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Subject:  Re: re creation vs evolution.
Quite a fence indeed. I know quite a few people actually who hold
similar beliefs to be true. I have a lot of questions about this, but
I just wanted to start out with a few if it's ok with you? Debating
gets confusing when there are multiple topics.

If we evolved from animals directed by god, what seperates us from
the animals? Yes, obviously an advanced language and tool use, but I
mean on a more...ergh...religious scale. Do you believe humans have
souls? If so, how did we get them? Do plants and animals, and
bacteria and organic molecules have them? If you don't believe in a
soul, do you believe in afterlife?

Why god wouldn't just zap us into being is interesting. My conclusion
for the idea would have to be that god is less than perfect, as I
don't see any reason for a perfect god to use evolution (or even
creation, but that's another debate). If god didn't have the power to
zap us into existence, or knew he'd mess up, exactly how much power
does he have?
From:  "odi_brassicium"
Subject:  Re: turning to sin
I am a Christian and saddly i dissagree with that it is not a
parrable it is truth.
What ever the Bible says clearly means what it says, many times in
the Bible where there are symbollic stories or examples it clearly
lets u know.
Same with Christians who believe in God but also evolution,
like they think God ment 1000 years for each day, that does not only
not make sense but if God did make the Earth and the things on it in
700 years it would literally say God made the Earth over 700 years.
Same with Adam and Eve if that were a symbollic story it would say it
was a symbollic story.
I beleive the whole event occured, thats my oppion.
From:  "dbarkk"
Subject:  Re: re creation vs evolution.
How much power does God have exactlly?
So much power that we can not comprehend it.
I accept there are so many things about this world that we will never
completly understand and as a Christian when, how, and who made us is
not important, though i still like to talk about it.
All i know is that God has a plan and us humans are part of it in the
end i guess we will know but until then all we can do is asume,
debate and wonder but God has given us the most bassic and important
facts to keep us and our minds at ease 'till then , the Bible, which
tells us how we were made, how we were saved and where we can or
cannot go if we choose to follow Him.
Thats all i NEED to know for the rest is beyond understanding.
But that does not mean thats all i WANT to know.
From:  "dbarkk"
Subject:  Re: U know what i think?
"So u started off as a Creationist does that mean u were a Christian
or u just picked that over evolution?"

I was indoctrinated at an early age to be a Christian. Both my
parents were Christians and I just grew up not thinking any other
veiwpoint existed (except for Judaism) Until I turned about twelve or
thirteen. Then I started becoming more and more skeptical about my

"Because evolution is not fact like some people claim it to be it is
only theroy and one of many."

Evolution is very much a fact. Evolution is the change of a species
over time. Ever wonder why people need a flu shot every year? Flu
bacteria evolves so fast that every year it has a new set of bases in
it's DNA, ones foreign to the protecting antibodies. This, as well as
several other examples are easily observed.

"I don't see why Creation is that hard to believe when all the facts
that we need to know are there in front of u in black & white (the

You need to prove the Bible innerrant (or at least Genesis) In order
to claim it's fact.

"Tests done to prove how the Earth was formed and when, only are done
by what we know today i mean noone alive was ever there back then
when the Earth was Created. There are no witnesses."

Circumstantial evidence, carbon dating, fossils, the stars (It takes
millions of years alone for some stars light to reach us!) I think
are quite enough. If I leave the house with my bedroom door open, and
the dog in, and come back with dog hair and a warm bed, I think there
is enough evidence to conclude what had happened, the explanation is
actually pretty simple. Would I accept the hair and heat of the bed
as an act of god simply because there are no witnesses? No, I'd scold
my dog for being in a place she shouldn't.

"And same for Creation but there is the written witness, the Bible,
where the people who did witness such events have recoreded them. The
first 5 books of the Bible are written by Moses,"

I believe most of the old testament was written while Moses was in
Egypt, right? And one source written by one man doesn't seem to
sturdy. Especially if he wrote it long after he lived it, and there's
no telling how it may have been changed throughout the years.

"now of course he wasn't there when God Created the Earth but his
ansestors were Adam & Eve, now before sin entered the world they
would walk and talk with God in the garden like noone eles ever has.
God told them how He created the Earth then they verbally passed it
on to the next geeration and so forth (for there was no way or
recording stuff then, like writting)untill Moses recoreded the whole
thing by hand. Now Christian or not, it is fact, that back then to
tell and then accurately memorise your family origins and history was
common. It was way more acurate than some whispers game too."

So you're basing your beliefs on word of mouth? The memorazation of
how many generations? Can we put all our trust into the
memorazational skills (combined with no telling how much imagination)
of a crude culture? Why would such a god make man rely on such an
unstable system? Personally I think the solid evidence in science
beats out ancient word of mouth any day.
From:  "odi_brassicium"
Subject:  Re: re creation vs evolution.
My reason for asking god's power was that, if his power is indeed so
great, Evolution would not make much sense. A perfect being would
have no use to create with evolution if he had enough power to zap
something into existence. In fact, I'll go so far as to say a perfect
being would have no need to create, period.

I have a question about god's plan...what is it? Why does he need a
plan, what would such a powerful being have to do? Especially with
infinitely less powerful humans. A plan seems rather absurd.
From:  "odi_brassicium"
Subject:  Re: U know what i think?
I like to call it "Faith" and thats what it is.With the doubts we
face due to satan and the persausive & tempting world of today that
God knew we would face, we have Faith, it's more than trust.
God tests our Faith with trials & such other things testing that even
though we don't see Him or it seems like He's not there do we still
beleive in Him or not, do we turn away?
"For trials are not enemies of faith but are opportunities to prove
GOD'S faithfulness".
And i have something about carbon dating that i'll talk about later.
From:  "dbarkk"

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