Our Love Story

Wedding Planning

Our R.O.M.

The Invite


The Wedding (Day)

The Wedding (Night)

The Wedding Album

The Expenses

Our Guests Book

Thank You


A Wedding Fairytale...
Martin & Carol

The Wedding Itinerary...

As in all Chinese Weddings, there will be a series of rituals and ceremonies that are observed and we are no different from any other Chinese families though we are rather westernised. Its more to please Carol's folks more than anything else (erm... my folks can live without all the customary rites)...

Many would think that its such a waste of time and money (yes, I agree), but hey... Chinese cannot "lose face" mah... so you can't blame Carol's folks... its afterall, their first daughter being married off...

Guo Da Li (Exchange of Betrothal Gifts):
This ritual would be conducted on Sunday, 30 May 2004. The ritual we adopted is a rather simplified one because we don't have much budget to splurge on. But good gracious!! Even a simplified one turned out to be quite hassle. I bet this is the most cumbersome chore of any groom.

The Betrothal Gifts requested by the bride's family for the exchange are:
- The "Cai" (erm.. the red floral ribbon stuff)
- The "Kao Chye" Shoes
- The "Li Bing" (cakes for distribution to bride's relatives)
- The "Jiu" (2 bottles of hard liquor - Martell)
- The "Shi Wei" (Abalone, Conpoy, Mushroom, Dried Oyster)
- The "Ju Xian Li" (Ancestoral Gifts comprising 2 "LIVE" fowls, 2 Bridal cakes, 8 Oranges, etc)
- The "Ping Li" (The Dowry)
- The "ang pow" to Carol's mom for diapers
- The "ang pow" to Carol's mom for milk
- "Pak" leaves

Eve of Wedding:
- Burning of Bridal Candles
- Setting of the Bridal Bed and Bedroom
- Consuming the Red Date Tea
- The Hair Combing Ceremony

Tea Ceremony:
- Arrival of Bride�s Maids & Groom�s Men (respective residences).
- Getting Ready/Final Preparations (respective residences)
- Bridal make-up (before arrival of Groom & his Gang).
- Fetching the Bride with Bridal Gift Basket & Suckling Pig
- Door Opening Ceremonies (by "Kao Chye" & bride's maids)
- Journey Back to Groom�s Residence
- Tea Ceremony (Groom�s Family)
- Change �Parade� (Bride change to tea dress)
- The Bride�s Return (in her tea dress)
- Tea Ceremony (Bride�s family)
- Lunch

Phew!!! By then, it's half-time and its time to take a break. And I'm telling you, this is not the biggest nightmare yet... wait till you see what's in the banquet's itinerary.... (to be continued...)

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