Exploration of the subconscious mind leads us back to childhood memories, allows us to see our life through symbols, helps us to recognize patterns that have occurred, and so much more. However the subconscious is not just the gateway to our minds attic storage. This gateway also leads to the spiritual realm of consciousness. Some of the forms you encounter are more than likely spiritual guides. They exist on a higher vibrational level than human consciousness. To some they are angels, to others they are symbols of God. We are all of divine origin, and carry the divine light within us, we are all one.
On my journey I have encountered many beings of light. My main spirit guide calls himself Hermes. He shows himself to me as a greek statue, no eyes, yet animated like a human would be. He is my guide on journeys through the subconscious and the spiritual plane.
I have also discovered that I can channel Hermes. Previously I had felt channeling was too historical and stereotypical to attempt. I think that was my logical way of covering up for the fact that I was afraid of it. Then I met a channeler, she talks to Jeshua (Jesus). She let Hermes enter her aura, then "passed" him into my aura. The first time it happened I felt as if my soul was complete. I saw in my minds eye, ice capped mountains, and the streams breaking free. I was shivering, shaky and exhilarated, definitely an adrenalin rush. I also noticed a lot of activity in my solar plexus chakra.














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