Yet another reason

Yet another reason I can’t accept a Christian God:

A child suffers, a mother cries,
An infant is raped, a leader lies . . .

“But be comforted!” the Christians say,
“Our God has planned it all this way!”

“What?” I cry, “He allows these things?”

“Yes, part of His plan; ends justify means.”

“Pshaw!” I say. “For whom is this true?”
“I’d not accept that of myself, or of you!”

“But God’s plan is perfect,” the Christians all say.

“Fuck that,” I answer. “There’s always a way.
And if your God knows all, I expect he could find it--
And if he’s really ‘all-Good’ then he’d better not mind it!”

“Blasphemy!” they scream; “You can’t know His plan!”

“What then? You’d ask less of your God than of Man?
Hitler had visions of a perfect world, too;
We’d as well excuse his acts, then, according to you.”

“But God’s plan is greater than your mind can know!”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before, and you keep telling me so.
But I’m telling you this: if God will harm Man,
And rationalize why, I want no part of His plan.
I’m harsh on my own heart, and if my plans will cause woe,
I’m forced to amend them, find different means to my goal.
And even in my poor weak human mind,
There’s always a better path I can find.
So either your God doesn’t give a damn for the pain that he sees,
Or he’s a puny subhuman, less even than me.
I’d have more respect for your Father and Son
If He could hold Himself true, and truly ‘Harm none.’”

--Weavre, August 5, 1998

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