Logo del Ateneo de Montevideo

Ateneo de Montevideo

Una Institución con historia, que existe desde el 5 de Septiembre de 1868


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The Atheneum of Montevideo was founded on July 3, 1886 as a result of the union of two main institutions: The University Association and the Atheneum of Uruguay. The historical roots of our institutions belongs to the productive period of our cultural life when the institutions that had philosofical principles in common joined their efforts.

In 1868 the University Club was founded (1868 - 1877) and would join together the university youth and their professors.

On September 5, 1877, the University Club will join the Natural Sciences Association (1876 - 1877) the Phylo-Historic Association (1874 - 1877) and the Platense Literary Club (1875 - 1877). All these institutions together founded the Atheneum of Uruguay (1877 - 1886).

From the union of the Atheneum of Uruguay (1877 - 1886) and the University Association (1875 - 1886) emerges the Atheneum of Montevideo.-

Along its extended life, our institution has fulfilled different roles within our society and mainly it has fulfilled the role that Prudencio Vázquez y Vega thought it should fulfill.

"I have always believed that the literary and cultural centers are the sources where the principles that should rule people come from", based on "three great principles: Liberty, Civilization and Progress".

At the beginning of its history the Atheneum fulfilled its cultural and educative role as an Independent University (inspired on Krause ideas) having preparatory courses to enter the University and a School of Law. Free from the State System, free from political changes and religious dogmatism that at the turn of the century ruled over our society.

Well known writers, scientist, ambassadors and politicians, with several presidents among them, belonged to the Atheneum as members and presidents of our institution, all of them commited to the moral and philosophic principles of the Atheneum, both in their private and public lives.

Among the most conspicuous politicians who were presidents of our institution, we can mention: Don José Batlle y Ordoñez (founder of the Modern Uruguay, President of the Republic during two periods) who appointed as ministers of his administration, to members of the Atheneum: Juan Campisteguy and Martín C. Martínez). The 94% of his ambassadors were also members of our institution. (Luis Melián Lafinur, Eduardo Acevedo Díaz, Daniel Muñoz, Rufino T. Dominguez, Juan Pedro Castro, etc.)

As for the Educational System, the Atheneum together with the "Asociación de Amigos de la Educación Popular" (Popular Education Supporters Association) started the educative reform in grammar school not approved by the Catholic Church. It is worth to mention: José Pedro Varela and Francisco Berra among many others.

In the National cultural field and through different periods of our history there were remarkable names as: Prudencio Vázquez y Vega, Gómez Palacios, Carlos Ma. Ramírez, Sienra Carranza, Pablo de María, Joaquín de Salterain, Juan Carlos Blanco, Julio Herrera y Obes, Elías Regules, José G. del Busto, José Enrique Rodó and Vaz Ferreira, who belonged to our institution.

The seat of our institution is a beautiful three storeyed building that occupies an area of 2.400 m2 placed in Plaza de Cagancha in the Center of Montevideo.

The building was inaugurated in 1900 and by its characteristics and architectonic conception has been declared: "National Historical Monument".

The building has on the first floor the main lecture hall that can hold 330 attendants and, on the same floor there are painting, photography, journalism and ceramics workshops corresponding to the courses dictated in our institution.

There are two major rooms on the main floor; one for conferences and concerts (free admission) and the other one for different courses: Labor Relations, Human Resources, Oratory and also a classic ballet academy. We also find on this floor a session room where the Institution Board of Directors has their sessions and Library with several thousands of volumes and a reading room.

Our institution also owns two theaters that have their entrance on Rondeau Street.

Religious and cultural tolerance is the base of our philosophical thought. This has propitiated the use of our conference rooms by different religious and philosophical movements.

When more than 130 years have elapsed since the Atheneum foundation, the liberal principles then sustained are the same today as they were in the past. Men of different generations have maintained the torch of liberty and project themselves to the future seeking communication, with other men and institutions from different cultural worlds and religions, to walk together in peace and concord along the path that leads to wisdom.

Translated by Miriam SINISCALCHI.-

El edificio del Ateneo de Montevideo
Historia Indice Principal Cursos

Ateneo de Montevideo

Plaza Cagancha 1157 , esq. Avda. Gral Rondeau
Telefax (598 2) 900 09 87
Montevideo - URUGUAY
Email: [email protected]


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