Guinness Book

About Me




 Dear football fan


First I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jacek Roszkowski I am 24 years old and I was born on January 29, 1975 in Gdańsk. When I was 13, I left together with my parents and my brother to Germany (Bonn), where I've been living till now. Since my childhood I've been interested in football and I played as a goalkeeper in sports club 'KKS Gedania' and 'Lechia Gdansk', however during my free time I've occupied myself with jugglery.


At the beginning it was just my hobby, however my father soon uncovered my talent, and he also became my manager and organizer of all performances. After several years of jugglery training we decided, that the new world record needed to be set and s o it happened. On July 23, 1993 in Gdansk (Hotel Hevelius) I set my first record - I bounced the football with my head 173 times in 30 seconds, yet, on Aprill9, 1995 I set my second record in the Academy of
Physical Education in Gdansk-Oliwa. Both o f m y records were entered into the Guinness Book of World Records.


Nowadays, living in Germany, I'm trying to advertise myself so as to perform in different kinds of sport and entertainment events. So far I've had the pleasure to go to such places as Brazil, Poland, Austria, Spain, Italy, Portugal and England, where I showed my jugglery.


In 1997 I signed a contract with a company producing sports equipment FILA, which helped me with advertising and organizing my performances. However, my time in not yet full taken up, s o in the future I'm planning more shows on sport and entertainment events, therefore I hope to contact some people concerned with my offer through Internet.


It may be sport clubs, sponsors, shows and event organizers, advertising companies, concerns, that would like to hire me to advertise their products. However, I'm also wining to perform for charity events, as long as it is not going to interfere with my other shows.


Lately, September 23 was a very important date for me, since I performed on the German national television

(ARD, ZDF) in show 'Guinness Show der Rekorde', which is a great advertisement for me and it may increase my popularity and cause the signing of contracts for new shows.


If there are some interested people among you, that would like to cooperate with me, you can reach me at any time. All dates can be fixed by phone, fax or writing to me.


Greetings for everybody.


Performance program :



Juggling a ban with my head, legs, knees, heels, throwing ban on my back from large heights, balancing with a ban in different positions.


Balancing the ban on my head together with changing my clothes.


The show is joined with rhythmical music and lasts about 20 minutes, at the end there is entertainment for the public, such as:


Juggling with the public, jugglery contest.


I send video tapes for 60 PLN to people, who are interested in my performances.


My address :


Jacek Roszkowski

Londoner. Str 44 53117 Bonn


tel : 0228 / 677820   -  Best method

fax : 0228 / 677820  -  Best method

e - mail: [email protected]   Brief

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