My New Flight Computer

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After years of reliable use of my old Sony S320 - Magellan GPS315 combination with the freeware SoarPilot software, I thought it was time for some new gadgets and an upgrade..
As I am occupied in the High Tech business, I also need to keep up my knowledge of new trends (good excuse, isn't it !!)

As I have been very satisfied with the Soar Pilot freeware, I decided to stay with the Palm OS and go with a Tungsten T.
This PDA is known  for the excellent (reflective) screen which is very legible in bright sunlight.
Note that the pictures below have been taken with flash, but without backlight

Although this PDA is not in production anymore, there are still plenty for sale at Ebay.

The picture below show the system in action with the new BlueTooth GPS showing 7 satellites through my roof at home.

my new flight computer Palm Tungsten T and BT GPS   my new flight computer Palm Tungsten T and BT GPS
Screen shots with  the GPS locked at my home location with Hollister as defined waypoint

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