Adaline Rebecca Cramer
Adaline Knight Cramer                   William Cramer
To the left Uncle Gene Evans                               Gene and Burdel Evans
Gene and Burdel Evans
I think that you could tell my this picture that these two were fun and wonderful people. They were always laughing and joking around I was lucky to know them :).
Evans homeplace
Rebecca Cramer Hankinson, Mary hankinson (daughter) Thomas Evans (husband) Hayes Hankinson, Dora Hankinson, Visitor
This is the four Generaltion Picture of the Women. Rebecca Cramer Hankinson (little grandma) Mary Evans, Grace Evans,(grandma Grace) Mary Philipps (mom)
William Cramer, and John Cramer(?)
Well guys I'm going to need help with this one. The man on the end is Fredricks I think the one arm gave that away ...Anyone??
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