The homepage for The Absolutely Fabulous Webring, a ring containing sites and pages dedicated to that hilarious British comedy, 'Absolutely Fabulous.'

The Absolutely Fabulous Webring

What is The Absolutely Fabulous Webring?

It is a collection of sites devoted to that hilarious British comedy, "Absolutely Fabulous." These sites may contain information on the episodes and actors, resources for obtaining videos, trivia questions, fun AbFab stuff, pictures of the name it!

"I wanna join! What do I do?!!"

If you would like to join The Absolutely Fabulous Webring, we'd love to have you, sweetie! It's SO easy! Just follow the directions below to add your site to the queue (line of sites waiting to be added to the ring).

To SUBMIT your site, follow these two easy steps:


Add yourself to the ring queue by going to the Site Submission Section at Yahoo!Webring.


Once you join, your site will be reviewed by the RingMistress. The review is just to make sure your site is on the AbFab subject, and that it loads fairly well in a standard web browser.

After your site is approved (usually within one week), you will log back into Yahoo!Webring, go to your AbFab Ring section, and copy and paste the navigation bar JavaScript code onto your site. This navigation bar will make your site a physical part of the ring.

Here is what the navigation bar will look like on your site.

The RingMistress is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild

The Absolutely Fabulous Webring was born
on June 10, 1998.

Thanks for visiting, sweetie darling! Now finish the smoked salmon and nibbly things!

� 1998-2000: All pages in The Absolutely Fabulous Webring are copyrights of their respective owners.

The RingMistress reserves the right to add or delete sites from the ring.

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