Slim Fast

Slim-Fast Optima Meal Shake Mix, Chocolate Royale, Case Pack, (Three-12.83 Ounce Cans)

Slim-Fast Optima Meal Shake Mix, Chocolate Royale, Case Pack, (Three-12.83 Ounce Cans)
Buy New: $17.85

Avg. Customer Rating: 1.0 out of 5 stars(based on 1 reviews)
Sales Rank: 868
Category: Health And Beauty

Publisher: Slim-Fast
Studio: Slim-Fast
Brand: Slim-Fast
Label: Slim-Fast
Media: Health and Beauty
Number Of Items: 3
Shipping Weight (lbs): 3
Dimensions (in): 12.6 x 5.4 x 4.2


Release Date: December 15, 2005
Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping
Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours


1 out of 5 stars Loaded with sugar. Tastes good, but not a weight loss product, as advertised.   August 25, 2006
  3 out of 4 found this review helpful

The only thing good I can say about this product is that it tastes good. That is true of the entire Slim Fast line of products. They all taste good. But due to the high sugar content they are not weight loss products as the name of the product and company advertising suggests. The Optima line of Slimfast products reduces, but does not eliminate the volume of sugar. This is really stupid on the part of the Slim Fast Company. They could have eliminated sugar all together and replaced it with Splenda. Then they would have actually had a weight loss product. But due to the low cost of sugar and the fact that most people prefer the taste of sugar, they chose to "reduce" the sugar content. The smart consumer will not buy this product, unless you have no need for weight loss, and don't mind buying a good tasting product from a company that misleads the public in their advertising.

Since the main ingredient in all
Slim Fast products is sugar, their products have absolutely no weight-reducing characteristic. I tried the Slim Fast products and program myself, so I know from my own experience that it does not work!

The US Department of Agriculture did many studies to result in their well know "food guide pyramid." It states that "sweets should be used sparingly." Consuming meals of primarily sugar in 2 out of every 3 meals consumed (the widely published Slimfast diet plan), could not possibly be described as using sweets sparingly.

The Nutrition Action Health letter website indicates: "Sugar is a waste of calories, promotes obesity, causes tooth decay, and dilutes the nutritional quality of your diet."

Whole books have been written on the relationship between sugar and obesity, probably the most famous is Sugar Busters!: Cut Sugar to Trim Fat (ISBN: 0345425588). The author's abstract: "Low-fat diets don't work. The reason: because they are high in sugar. Sugar produces insulin that, in large amounts, keeps weight from coming off -- in spite of strict dieting and exercise."

People who have claimed to have lost weight on the
Slim Fast plan did so only because they ate small quantities of Slimfast products and small quantities of everything else. The same result could be produced by a "candy bar diet." If you ate small quantities of candy bars and small quantities of everything else, you would lose weight. It is a rare person who could stick to such a plan for very long. Slim Fast claims that their products cause weight loss make no more sense than if candy bar makers started claiming that a diet of small quantities of candy bars cause weight loss. This line of sugar-loaded products simply does not do what it claims to do.

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