Weavre's Library

Weavre's Library

Stuff I've written . . . and refuse to apologize for!

The words in these stories are me. They're all me. If you want to get to know me, reading my words may let you in, in a way very little else can do.

But before you read, be aware. I'm human. I get sad sometimes, or frustrated, or afraid. I get a twisted little sense of humor that might step on somebody's toes. I have thoughts and ideas that can make a conservative Republican choke and spew coffee. (I know, because I also have a dear friend who's a conservative Republican!) Before you accept my invitation to step inside my personal space, know that sometimes spiderwebs get sticky and tangly and not altogether comfortable. If you'd prefer to remain snuggled inside your down comforter in your air-conditioned apartment, click here and skip back out to the front door. If you don't mind heeding the call of the rising sun, crawling from your bed into a chill dewy morning, risking a scraped knee to climb a forest ridge, all in search of sun-sparkled dewdrops on a spiderweb . . . then read on, and thrill to the sense of the Fae who watch our explorations, missteps and all, and smile--but do not often intervene.

Poems that are clearly poems:

Duffle Bag at Midnight
The first poem I ever wrote, untitled, at age 7-and-a-half
Read Just a Hand *before* you read The Hand of a Friend, or the second won't make any sense.
Birthing Waters
Ain't It Enough? (Not finished yet, babbling to a browser at work)

Just a Crack in the Ceiling

Stories that are clearly stories:

A Quiet Evening at Home

Social commentary and radical thoughts:

PAS (read "Dialogue" first; it refers back)
Margaret Sanger
If and Also If . . .
Lady Liberty
Now Let Us Sing! (Relief from the Gender Wars)

For a growing collection in this category, check out the
pastes of my posts to various newsgroups and message boards,
beginning January 2000.


Was that really my mother?
Just a dream
Harvest Home (A Samhain Reading)
Shortly after meeting Michelle
Birthday smiles
What happened?
To Michelle, after bedtime 8/16/00
daydream recorded long ago, at work . . . ;)
Another reason to love her . . . ;)
Morning Love-Ramblings
Tolerance and Prejudice
Proud Parent?
I can handle that . . .
Her mother's daughter
Can I Keep Her?
mothers and Mothers
Yes, I care
In June

Things I just can't put a label on:

The Eye of the Beholder
Gothic Time
Letter Home
Rednecks (unfinished, but humorous so far)
|| WARNING: "Rednecks" contains potentially ||
|| offensive references to heterosexual activity ||
Yet Another Reason

Return to the Front Door.
E-mail me at [email protected].

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