Robert J. Thomas

Robert J. Thomas who all his life has been connected with the farming interest of Licking County and now owns a large farm in Lima Township, descends from a family whose members were among the early settlers of this region.  His paternal grandparents having been David and Mary (Reese/Rees) Thomas Natives of Wales, who came to this country at an early date.  Here spending the remainder of their lives.  Mrs Thomas was a daughter of Theophilus Rees. Who in the company with Samuel Philipps ( I'm sure this is a typo I think that should say Thomas) purchased two thousand acres of land in the Welsh Hills, where they established a Welsh conlony and induced emigration to that place from their native country.  Among the children of David Thomas was Samuel Thomas whose birth occurred in Pennsylvania in 1800, and who was united in marriage with Katherine Jones, a native of Montgomeryshire Wales born in 1799.  When a young woman she came to Licking County, and her death occurred on a farm in Harrison Township in 1865.  In1802 when he was in his second year Samuel Thomas was brought to the Welsh Hills by his parents and was living with his son-in-law, near Johnstown, this county when he depared this life July 18, 1877.  He owned about two hundred and fifty acres of land in Harrison Township.  Upon which he put all the improvements, and there he spent his life in general farming and stock-rasing.  In his family were seven children namely: Jerusha, who wedded George Avery, both now deceased;  Maria, deased, wife of William Jones; Ellis, who resides in Alexandria;  Robert J;  Ann who wedded Andrew Hicks, both of whom are deceased, she having departed this life at the home of her brother Robert J. in September 1905; Charles and Edwin who have passed away.
    Robert J. Thomas was born inthe Welsh HIlls, Granville Township, this county, May 28, 1830, and five years later removed to Harrison Township with his parents and there spent his boyhood days on the farm.  In the meantime acquiring his education at the district schools, He remained at home until his marriage. And on April 1, 1859, he bought the farm he now owns Lima Township, where he has since resided. His farm consists of one hundred and fifty-two acres, situated one mile north of Pataskla on the Harrison Township line. It is known as the "Sycamore Grove Farm": and its rich soil makes it one of the most desirable pieces of property in the township for farming purposes.  Here he has the latest improved machinery and equipment's with which to carry on his work according to modern methods.  The first residence in which he lived was one of a "Gothic" type of architecture and upon it's destruction by fire he built his present dwelling in 1891, which is considered as fine a residence as there is in the vicintiy.   In addition to engaging in general farming Mr.Thomas has also paid considerable attention to stock raising and in his time has raised many head of sheep and cattle which he shipped to various part of the state.
     In Harrison Twonship, on February 25,1858, Mr Thomas wedded Mary Chadwick, daughter of Cyris and Ann Eliza (Nichols) Chadwick, He having been born in New Hamshire, October 1, 1800 and his wife in New Jersey, Siptember 27,1813.  they came here in the years 1830 and 1819 receptively, and both departed this life on the thier farm in Harrison Township.   Mr Chadwick's death occurring May 10, 1870.  His wife surviving him by tweilve years.  Her demise occurring August 1, 1882.  In their family were five children namely: Mary; Charles, who died in his eleventh year:  Albert, who resides in Washington; Byron of Pataskala: and Saraah A, who departed this life in 1897.  Mr Thomas was born in Harrison Township, September 3, 1835.  To Mr and Mrs Thomas have been born ; Charles, who had been connected with the Central Ohio Paper Company of Columbus, and passed away on his fortieth year.  Fredrick N. who is affiliated with the same company , and resides in Westerville, Ohio; Katharine, wife of David O Evans: C. B. of Westerville Ohio who is a salesman for the Central Ohio Paper company : And Ellis who resided on the Old Thomas Farm in Harrison Township.
    In politics Mr. Thomas is a Republican, having  voted for John C. Fremont, The first Republican candidate. And has since been loyal to the priciples of his party.  He has been quite active in the affairs of the township and served a number of terms as trustee, and thoughout his career has always been public-spirited and favored the promotion of all measures  purposed to advance the general welfare of the community.  During his long career he has never permitted the pressure of buisness affairs to usurp the time required for the performance of his religious obligations and he has always attended divine services at the Wesley Methodist Church. of which he is  a liberal supporter.  Mr Thomas is a man who has so lived as to preserve his character above reproach. and now in his seventy-ninth year he may look over a well spent life and in-as-much as he has always been a zealous christian.  striving according to his power to dissemitnate the truth of the gospel to the moral and spiritual betterement of the community, He may look forward in his declining years for the dawning of the morning of joy.
                     David A. Thomas

David A. Thomas, who for more than a third of a centruy has been continuously and succussfully connected with the agriccultural intersts of Licking county. was born in Wales on the 20th of October, 1835.  HIs parents , Christman aand Margaret Thomas, also natives of Wales, crossed the Atlantic to the United States in 1842 and were three month on the water,  They took up thier abode in Granville this county throughout the remainder of his life, passing away in 1873, while his wife was called to her final rest in 1880.  Unto this worthy couple were born nine children but David A. is the only survinging memeber of the family.  His brother James was in the Mexican War and died with cholera in 1849.
    David A. Thomas supplemented his preliminary education by a college course at Denison University and following his graduation in 1859, he took up the profession of teaching, meeting with success during his fifteen years' connection  with that line of activity.  In 1870  he pruchased his present place of one hundred and forty five acres in Newton township and moved here into a log cabin in 1871.  He made improvements thereon and has since been engaged in the work of general farming.  The neat and thrifty appearance of the place is indicative of the careful supervision of the woner, whose methods are at once practical and progressive.   His industry had ever been one of the salient characteristics and has been the measure of his success.
    December 9, 1869. Mr. Tomas was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary King whoese birth occurrred in Newark township October 28, 1840, her parents being John and Elisabeth King, the latter a granddaughter of James King, one of the earlier settlers in this county and a millwright by trade,  whoese family numbered seven children.  Unto our subject and his wife have been born four children, namely;  Gilbert J.,of this county; Hilda E., deceased;  aand Elmer E. and Hamer L.,  both at home.
    In his political views Mr. Thomas is a stalwart democrat but has never sought nor desired the honors or emoluments of office.  He is a member of the Grange and is widely and favorably known throughout the county, whose growth and developmmeent has has witnessed during the past two-thirds of a century.  The fact which have shaped its history are largely familiar to him and he has rejoiced in what has been accomplished for the improvement of this part of the starte along moral, intellectual and material lines.,
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