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I'll figure out how I will put the answers up to these hopefully soon. For now test your johnny/movie knowledge and see how many questions you can answer

General Facts: Johnny Depp

1. What is Johnny's full name?
a-Johnathan Chris Depp II
b-Jonathan Christopher Depp III
c-John christopher Depp II
d-Jon Chris Depp III
e-Johnny Chris Depp II
2. When was Johnny born?
a-June 9, 1963
b-July 19, 1962
c-August 29, 1964
d-May 9, 1965
e-July 29, 1963
3. Where was Johnny born?
a-Miami, Florida
b-Owensboro, Kentucky
c-Los Angeles, CA
d-Paris, France
e-Portland, Oregon
4. How tall is Johnny
5. Who is his current girlfriend?
a-Kate Moss
b-Jennifer Grey
c-Winona Ryder
d-Vanessa Paradis
e-Nicole Kidman
6. What's his daughter's full name?
a-Lily Melody
b-Rose Depp
c-Lily-Rose Melody
d-Rose-Lily Depp
e-Lily-Rose Melody Depp
7. What's his son's full name?
a-Jack Depp b-Johny Depp
c-John Depp III
d-Jack Depp III
e-Christopher Depp
8. Where did Johnny grow up?
9. What origin is the name Depp?
10. What nationality is Johnny's grandmother a fullblood of?

Once Upon a Time in Mexico(OTIM)

1. What is Johnny's character in OTIM's full name?
a-Sheldon Jeffrey Sands
b-Jeffry Sheldon Sand
c-Jeffrey Sheldon Sands
d-Jeffrey Sheldon Sand
e-Sheldon Jeffrey Sands

2. What is the food he always orders?
a-Puerto Pibi
b-Puerto Pibil
c-Pibil Puerco
d-Puerco Pibil
e-Pibi Peurco

3. What's a shirt Johnny's character wore?
b-I'm with stupid *arrow left*
c-I'm with stupid *arrow right*
d-Central Intelligence Agency
e-C.I.A. Central Intelligence Agency

4. When he leaves what does he call Ajedrez?

5. What are the two movies in the trilogy before OTIM?
a-Mariachi & The Desperado
b-El Mariachi & El Desperado
c-Mariachi & Desperado
d-Mariachi & El Desperado
e-El Mariachi & Desperado

6. Who directed OTIM?
a-Tim Burton
b-Ang Lee
c-George Lucas
d-Robert Rodriguez
e-Sam Raimi

7. Who was originally going to play his part?
a-Tom Cruise
b-George Clooney
c-Antonio Benderas
d-Leonardo DiCaprio
e-Orlando Bloom

8. When was filming finished & when was OTIM in theaters?
a-2000 & 2001
b-2001 & 2003
c-2000 & 2002
d-2001 & 2004
e-2002 & 2004

9. When he plays a priest what impression does he do?
a-Robin Williams
b-Marlon Brando
c-Faye Dunaway
d-Michael Gough
e-Jeffrey Rush

10. How long does it take Johnny to shoot all of his scenes?
b-3 months
c-5 months
d-5 days
e-9 days

Gilbert Grape Quiz #1

1.How old is Arnie turning?

2. How many siblings did Mama give birth to?

3. What instrument does Ellen play?

4. How old is Ellen?

5. What "restaurant" is Tucker excited about working in?
b-Burger King
c-Burger Barn
d-Burger Hut

6. What does Betty burn?


7. Where do they plan on getting Arnie's Bday cake?
a-Mary will make it
b-Ellen will make it
c-Buy from Foodland
d-Buy from???

8. How many children does Bonnie (Mama) have?

9. Who does Becky travel with now?

10. Where did their father die?

Don Juan DeMarco Quiz #1

1. Where is Don Juan going to fight to die in the beginning of the movie?
a- Roof
b- Hotel
c- Billboard
d- Beach

2. Who does Dr. Jack Mickler say he is to Don Juan?
a- Don Alfonzo
b- Don Antonio
c- Don Octavio
d- Don Phillippe

3. How long does Jack have to treat Don Juan?
a- A week
b- 5 days
c- 2 weeks
d- 10 days

4. Who first gets Don Juan as a patient?
a- Bill
b- Frank
c- Larry
d- Bob

5. What does Don Juan say his father was?
a- Dance champion
b- Musician
c- Priest
d- Sailor

6. Who is Don Juan's true love he was going to die for?
a- Dona Flores
b- Dona Octavia
c- Dona Ana
d- Dona Julia

7. Who killed Don Juan's father?
a- Dona Julia
b- Dona Julia's husband
c- Dona Julia's brother
d- Dona Julia's father

8. What did Don Juan vow to never take off in public after his father's death?
a- cape
b- mask
c- ring
d- necklace

9. Where did Don Juan's mother go after her husband was killed?
a- To Europe
b- To school
c- To be a dancer
d- To be a nun

10. What does Dr. Mickler begin to listen to that surprises his wife?
a- opera
b- classical
c- love songs
d- spanish music

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Quiz #1

1. Which child found the first golden ticket?
a-Violet Beauregarde
b-Austus Gloop
c-Mike Teavee
d-Veruca Salt

2. Who from Charlie Bucket's family used to work for Wonka?
a-His father
b-His mother
c-Grandpa Joe
d-Grandpa George

3. Where was the fake Wonka ticket from?

4. What do Oompa Loompas worship
a-Cocoa beans
b-Willy Wonka
c-Green caterpillars
d-The chocolate factory

5. What was the dessert in the gum that was not quite right?
a-Chocolate cake
b-Blueberry pie
c-Raspberry cheesecake
d-Banana split

6. What was Willy's father's name?

7. Which room did Mike Teavee choose to go to?
a-Teleport room
b-Television room
c-Experiment room
d-Communication room

8. Which button did Wonka press when they left the factory through the roof?
b-Up and away
c-Up and out
d-Straight up

9. When did Wonka realize he needed an heir?
a-When he couldn't think of any new candy
b-When he realized he needed to see his father
c-When he saw how good Charlie was
d-When he saw a gray hair

10. When did Charlie and Wonka meet after he rejected his offer of the factory (they decided to go see Wonka's farther at this time)?
a-When Charlie was buying chocolate
b-When Charlie was cutting Wonka's hair
c-When Charlie was shining Wonka's shoes
d-When Charlie was delivering newspapers

Corpse Bride Quiz #1
Who first sings in "According to Plan"?
a- Victor Van Dort
b- Nell & William Van Dort
c- Victoria
d- Finnis & Maudeline Everglot

2. When do Victor and Victoria first meet?
a- At the wedding
b- When Victor's playing the piano
c- At the wedding rehearsal
d- When Victoria's playing the piano

3. Who is poor and after the other families money?
a- Victor Van Dort
b- Nell & William Van Dort
c- Victoria Everglot
d- Finnis & Maudeline Everglot

4. When does Lord Barkis Bitten show up?
a- wedding
b- when the Van Dort's arrive at the house
c- Wedding Rehearsal
d- After Victor leaves

5. What are not one of the things in Victor's vows ('With this___')?
a- Cup
b- hand
c- Candle
d- Flower

6. What is the first thing Corpse Bride says when she rises?
a- I do
b- You may kiss the bride
c- I love you
d- Hello, dear husband

7. Where did the Corpse Bride die?
a- By a pine tree
b- By a maple tree
c- By an oak tree
d- By a weeping willow

8. What is the Corpse Bride's wedding gift to Victor?
a- A dog
b- A trip to the land of the living
c- Jewels
d- A crow

9. What is the spell Elder made to let Victor and the Corpse Bride visit the land of the living?
a- Russian Rising Spell
b- Ukranian Counting Spell
c- Russian Living Spell
d- Ukranian Haunting Spell

10. What word/s does the Corpse Bride say to get back to the land of the dead?
a- Rum scotch
b- Hop scotch
c- Haunt spot
d- Jump rope

Johnny Quiz #2

1. What instrument does Johnny play?
a- Piano
b- Saxophone
c- Guitar
d- Drums

2. How many siblings does Johnny have?
a- 1
b- 2
c- 3
d- 4

3. In which location does he not have a home?
a- France
b- California
c- An island
d- New York

4. What is John's eye color?
a- Blue
b- Brown
c- Green
d- Hazel

5. What language besides English can Johnny speak?
a- German
b- French
c- Italian
d- Greek

6. What was his first band's name?
a- The Kids
b- P
c- The Guys
d- B

7. What did he originally want to be?
a- Actor
b- Rockstar
c- Writer
d- Doctor

8. What was said to be one of his mother's occupations?
a- Secretary
b- Waitress
c- Veternarian
d- Singer

9. What was said to be one of his father's occupations?
a- Engineer
b- Architect
c- Doctor
d- Actor

10. When did Johnny start smoking?
a- 17
b- 18
c- 12
d- 13

Johnny Quiz #3(Tattoos)

1. What is Johnny's most famous tattoo?
a- Lily Rose
b- Jack
c- Wino Forever
d- Betty Sue

2. Which tattoo is over Johnny's heart?
a- Jack
b- Betty Sue
c- Lily Rose
d- Native American

3. What type of Native American is his tattoo of a Native American head supposed to represent?
a- Cherokee
b- Iroquois
c- Azted
d- Plains

4. Which tattoo had been modified?
a- Jack
b- Wino Forever
c- Betty Sue
d- Lily Rose

5. What does the Jack tattoo have a picture of?
a- His son
b- An Indian
c- A Pirate
d- A Sparrow

6. What does the Betty Sue tatto have a picture of?
a- Flower
b- Heart
c- Skeleton
d- Guitar

7. Where is the Wino Forever tattoo?
a- Heart
b- Left arm
c- Back
d- Right arm

8. Where is the Jack tattoo?
a- Heart
b- Left arm
c- Right arm
d- Back

9. Where is the Betty Sue tattoo?
a- Heart
b- Left arm
c- Right arm
d- Back

10. Where is the Native American head tattoo?
a- Heart
b- Right arm
c- Back
d- Left arm


Date: 6/22/06
Update: new johnny quiz

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