Minutes of the Meeting, 15 May 2003

President Jim Conlon called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m., in room VAB115 at the University of South Alabama.  14 members were present.

The minutes were read and approved.

Reports of officers

1st VP Martha Ann Rowan reported that no site had yet been found for the fall show

2nd VP Kate Seawell was not present.

Treasurer Bobbie Smith reported that she had gone over the budget for last year and would do so for the previous two years in order to satisfy the requirements for becoming a non-profit organization.  Also, she reminded everyone that dues of $15.00 are due June 1.

Secretary Lynda Smith Touart noted that she had received a packet sent from Nancy Raia of the ESAC, consisting of essays written by visiting school children about various work in the WGAS show there. She offered everyone a chance to read them.  She noted that a roll was being passed around, and that a stack of new membership lists was available for anyone who wants one.

Lynda also reported that she had been contacted by Robin Krchak of the Mobile Public Library (via Charlie Smoke of the Mobile Arts Council) about our members exhibiting on an ongoing rotating basis at the Main Branch and at the new West Regional Branch. It was suggested that those interested so indicate by their names on the roll.  Then Lynda would give them the necessary details.  Indicating interest were: Fred Marchman, Marian Stohrer, Adele Fay, Barbara Cline, and Lynda.

Old Business

Jim asked if Fred Marchman and Les Thompson had put their concerns about the mat requirements in the form of a motion.  Les said that they had not.  Fred said that he was more concerned with the question of more prizes and/or more categories for graphics.  It was agreed to table this for another time.

New Business

John Cleverdon questioned the method for choosing new members, as set out in the constitution.  Jim remarked that people were especially incensed that Casey Downing had not been selected.  Bobbie Smith proposed that all members vote, as they do for the members’ choice award.  Martha Anne stated that she thought the current system had run its course.  It was suggested that a committee be set up to propose alternatives.  Jim asked John if he would serve on that committee.  Norma Ensminger stated that she thought two members of the board should be on the committee.  Fred, Adele, and Jim agreed to be on the committee.  Martha Anne proposed that Lee Hoffman be asked to serve.

Jim reported on the move toward tax-exempt status.  After talking to his CPA he had learned that we must file a form to be given an EIM.  Bobbie & Lynda will acquire a post office box for the required address.  Jim stressed that this process would take some time, so the organization must be committed through several years of officers. But it is well worth doing, not the least because this will open the possibility of grants and awards, and tax-deductible donations.  Since we will need ideas for proposed use of the money, Jim asked how we could have a central pool of ideas in order for people to suggest workshops or the like.  Bobbie pointed out that people who give workshops are booked well ahead, often a year or more.  It was decided to send out a questionnaire.

On the question of exhibition space, Jim reported that he had written to Joe Schenck of the Mobile Museum of Art, but had so far not been favored with a reply.  However, he had also written to Palmer Bedesole, who has acquired the old Mobile Register building for an Arts Center, and who seemed more receptive to working with us.  It is envisioned as a center along the lines of the Torpedo Factory Arts Center in Virginia, although on a less ambitious scale.  John asked if it would be part of the Centre for the Living Arts. Jim said he didn't know how the parts will fit, but it is possible that the space would be ready in time for us to have our end of the year show, since the building is in relatively good condition.  Jim said that we could not afford to buy into the MMA exhibition space like the MAA is doing ($10,000.00 over 3 years)

John announced that a good printmaking show was just opening at Thomas Hospital in Daphne. There are 48 pieces sponsored by the American Print Alliance, Gulf ArtSpace, and Thomas Hospital.  The opening reception is June 5, and the show will be up until August 19.

Jim introduced the new members.  

  • Peg Udall

  • Peggy Lawrence

  • Fran Neumann

  • Loran Chavez (not present)

In conclusion, Jim stated that we may need to have more meetings to encourage more participation, and that we would try going back to Sunday afternoons to see if more people would come.

Lynda moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Fred seconded.  Passed by acclimation.

May 2003 Newsletter

New Officers for 2003/2004

  •  President – Jim Conlon

  • 1st VP – Martha Ann Rowan

  •  2nd VP – Kate Seawell

  •  Treasurer – Bobbie Smith

  •  Secretary – Lynda Smith Touart


From the President
Joanne and I hosted an informal gathering of the new officers of the WGAS on the evening of April 17th to share ideas and develop a realistic agenda for the year. The discussion focused on the following topics:

1.       Non-profit Status. It was unanimously agreed to apply for Tax Exempt Status (50 1 C)(3) with the IRS as soon as possible. The application process is neither quick nor easy; it requires a three-year probationary period before the IRS will grant a permanent tax exemption for a non-profit organization like ours. However, we can secure provisional acceptance and the associated benefits as soon as our application has been received and accepted. This means that the WGAS will be in a much better position to solicit donations of money and goods and services which should enhance the number and amount of cash and other awards for our exhibitions.

2.       An upgrading of the present WGAS website. Rich Touart gave a brief presentation on this subject which included the initial cost of designing a site which would provide a substantial amount of information (text) and a limited amount of visual information (graphics). The yearly cost of maintaining the site would be only $135.00.  Designing the site and selecting the appropriate visuals would cost considerably more. Upgrading the website should be viewed as an investment in the well being of the organization, particularly in conjunction with our pending tax exempt status. This matter has been deferred until the budget for 2003-04 has been determined.

3.       Developing a strategy for proposing an urban art gallery in downtown Mobile. I suggested that we form a committee to investigate the possibility of proposing the establishment of a gallery for practicing artists in Mobile and the Greater Gulf Coast Area in the new RSA Tower Complex or some other prestigious downtown location. We need a small, but active "think tank" of members who will contribute their thoughts and some of their valuable time to this effort. The WGAS cannot implement an idea like this alone, but it could assume a leadership role working with The Allied Arts Council of Mobile and other organizations to plant the idea and foster its growth

4.       The Fall Show. One of the most important items at this time is to find a suitable site for our annual Fall Exhibition. Martha Ann Rowan and I are now at work at this task and should have a location within the near future.

The WGAS will celebrate its fifty-fifth anniversary this year. It has made a significant difference in the artistic environment of the greater Mobile area, and will continue to do so with the genuine interest and participation of its members.

Jim Conlon


Spring Show Winners

  • Best of Show: Allan Butt, The Persian Rug

  • 2nd Place: Marsha Corner, Boys on Bike

  • 3rd Place:  Carolyn Greene, Green Apples

  • John H. “Bubba” Jones Award:  John Cleverdon, 1999 Nissan Maxima

  • Members’ Choice/ Alabama Art Supply Merchandize Award:  Barbara Cline, Spring Quilt

(Barbara wants to thank the members for this award.  She states that it means much more to her than the decision of any judge.)


Welcome New Members!
The following individuals were chosen by committee on the basis of their work exhibited in the Spring Show at ESAC:

  • Peg Udall

  • Peggy Lawrence

  • Loran Chavez

  •  Fran Neumann


Member News:

  •  Mary Rodning won a purchase award in the Singing River Art Association, 24th Annual Multi-Media Exhibition in the Old Train Depot Art Gallery, Pascagoula, MS.  Also accepted in the show were Loran Chavez and Barbara Cline.

  • With regret we announce the resignation of Weezie Bancroft Brabner Phillips.  She feels that she no longer does the kind of work that the Society stands for.  We hope she will return one day.

  • Mary Anne Bettino Trovato and Linda Perry Ledet are exhibiting The Art of Motherhood at the grand opening of Saint Ignatius Archives, Museum, and Library featuring their paintings of the Madonna and Child.          

  •  Allan Butt and Barbara Cline were accepted into the Energen Art Competition hanging through May 9, at the Energen Plaza in Birminghan


From the Secretary:
Membership lists are available.  Please tell me if you need your listing changed or corrected.  I especially want to get correct email addresses from those who have them so that we can contact you in this easy, cheap, and quick way.  (If you have email, and are not getting emails from me regarding meetings and such, I must not have your correct address!  [email protected]

Minutes of the Spring Meeting, 13 March 2003

President Bill Morris called the meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. at the Eastern Shore Art Center, a few minutes late in order to allow extra time for the terrible weather and for the parking situation due to the Arts Festival that was setting up in the parking lot.

The minutes were read and approved.

Mary Rodning gave the treasurer’s report.

Kate Seawell reported that the judge for the Spring Show would be Merrill Miller from Gulf Shores.

Les Thompson brought the plaques for the show and asked for people to volunteer for the taking in of work.  He passed around a sign-up sheet.

Bill thanked the Mobile people for coming in the bad weather, noting that he had done the same for the Fairhope people at the last meeting.

Old Business

Bill reported that he had checked on the non-profit question, and that it did not seen to be a pressing matter.   He said it could be taken care of later.  Mary mentioned that it would help us get awards if we could grant donors non-profit tax deductions.

New Business

Bill moved that we donate $100 to the ESAC for the reception as a good-will gesture.  Mary seconded.  This passed.

 Lynda read names of the proposed members and noted that Casey Downing and Fran Neumann had not yet sent résumés.

John Cleverdon asked about the problem of the pick up of work not included in the show.  Bill stated that he would see that people’s work was returned to them in a timely manner.  He also asked that everyone encourage all members to participate.

John further asked who would select work for the show if all work brought does not get in.  Kate noted that we had promised that everyone would get two pieces in the show, but maybe not three, depending on space.  Bill suggested that the hanging committee choose.  Lynda moved that each person bringing in work designate which piece, if any, is to be left out.  Passed by acclimation.

Fred Marchman brought the slate of officers proposed by Carolyn Greene and the nominating committee.  They are:

  • President – Jim Conlon

  • 1st VP – Martha Ann Rowan

  • 2nd VP – Kate Seawell

  • Treasurer – Bobbie Smith

  • Secretary – Lynda Smith Touart

It was moved, seconded, and passed by acclimation, that we accept this slate.

Les brought up the question of WGAS rules on mats.  He and Fred wish to change the rules, at least as they apply to graphics.  Fred stated that there should be separate prizes for prints, drawings, etc., or perhaps even for different kinds of prints.  Jack Sanders compared our rules to those of the American Watercolor Society, noting that they had the same requirements. After lengthy discussion, Bill asked Les to put his motion in writing for the next meeting.

Lynda moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Jim seconded.

After the meeting we were treated to a slide presentation, an overview of the work of Lee Hoffman, who was the Best Of Show winner in the Fall Show.

Spring 2003 Newsletter

Fall Show Winners 

(The judge for the show was Robert C. Knutson.)

  •   Best of Show: Lee Hoffman 

  •   First Place, Thompson Engineering and Testing Award: Sumi Putman 

  •  Francis Palmer Ward Award: Maurine Shorkey

  •  Alabama Art Supply merchandise award: Patricia Marco

  •  John H. "Bubba" Jones, Jr. Memorial award: Missy Patrick

  •  Bea Tucker graphics prize:  Jim Conlon

  •  Bea Tucker watercolor prize: Mary Anne Trovato

  •  Members' Choice, for which all members vote: Patricia Marco.


Spring Show

Your board has decided to lower the entry fee to encourage participation.  This time you may enter 3 works for the $15.00 entry fee.  Since we are in the Whiting Gallery (the BIG room) again, you should be assured of two works in the show.  ESAC was disappointed with our last show, and that is why we were not offered a showing there last year.  In order to reclaim our Spring Show in that gallery, we need to be sure that this show is an exceptionally good one.  Also, the entry fees will make up our prize money, so that is another reason to encourage participation. 

Please note that the opening reception will be the same night as the ArtWalk in Fairhope, which should assure us of a good turnout.

Kate will announce the judge for the show at the general meeting.

The awards will be: 

  •  Best of Show:  $150

  •  2nd place:  $75

  • 3rd place: $50

  • Hon Mention: $25

  • Members’ Choice/AL Art Supply Merchandise Award:  $100

  • John H. “Bubba Jones Award: $100

We would like to institute the mailing of publicity postcards for our shows, beginning with the next Fall Show, and your board suggests that we feature the previous show’s winner on them.  We will need to discuss this at our meeting to decide how to compile a mailing list. 


Spring Meeting:

The spring meeting will be held in Fairhope at the Eastern Shore Art Center, 13 March, at 6:30 p.m.  This arrangement has been made to accommodate our Eastern Shore members.  Be sure to attend, because we have much to discuss, not to mention the election of new officers, which will take place at this meeting.


Member News:

·        Maurine Shorkey and Anita Westerberg had  terrific one-woman shows at the ESAC in February!

·        Bill Morris placed 14th in the federal migratory waterfowl stamp contest. This is the largest art competition in the world. The contest has drawn more than 1500 artists vying for the top prize.

·        Norma Ensminger has been asked to show her painting work at the Alabama Arts Council Gallery, January 25- March 21st.  The show is entitled "Across Alabama, New Work: Paintings and Sculpture". The Gallery is open during the week, and weekends with special arrangement.

·        Jo Patton’s painting is the poster for the Festival of Flowers this year. Jo and Tricia Bryars, (a.k.a Patricia Patton-Bryars) are sharing a booth at the Festival, Mar.20th-23rd, 2003.
Also our good wishes go out to Bill Patton, Jo’s husband, who had a stroke recently.  Get well soon, Bill!

·      Madeline Busby  is giving art lessons to children and adults in her home.  Call her at 342-5927, or email: [email protected]

·       The mother/daughter team of Jane Shaw and Suzanne Wright have a show at the Bay Rivers Art Guild through March 28th.


Don’t forget!
WGAS Spring Dates

Thursday, March 13, 2003 – Spring General Meeting, 6:30 p.m. at ESAC

Tuesday, April 1, 2003 – Bring work to the ESAC between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.  The fee for up to three pieces is $15.00.  Your dues must be paid up in order to enter.

Thursday, April 3, 2003 – Judging 

Friday, April 4, 2003 – Opening Reception, 6–8 p.m.

Tuesday, April 29, 2003 – pick up work after the show

Fall 2002 Newsletter

From the President:
This year we hope to move WGAS forward to bigger and better things.  We hope to see that the rules of the society are more strictly adhered to, in order to elevate both the quality and prestige of our shows.  Since the criteria are already in place for this, we should be vigilant in application.  We are probably the oldest arts organizations in Alabama, and we should reflect that status.  Now, more than ever, we need more participation and input from our members.  In order to further that goal, we hope to elevate the awards in our shows in both monetary value and in number.

Bill Morris


From the Treasurer:  
A gentle reminder: 2002-2003 dues were due June 1st, and you must be currently paid to enter the next show.  Dues are only $15.00 per year. Bring them to the next meeting or send them to:
Mary Rodning,
4500 Cavalier Drive
Semmes, AL 36575


From the Secretary:
An email from Marcia J. Harris asks for any information regarding Genevieve Southerland.  If you can be of any help, please respond to:
Marcia J Harris
811 Maple Street
Staunton, VA  24401

[email protected]

Membership lists will be distributed at the fall meeting, so please tell me if you need your listing changed or corrected.  I especially want to get correct email addresses from those who have them so that we can contact you in this quick, cheap, and easy way.

 Lynda Smith Touart
3951 Schillinger Rd. N.
Semmes, AL 36575
[email protected]


Fall Meeting:
Due to a number of requests that the time and place be changed, the fall meeting will be held on October 10, at 5 p.m., at the new Mobile Museum of Art.  (The spring meeting will be held at the ESAA to accommodate our Eastern Shore membership.  We are trying to be more even-handed in this, and hope to see a good turnout accordingly.)

At the fall meeting we will discuss our fall show, and the results of our survey.  Be sure to attend so that you can be part of the decision-making process. 


Fall Show
The fall WGAS exhibition will again be held at the Morris Gallery.  Bring in your work on Monday, October 28, 2002.  The show is planned to run from November 2nd through 23rd, with the reception scheduled for Saturday, the 2nd, at 4p.m.

In addition to other prizes we may acquire, Alabama Art Supply has donated a French easel, as well as their usual $100.00 supplies award, for the Fall Show.  It is currently on view at the Morris Gallery.
Here’s a refresher of the exhibit rules:

· Aqua Media shall consist of watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, egg tempera, water-soluble crayon and pencil. Such must be on paper, or on paper mounted on board.  No collage material other than original aqua media on paper executed by the artist shall be allowed.  Pastel may be used, but water media must dominate.

· Graphics shall consist of
1. Printmaking:  Intaglio, lithography, screen prints, relief prints, and monoprints
2. Drawing: Charcoal, pen and ink, graphite, ink wash, charcoal wash, scratch board, conté crayon, colored pencil
3. Pastel painting

· Diptychs or triptychs are not allowed unless in a common frame

· Timeliness: Entries must have been executed within the past two years and not exhibited in WGAS shows before.  No class work or copies - originals only.

· Framing: All works must be under glass or Plexiglas.  If matted, mats must be white or off-white 


Spring Show
In 2003 the Spring Show will again be held at the Eastern Shore Art Association, in the Whiting Gallery, opening April 4.



It is time to think about nominating new members to the Society.  These names must be submitted by 1 Jan 2003.  Read your copy of the Constitution for the requirements.


Member News:

WGAS Winners in the Bay Rivers Art Guild Show:
Sharon Lyn Jones, Jo Patton, and Marie Nickerson won merit awards. 
Also in the show were Mary Rodning, Barbara Cline, Susan Perrine, Carolyn Newcomer, Lutie Mumford, Emilee Lyons, Suzanne Wright, Jane Shaw, Maurine Shorkey, and Mary Ann Travato,

WGAS Winners in the MAA Show:
o  Ainsley McNeeley/March Trio:  Gene Fussell Memorial Award     
o  Missy Patrick/Alabama State Docks:  William Bush Memorial Award (Mobile Scene)
o Marsha Corner/Oyster Boat at Dauphin Island: Merit
Also in the show were Weezie Brabner, Madeline Busby, John Cleverdon, Barbara Cline, James Conlon, Norma Ensminger, Adele Fay, Carolyn Greene, Lee Hoffman, Kaye Wall Hoffman, Fred Marchman, Carolyn Newcomer, Sumi Putman, Mary Rodning, Kate Sewell, Maurine Shorkey, Lynda Smith Touart, and Mary Anne Travato

John Cleverdon has a woodcut in the September 11 Memorial Portfolio on display at Thomas Hospital in Fairhope through November 5.  The show was put together and circulated by the American Print Alliance, an organization of 21 non-profit printmakers' councils in the United States and Canada.  There are 440 works on paper, each 10" x 8".  Also, John is finishing a woodcut to send to a portfolio exchange of the Baren Woodcut Forum, an international on-line organization of woodblock printmakers.  Each person  will mail an edition of 31 proofs and get back a portfolio of 30 woodcuts from the other artists

Jo Patton and Mickey Cleverdon will have a show at the eastern Shore Art Center the month of November, titled "Wharfs and Words."  The exhibition will consist of paintings of wharves by Jo and poems about wharves and water by Mickey.

Lynda Smith Touart will be in the BLUE! Show at Gulf Artspace, opening October 4th.

Summer 2002 Newsletter

From the President:
My thanks to the members for electing me to be your president in 2002-2003.  My goal is to bring the organization back as viable.   We are looking hard to find ways to make major changes.  First we intend to raise the bar for our shows by increasing member participation and by increasing community awareness of our exhibits.  Our goal is to increase both the prestige and the prize money in our shows.  To do this we will need the help of every member.  To this end we are inclosing a survey about suggestions the membership may have.  Please help by returning your survey in a timely manner to:

William C. Morris
1011 Hillcrest Road
Mobile AL 36695

Or, you can drop it by the gallery at the above address.



WGAS Spring Show Winners:
First Place:
Frances Mutchnik - Deserted  
Second Place
: Lynda Smith Touart – Harvest
Third Place
: Anne Festorazzi – From my Sketchbook
John H. ”Bubba” Jones Award
: Adele B. Fay – Downtown Mobile

J Special thanks to Phyllis Boyd, manager of Southern Art and Framing, for hosting our show, and to Ms. Chris Tuggle of the Blue Dolphin Gallery in Pensacola  for judging.



New Members!
The following people were selected to receive an invitation to join the Society:

  1. Marsha Corner
  2. Deborah Jones
  3. Jeff Knighton
  4. Patricia Marco
  5. Mary Ann Trovato
  6. Liz Zirlott

Congratulations and welcome to all!


Member News and Lots of It!:

·        In February Mary Rodning exhibited in Los Angeles with the ART of INK group, in the Korean Cultural Center.

·        Fred Marchman had a one-man show, “Alabama Back Roads”, at the Hawthorn Gallery in Mountain Brook, Alabama in March.

·        Several members were in the Gulf Gallery Self Portrait show “Me, Myself, and/or I” in March: John Cleverdon  
Jim Conlon  
Norma Ensminger
David McCann
Kate Seawell
Wanda Sullivan
Lynda Smith Touart
Lynn Yonge  

·        Maurine Shorkey had a one-person show of paintings at the Bay Rivers Art Guild in Daphne in March.

·        Allan Butt won a Merit Award for his watercolor in Art with a Southern Drawl at the University of Mobile.  David McCann and Mary Rodning were also accepted into the show.

·        Kate Seawell had a one-person show at the Springhill College Eichold Gallery in April.

·        The following members won awards in the MAA show in April:
David McCann: Best of Show AND Third Place
Adele Fay: Merit Award
Norma Ensminger: Memorial Award
Mary Anne Trovato: William P. Weaver Award

·        David McCann has been elected president of the MAA and Adele Fay has been elected vice-president. (Adele was also chosen president of the Mobile Branch of the National League of American Pen Women.)

·        Jean Adams has informed us that she is moving to Pittsburgh, PA, and must withdraw from WGAS membership.  She said she 'loved being a part of WGAS and will miss everyone'.  We will miss her!

·        These members and their spouses were invited to show in the “2by2” show at the MMA in May:
John Cleverdon
James Conlon
Kaye Wall Hoffman
Lee Hoffman
David McCann (again!)

Mary Rodning
Lynda Smith Touart

·        The following members exhibited in the Plein Air Painting Group show at Gallery 54 in May:
Weezie Brabner
John Cleverdon
Carolyn Green
Kaye Wall Hoffman
Lee Hoffman
Lydia Host
Missy Patrick

Jo Patton
Martha A. Rowan
Kate Seawell
Maurine Shorkey

Anita Westerberg

·        We are sorry to report that Wanda Sullivan’s father died in May.

·        We are also sorry to report that Sumi Putman has fallen and fractured a vertebra.


From the Secretary:

·        At the fall meeting the updated membership lists will be distributed.  Please let your secretary know before that time if your address, phone number, or email address needs to be changed.  (Are you listening, you former @home and @zebra people?)  The address is:

L[email protected] or
Lynda Smith Touart
3951 Schillinger Rd. N.
Semmes, AL 36575

·        Thanks to everyone who contributed member news for this newsletter.  Keep it up!


From the Treasurer:

·        Thanks to all members who have become current.  It has been wonderful to reconnect with you.  June 1, 2002, began the fiscal year for 2003-2003.   
Your $15.00 dues may be sent to:

Mary Rodning
4500 Cavalier Drive
Semmes, AL 36575

·          Regretfully, we have recently had to drop seven members for non-payment of dues, so do it now before you forget! L

For information call 649-8586 or email [email protected]

·        We have determined it to be in the best interest of the Society to renew our CD for 12 months when it comes due in June.        


Fall Show Dates

The fall WGAS exhibition will again be held at the Morris Gallery.  Bring in your work on Monday, October 28, 2002.  The show is planned to run from November 2nd through 23rd, with the reception tentatively scheduled for Saturday, the 2nd.  Details will follow as they are worked out.

We need everyone’s participation!!!

Minutes of the SPRING MEETING: 24 FEBRUARY 2002

President Allan Butt called the meeting to order at 3:05 PM, in VAB 115, on the campus of the University of South Alabama. Fourteen members were present.

The minutes were read and approved.

Reports of Officers:
Mary Rodning reported that she had renewed our CD for six months. The Treasurer’s Report was the same as had been given at the Board Meeting.

Kate Seawell was late, so Allan gave the dates for the upcoming Spring Show, and noted that each member could enter one piece for $15.00. Proposed new members must enter two, but do not pay. The judge for the show is Chris Tuggle, director of the Blue Dolphin Gallery in Pensacola.

Les reported that he will be available all day on March 4th to take in work at Southern Art & Framing, and that others are welcome to help. Mary will make a list of those owing dues. Les stated that he had ordered the plaques and also business cards to use for tags. There was discussion about whether to affix the tags to the wall or to the frames. Les will talk to Phyllis about this. Jerry Roldan asked if there was a commission on sales. Les said there is not. Anne Festorazzi asked for clarification of the location of the gallery.

Lynda asked everyone to sign the roll being passed around. She noted that fourteen people were being proposed for membership in the upcoming show.

Old Business:
At the last meeting Missy Patrick suggested we think about changing the day and/or place for the meeting in an effort to get better attendance. No one had any particular suggestion to make, and Missy was not in attendance. Lee Hoffman suggested that the board talk it over with Missy to see what she had in mind, and postpone any action at this time. Anne Festorazzi reminded us that some years ago we met at members’ houses and everyone brought food.

New Business:
The question was raised at the last board meeting about whether to continue to give the Mobile Museum of Art the purchase award, since they will not assure us that we will be able to continue showing there. Kate suggested that we table the question till a later date. All agreed to this. Fred Marchman said that the Mobile Art Association helped start the MMA, and now the MMA is trying to distance itself from the local artists.

Allan reported that a business is interested in developing a permanent collection of WGAS works and in giving us the use of a building on Old Shell Road, between Savage Lab and Ashland Gallery. Marian Stohrer asked who would be responsible for insurance, utilities, etc. Allan replied that there were no answers to that as yet, as it is still too early in the discussion. Adele Fay recommended consulting Mona Vivar about the pitfalls of such an undertaking. Marian stated that we would need fundraisers to pay for upkeep.

Allan stated that he was sure we would be able to have our fall show at the Morris Gallery again, but no arrangements had yet been made.

Allan reported on his meeting with heads of several local arts societies regarding the development of a policy for the city’s purchase of art in public places. It is important that such a policy be in place to facilitate the purchase of local art. A good example of an upcoming opportunity would be the proposed RSA building.

Carolyn Greene, chair of the nominating committee, proposed a slate of officers for next year. The only change is the nomination of Bill Morris as president. As there were no other nominations, Carolyn moved that we accept the slate by acclamation. Adele seconded, and the motion passed.

Allan announced that Fred Marchman was having a one-man show in Mountain Brook in March. Also several of our members are in the current self-portrait show now hanging at the Gulf Alternative Art Space in Fairhope.

Kate suggested that for a program after each meeting we invite the winner of the previous show to speak briefly about his or her work. She had intended to get Mona Vivar to speak at the end of this meeting, but had not been able to get in touch with her. Instead Kate provided a tape on Jacob Lawrence.

There being no further business, Lynda moved that the meeting be adjourned. Adele seconded. This passed by acclamation. and the meeting was adjourned at 4PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynda Smith Touart, Secretary
Watercolor and Graphic Arts Society of Mobile


Winter 2001 Newsletter

From Allan Butt, President:
Congratulations to the winners in our Fall Show! It was a beautiful show. I think it was one of our best, and all of the entries were outstanding! The judge was very impressed with our society and the high quality of the pieces entered. I would like also to thank Bill Morris for allowing us to use his beautiful gallery. The beautiful paintings and drawings exhibited, coupled with one of the most beautiful galleries on the Gulf Coast made our Fall Show exceptional.

 It has been a great honor for me to serve as your president for the 3rd term. We have great board members and it has been a joy to work with them. As always, Lynda Touart has worked so hard to make everything run smoothly, and I cannot thank her enough for all of the help she has given to me these last three years. Thank you, Lynda!

Member News

Lutie Mumford was awarded a ribbon in the Azalea City Art Fair last summer.  Also, she, as well as Jean Adams, should have been included in our listing of members who exhibited in the last BRAG show.  Jean also won an award in the BRAG show.

Wanda Sullivan Allred gave birth to baby girl Addison Raine Allred on 3 October 2001.  Congratulations from us all to Wanda and Brian!


WGAS Fall Show Prizes:
Mobile Museum of Art Purchase Award: 
Mona Vivar for "Weeks Bay"

Second Place Thompson Engineering Award:  Sumi Putman for "Interior Expansion"

Third Place Thompson Engineering Award:  Jaime Lee for "Canna Metamorphosis"

Francis Palmer Ward Award for Watercolor:  Lynda Smith Touart for "Persephone"

John H. "Bubba" Jones Memorial Award:  Norma Ensminger for "Waterlilies"

Alabama Art Supply Merchandise Award:  Marie Nickerson for "Overture I"

Bea Tucker Award for Graphics:  Jim Conlon for "Lakeside"

Bea Tucker Award for Watercolor:  Jo Patton for "Frenchie"

Special thanks to Allan Butt and family who catered the opening in great style!


Business and the Arts
was held on 25 October 2001, at the Morris Gallery.  The following WGAS members won awards:
In Painting/Drawing/Graphics

  • Mary E. Rodning – First 

  • David McCann – Third

In Mixed Media/3-D

  • Kate Seawell – First

  • Barbara Cline – Third


AllenTowne Gallery
Allentowne Art Gallery is offering four annual opportunities to show with them, with no entry fee.  The next three shows are February 28, May 31, and August 30.  Call 479-1199 for more information.


MAA Fall Juried Show
The following members won awards: 

  • BEST OF SHOW - Kimono XVIII  Sumi E. Putman 

  • Merit Award - Mobile Bay Spiders  Mary E. Rodning 

  • Merit Award - Party City  Fred Marchman 

  • William Bush Memorial Award -Downtown Mobile  Adele Fay 

Other WGAS members in the show were:
Jean Louise Adams, Irma Brady Carlson, Madeline Busby, Ann Calagaz, Barbara Cline, Norma Ensminger, Ainsley McNeely, Frances E. Mutchnick, and Marian Stohrer  


Please Note!!

 New member nominations are due by January 1, 2002.  Send your information to Allan Butt.  To be eligible to show, the nominee must have the signatures of two active members in good standing, submit a resume, and exhibit two works in the spring show.

The Spring Show will be held at Southern Art and Framing, in March of 2002.  Details and exact dates will be forthcoming.

Minutes of the FALL MEETING: 14 OCTOBER 2001 

CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m. in VAB 115, at the University of South Alabama. Only 11 members were present.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  The minutes were approved as posted in the fall 2001 newsletter.


  • James Conlon
  • Lydia Host
  • David McCann
  • Susan Perrine
  • Susan Wallace
  • And returning member, Bill Morris

Of these, only Lydia was present.


Mary Rodning, Treasurer

  • Mary gave the treasurer's report
  • She then asked if anyone knows who signed the CD’s in WGAS name, since the bank won’t tell her.  Kate Seawell suggested that a workshop be held with the money.  John Cleverdon asked when the other CD matures.  Mary said  June 2003, and asked if anyone knew where the money came from.  Adele Fay said that it was proceeds from the F.P.Ward paintings sale, as he had bequeathed all his paintings to WGAS.  Kate asked if he had specified intentions for the use of the money, but Adele did not know.  John asked if we could roll over the CD for a short time, six months or a year, to give us time to set up a committee to have a workshop or some other endeavor.  Marian Storer said we would need to get a new CD.  Allan suggested that Mary contact Mona Vivar, since she is a lawyer, for advice.
  • Kate recommended that we thank Mary for getting the surcharge removed from our checking account.

Kate Seawell, First VP

  • Dates for the Fall show at the Morris Gallery are:  Work in on 29 October, 10 am to 4 pm; Reception Sunday 4 November, 2-4pm
  • The judge is Susan Ranager, Special Curator at the Ohr Museum in Biloxi.
  • Awards:
    Sharon Lyn Jones, in honor of her father  $100.00
    Thompson Engineering    $350.00
    Alabama Art Supply     $100.00
    Bea Tucker Graphics    $50.00
    Bea Tucker Watercolor   $50.00
    WGAS Purchase award for the MMA     $850.00
    Francis Palmer Ward Award for Watercolor $100.00

Allan stated that he had talked to Paul Richelson, who said that the MMA would still like to receive paintings from WGAS.  There was some question as to whether any local arts societies would be showing at the new museum.  Mary said that at the last meeting it was indicated that the MMA would “rethink” local arts shows.  In any case there will be no local shows until after June 2002.  Allan stated that some people had withdrawn from the WGAS when we were changed to the downtown gallery of the MMA rather than the Langan Park gallery.  Allan asked if it had been decided that the artist winning the purchase prize had the choice of having the painting donated to the MMA or not.  Missy Patrick said that it had been discussed, but had not been voted in, that the purchase award painting had always been given to the MMA, but the artist had the choice of making the painting eligible for this purchase or not when it was brought in to the show.

Les Thompson, 2nd VP was not present

  • A page was passed around for volunteers to sign up to help Les take in work.
  • A question was raised about what date and time to pick up work after the show.  Kate suggested that Les should find out the answer for sure and have that information for people when they bring in their work.
  • It was also asked if someone could call members to let them know if their work had been rejected and that they could pick it up, rather than have them call the gallery or pick up their work up at the reception.  Kate said that again that should be a job for Les.  Kate stated that work juried out could be picked up anytime after the judging on Tuesday.

Lynda Smith Touart, Secretary:
Noted that corrections and additions to the membership list had been printed and were being passed out.

Allan read out the amendment for voting.  (Bold italics below indicate changes.)

1. Amendment to Constitution:  ARTICLE I

Section 3. Names may be submitted in writing at the fall and spring meeting, signed by two members in good standing, to the Board for consideration.

Section 4. A three-person Selection Committee, to be named by the Society President from those members not making nominations, will meet at the Spring and fall Exhibition and select new members.

Missy said that she thought this to be inappropriate since the Fall Show is juried.  John agreed, and moved that the amendment be tabled.  Kate seconded.  This was passed.

After lively discussion, Missy moved that the amendment be as follows:  Names may be submitted in writing until January 1, signed by two members in good standing, to the Board for consideration.  Thus, Section 4 would stay as is.

2. Standing Rule: Definitions For Aqua Media and for Graphics

After discussion Kate moved and Barbara Cline seconded that we accept the Definitions for Aqua Media and Graphics as corrected below:

  • Aqua Media shall consist of watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, egg tempera, water-soluble crayon and pencil. Such must be on paper, or on paper mounted on board.  No collage material other than original aqua media on paper executed by the artist shall be allowed.  Pastel may be used, but water media must dominate.
  • Graphics shall consist of 
    • Printmaking: Intaglio, lithography, screen prints, relief prints, and monoprints 
    • Drawing: Charcoal, pen and ink, graphite, ink wash, charcoal wash, scratch board, conté crayon, and colored pencil 
    • Pastel painting
  • Diptychs or triptychs are not allowed unless in a common frame. 
  • Entries must have been executed within the past two years and not exhibited in WGAS shows before. No class work or copies - originals only.
  • Framing: All works must be under glass or Plexiglas.  If matted, mats must be white or off-white 

This motion passed.

3. Standing Rule:  Members Rejoining
Allan reported that the board had voted to approve the following proposed standing rule: Those who have been dropped from membership for non-payment of dues may be reinstated without going through the entire selection process, by paying two years of back dues as well as the current year.

Missy Patrick suggested that we consider changing the place and/or time of our business meetings so as to get more people to attend.  She suggested a lunch meeting at Yen’s. Several people expressed interest in doing this, but no action was taken.  The board will take up the question before the next meeting.

There being no further business, Lynda moved that the meeting be adjourned.  Mary Rodning seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


General Meeting:
For Fall 2001, will be 14 October 2001, at the Visual Arts Building, Room 115, on the campus of the University of South Alabama, at 3 p.m.

Be sure to attend so that you can get the details on the upcoming Fall Show, and so that you can vote on the proposed amendments and standing rules, as outlined in the last newsletter (still available on the web site).


Overhead Demonstration Mirror
The Society has agreed to donate our overhead demonstration mirror, with supports and clamps, to the University of South Alabama Department of Art, where it has been in storage for several years. The Society had purchased this mirror for use at our workshops, which we have not had now for some time.  It has been donated with the written agreement that the Society would be able to use it, if needed.


Fall Show Dates and Notes:

The site for the Fall Show will be the Morris Gallery at 1011 Hillcrest Road.  
The dates are:

¨      October 29th, paintings to gallery

¨     October 30th, juried

¨      Nov. 3rd, hung

¨      Nov 4th (Sun.), 2 – 4 PM, reception

¨      The show will hang until Nov. 30th

You may enter two pieces.  The entry fee is $15.00 for the first piece and $10.00 for the second.   Morris Gallery is not charging us for the show, but takes a 40% commission on sales, so price your work accordingly.  

The judge will be Susie Ranager, Collections Curator at the Ohr Museum in Biloxi, Mississippi.

More details will be available at the general meeting on 14 October.


Send your dues ($15.00) to Mary Rodning, 4500 Cavalier, Semmes, AL 36575, or bring them to the fall meeting.  Anyone whose dues are not paid up through  2001 by the fall show will not be eligible to enter.


Membership List
Be sure to let your secretary know of any corrections or omissions in the membership list, or of any news that you think should be in the newsletter or on the web site.
  ([email protected])



Mary Rodning has two works hanging in the Courthouse Gallery in Portsmouth, VA, in the National Sumi-e Society of America’s annual juried Exhibition. (This year’s judge is from Japan.)

Paintings by Fred Marchman & John Chamblin will be on display at the ESAC from 7 - 30 October 2001, with the opening reception on Sunday, 7 October, 2 – 4 p.m.  
Be sure to attend and support Fred! 

WGAS Members in the Bay Rivers Art Guild Show

  • Marian Stohrer

  • Judy Hempstead*

  • John Cleverdon

  • Jo Patton*

  • Shirley Jenkins

  • Carolyn newcomer

  • Jean Louise Adams

  • Adele Fay

  • Anita Westerburg

  • Barbara cline

  • Jennifer Faust

  • Emily Lyons

  • Maurine Shorkey

  • Mary Rodning

  • Norma Ensminger

  • Missy Patrick*  

  • Lutie Mumford

*Prize winners!

Another long-time member has recently passed away:  Henry Swann died on 20 August 2001.

Summer 2001 Newsletter

First the Good News:

Officers for 2001 – 2002
President:  Allan Butt

Treasurer:  Mary Rodning
1st VP:  Kate Seawell
2nd VP:  Leslie Thompson
Secretary:  Lynda Smith Touart 

Spring Show Winners!
First Place:
  Jean Adams, The Checker Pool
Second Place:  Jo Patton, A Shady Spot
Third Place: Kaye Wall Hoffman, North Street Bayou
Honorable Mention: Mona Vivar, Passing Storm 

New Members!
The following were chosen to join our Society based on their resumes and their submissions to the Spring Show in Fairhope.  Congratulations and welcome to all!
James Conlon
Lydia Host
David McCann
Susan Perrine
Susan Wallace

Fall Show 2001
The site for the Fall Show will be the Morris Gallery on Hillcrest Road.  The dates are:
  October 29th, paintings to gallery
Nov. 1st or 2nd, juried

Nov. 3rd, hung
Nov. 4th (Sun.), reception
The show will hang until Nov. 30th.


And Now, Not So Good:
The Eastern Shore Gallery in Fairhope have informed us that they are not going to have our show there in the spring of 2002.  Lynn Yonge, the new Exhibit Chairman, has booked another exhibition in our place.  At this time they are still intending to have our show there in the spring of 2003.

This means that we will have to scramble in order to get another space by that time.  If anyone has suggestions, please let Allan or Kate know as soon as possible!

Also, (due mostly to the recent economic downturn, we hope!) we need to find new sponsors for our prizes in the fall show.  Again, if you can be of help here, please contact Allan or Kate.  And the sooner the better, because we will need to line up sponsors before they plan their budgets.

*SPECIAL NOTE (Neither Good nor Bad)*

1.      Below this newsletter we are including a copy of the minutes of the last general meeting.  Please be sure to read the proposed standing rule (definitions of media), and the amendments that have been proposed so you can vote at the next meeting.  We will need to have the issue of the media definitions settled by the time of the judging of the fall show.

2.      Be sure to let your secretary know of any errors, omissions, or changes in the membership list:  ([email protected])

Minutes of the Spring meeting: 22 April 2001

 The meeting was called to order by President Allan Butt at 3:15 p.m., in room 115 of the Visual Arts Building, on the campus of the University of South Alabama.  Sixteen. members were present.

Lee Hoffman moved that we dispense with the reading of the minutes.  This passed by acclimation.

Reports of Officers:
In Jerry’s absence, Allan read the Treasurer’s report.

Kate Seawell and Les Thompson were also absent, so there was no report on the upcoming show.  Alan read the dates that had been sent out in the newsletter, and also read out Les’ telephone number so that members could call and volunteer to help with taking in work.

Lynda had no report.

Old Business
Missy Patrick presented the definition of media for judging criteria for our shows, which she and Jo Patton had volunteered to work out:

Proposed definitions For Aqua Media and for Graphics

  • Aqua Media shall consist of watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, egg tempera, water-soluble crayon and pencil. Such must be on paper, or on paper mounted on board.  No collage material other than original aqua media on paper executed by the artist shall be allowed.  Pastel may be used, but water media must dominate.

  •    Graphics shall consist of
    1. Printmaking:  Etching, lithography, collagraphs, serigraphs, monoprints
    2. Drawing: Charcoal, pen and ink, graphite, ink wash, charcoal wash, scratch board, conté crayon
    3. Pastel painting

  •  Not allowed: Computer generated art, diptychs or triptychs unless in a common frame.

  •  Entries must have been executed within the past two years and not exhibited in WGAS shows before.  No class work or copies – originals only.

  • Framing: All works must be under glass or Plexiglas, simply framed, with white or off-white mats

Lee Hoffman noted that the “Not allowed” line was confusing as written and suggested it be split into two parts.  This met with approval.  Barbara Cline asked about the use of clayboard.  After some discussion, it was decided that this would have to be researched further.  Wanda raised the question of whether to include other than paper support.  It was decided that the committee would reword the definitions and present them at the next meeting to be voted on as a standing rule.  Kay Hoffman moved that in the interim, the document, as amended, would be used.

New Business
Carolyn Greene and Anne Festorazzi, as nominating committee, have chosen a slate of officers for the next year.  They are:  

  • President, Allan Butt

  • 1st Vice President, Kate Seawell 

  • 2nd Vice President, Les Thompson 

  • Treasurer, Mary Rodning 

  • Secretary, Lynda Smith Touart.  

Allan read the part of the Constitution concerning officers serving for more than two years, the question having been raised previously.  Lee Hoffman moved that the nominations cease and the slate be accepted by acclimation.  This was done.

Wanda Sullivan asked about changing the rules for accepting new members so that members could be proposed and exhibit twice a year instead of once.  Lynda read the necessary steps for amending the constitution and asked Wanda if she wanted to propose an amendment to that effect.  Wanda said she did.  More discussion followed.  This will be voted on at the next meeting.

Rose Stephenson proposed amending the Constitution so that those who have been dropped  for non-payment of dues can be reinstated without going through the entire selection process, by paying two years of back dues.  This will also be voted on at the next meeting.

In other business, Wanda announced that Jaclyn Bishop, a New Orleans artist, will be speaking on Wednesday, April 25th in room 111 VAB on the USA campus.

Kay Hoffman moved that the meeting be adjourned.  It was seconded, and passed by acclimation.

Allan introduced Laura Worsham, who then gave us a lovely program on her Great-Grandfather Frank Benson, one of the “American 10” impressionists.  She had many personal family insights into the work of this great painter.

April 2001

From the President:
It has been an honor for me to serve as your president this year.  I appreciate all the hard work the board has done.  My thanks to Les Thompson, Kate Seawell, Jerry Roldan, and especially to Lynda Touart.  She has worked hard on updating our records, keeping records of all board and general meetings, and done a great job on the newsletters!  Thanks, Lynda!

As all of you know, we have recently lost some wonderful artists and valued members of the Society.  My condolences go out to their families.

I seem to read every week in the local news that Mobile needs artists on the “cutting edge”.  I think all you have to do to find such artists is to look at WGAS membership.  I believe we have some of the best artists on the Gulf Coast.  I am proud to be a member, even though I’m one of those artists who still paints “seagulls and lighthouses”, and other subjects which seem to bore some people. Maybe one day I’ll make it to the cutting edge.

I hope everyone will enter the Spring Show at the Eastern Shore Gallery.  I always look forward to it and it would be great to have a strong showing.

I hope to see each of you there and out on the cutting edge!

Allan Butt, President

From the Treasurer:
Don’t forget your dues!  You must be paid-up to enter the spring show.

Fall Show Winners!

Best of Show MMA purchase award:  Jean Zaremba, White Roses

2nd Place Thompson Engineering and Testing award:  Allan Butt:  Fire Island

3rd Place Katherine Stuart Bell-Len Dickey-James Hearn Memorial award:  Mona Vivar, Fall

AmSouth award:  Lynda Smith Touart, Dog Days

Alabama Art Supply award:  Hallie Hazen, Black Swan

Francis Palmer Ward watercolor award:  Norma Ensminger, Sea Island Moon

Bea Tucker Graphics award:  Sharon Jones, Untitled

Bea Tucker Watercolor award:  Sadie Roberts Heath, White Egret

Members’ Choice award:  Missy Patrick, Lagoon

Notes for Spring Show 2001 - at the Eastern Shore Art Gallery

Tuesday, 1 May:  Bring in work 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Friday, 4 May:  Show opens

Sunday, 6 May:  Reception 2 – 4 p.m.

Wednesday, 30 May:  Pick up work 10 a.m.–4 p.m.

*The judge for the show will be John Markowitz,  professor of Art at the University of West Florida.

*Remember that mats must be white or off-white!

*At this show the proposed members will exhibit.  If you have sponsored a prospective member, be sure to remind them!

*AND the prize money comes from the entry fees, so the more entries, the better!

Spring Meeting!

Sunday – 22 April 2001 - 3 p.m.

USA Visual Arts Building, Room 115

  •  Election of New Officers 

  • Discussion of proposed definitions for Aqua Media and for Graphics - 
    Working version:

o        Aqua Media shall consist of watercolor, acrylic, casein, gouache, egg tempera, water-soluble crayon and pencil. Such must be on paper, or on paper mounted on board.  No collage material other than original aqua media on paper executed by the artist shall be allowed.  Pastel may be used, but water media must dominate.

o        Graphics shall consist of 
1.       Printmaking:  Etching, lithography, collagraphs, serigraphs, and/or monoprints
2.        Drawing: Charcoal, pen and ink, graphite, ink wash, charcoal wash, scratch board, conté crayon
3.        Pastel painting

o        Not allowed: Computer generated art, diptychs or triptychs unless in a common frame.

o        Entries must have been executed within the past two years and not exhibited in WGAS shows before.  No class work or copies – originals only.

o        Framing: All works must be under glass or Plexiglas, simply framed, with white or off-white mats

  • Presentation by Laura Worsham: 
     “Frank Benson,  One of ‘The Ten,’ American Impressionists”, and Laura’s grandfather

From the 2nd VP:

Leslie Thompson is introducing a series of note card stationery based on his etchings of Old Mobile.  The project is a benchmark of almost twenty years of development, and one which he feels will be well received in the Mobile area.  For more information, call 334-479-9776. 

From the Secretary:

In attempting to compile a list of all our members, I would like to ask everyone to tell me what year you joined the Society.  I have a few responses already.  Also, if you have any such information about former members, when they became members, and when and why they left, please let me know.  This would be interesting information to have over the years.

All the minutes that I have access to (and can read) have now been recorded in a Microsoft Word file.  In addition to the hard copy records, this will be a valuable and compact way to store all our records.  Further, the computer’s “search” feature will make it easier in the future to look for information! 


Please notify your secretary, Lynda Smith Touart ([email protected]), of any corrections, changes, or additions to this site.  Also, for the comments you would like everyone to see, or to start a discussion online, go to the Guestbook page.  We hope to make improvements in these basic pages as time goes on.

After the last newsletter it came to our attention that a valued member since 1962 had left us. James Hearn had been forced to give up his once-active membership due to ill health, and subsequently died. He was included in the Memorial Award given at the Fall Show. 

The Society lost two more of its most-esteemed and long-time members early this year. Both John Fay (a member since 1970) and Hallie Hazen (1972) died during the first week of the New Year. 

On March 17, Elinor Frederick, who became a member in 1981, also died. WGAS will be proposing a memorial award in the names of Hallie, John, and Elinor for the Fall Show.

20 May 2003

Hosted by