Weavre's Family

My Family

Since I'm beginning a major reconstruction of this site, there's only a bit in any particular area. But for the time being, please allow me to introduce

  • Michelle, the Grrl in the Moon. Michelle is my partner, my soulmate, and my closest friend. I've written quite a bit about her, which you can find in my library.

  • Tommy is our son, an active ten-year-old looking ahead happily toward adolescence. He's going to be playing soccer this season. He recently described himself to a penpal as loving reading, nature, and music. He's also a stable, cuddly joy in our lives, hardworking and a lot of fun!

  • Danica, our daughter, is a precocious eight-year-old full of energy and emotion. She loves to sing, and landed parts in two different performances with Opera Memphis for this year! She also devours books as fast as she can select them, with Harry Potter being a current favorite.

  • Perhaps I should also mention our dear friends, the Campbells. Sarah, Robin, and their daughters Estee and Isobel are as close as family, after all.

  • Look soon for bits about our rambunctious mixed-lab Barkley, our cats Jacques and Murphy, and perhaps even the raccoons we're desperately trying to keep *out* of our immediate living space!

    January 1, 2000
    (I need a new picture! The kids have really grown since then!)

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