Evan Thomas

The life of Thomas is that of a man who depended upon industry and perseverance for success. He early learned that those qualites will gain advancement, and though he started out in life empty-handed, he worked diligentlly and persistently,  and was in possession of a valuble and profitable farm at the time of his demise.  His life record covered seventy-two years.  He was born at New Quay, Cardiganshire, South Wales, January 26, 1825, and was a son of Chirstman and Margaret Thomas.  In 1842, when he was seventeen years of age, the family crossed the briny deep and made their way direct to Welsh Hills in Granville Township Licking County Ohio.  Where the parents spent their remaining days.  Their children were: Mary who died of cholera in Newark, and was interred at night in the Welsh Hills Cemetery:  Mrs Hannah Morris deceased: Evan of the this review: James who served in the Mexican War: John, who died in childhood: Thomas, deceased, formerly a farmer of Washington County, Iowa: Mrs. Sarah Evans , deceased: and David of Newton Township.
    As indicated, Evan Thomas spent his youthful days in the land of his nativity and then came with his parents to the "New World".  where he assisted in the arduous taskk of developing a farm.  Starting out in life for himself, he sought employment as a farm hand and was sufficient capital to enable him to purchase a farm of his own.  He became the possessor of one hundred and six acres of land in Granville Township, and his efforts transformed the fields into a fertile tract, which annually brought forth good harvests.  He labored diligently and persisitenly until his death, which occurred May 24, 1897
    Mr Thomas was twice married. In 1857 he wedded Frances Jones a native of Wales and unto them was born a daughter, Mary who died when about thirty years of age.  For his second wife he chose Mary E Rees. who was born in South Wales February 4, 1842, and the same year was brought to St. Albans township,  Licking County by her parents , Thomas B. and Margret (Richard) Rees. Who spent their last days in Newark. They had two children, Mrs Thomas and Richard, who later died in the Civil War. Mrs Thomas has spent her enitre life in this county.
    Mr Richard Rees was a member of company D, twenty-second, Ohio Volunteer infantry and made a creditable militarty record.  Mr Thomas gave his political allegiance to the demoracy, and held membership in the babtist church,  his life being in  harmony  with his principless, while his sterling qualities of manhood at all times  won for him the honor and good will of those with whom he associated.


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