't mean to make you all depressed!


School Outfit Shinji Ikari School Outfit Shinji Ikari

Aoshima Toshiyuki
President of the Racing Club
Ah My Goddess
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 5 minutes, 00 seconds
Conception: May 27, 1999
Picture Date: June 4, 1999
Appearances: Project Akon 1999
Components: Spectacles, Dark Green Shirt, Gray Sports Jacket, Gray Pants, Dress Shoes, Belt.
Powers Gained: 1. An excuse to hit on foreign girls that already have boyfriends just to stay in character
2. Getting called "slick" by Megu-chan.
3. Can wear just about any dark green shirt underneath
4. Pockets.
Drawbacks: 1. The super tacky 80's Miami Vice looking sports jacket that I had to BORROW.
2. Almost nil recognition factor, even with the Goddesses.
3. Affectionately known as the "Jerk". -_-
Story: Damn Henry! Got dibs on Keiichi first. Well he does have the hair. I'd need a cut to be a proper Keiichi and that won't happen. Ah well, who needs Belldandy crawling all over you? (Heh, I can do that in Soujiro mode, ANYWAY). I'd much rather go around hitting on foreign women that I know have boyfriends already and being suave and all around narcisstic. How absolutely out of my normal character, so it was quite a stretch to cosplay. But beyond that, I was really the Goddess bodyguard, to fend off unruly fanboys, and with this outfit, I have good manueverability, and can scare them off with the unholy of unholy sports jacket.



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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to these "Costumes"
(if you are so generous to call them that),
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Project Akon 1999 (10)
And: AGSMA at Anime Expo 1999

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Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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