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People turn to religion because they are not strong enough to make up
their own mind...... so they turn to religion to tell them how to

From Axe39

Honestly, Tell me this, if there really was a god, then explain how
he made everything, when everything is made out of atoms or molecules
and crap? What, did the guy make those? I don't think so.
Anybody write back with your opinion :)


God made everything
He made the Earth & the Plants, the animals & even us humans
and if all these things are made out & up of atoms (which they are)
God also made them and from the atoms Created what we see today.

Atoms, oxygen, molocules, minerals and other such things are all made
by God but we have been brought up to know them a science (which they
r also) but God is all behind science and He is the one who gave us
the mind to understand it and work with science.

He Created atoms and gave us the mind to arange them in such a way
that we can make objects and things like computers for instance which
are bassically a bunch of atoms arranged in a particular way - humans
made the computer ,God made the atoms.

From Katie

But did u not mention, axe, that atheism also, is a religion of some
sort so are u then also saying that atheists too are weak?

From Katie

god, there is no god, it is just some1 has made it up to make
themselves feel better when they go to sleep at night just in case
they never wake up. And if you believe and your family believe its
because when you are a child you believe in what your parents believe
because it seems right, and how do you know its the right thing to
believe in? but honestly you can never expect to get a real answer on
how we got her and all this shit, just get over the fact no body
knows and that people are going to go with some idea to make
themselves feel better. Learn to live with it cose you'll die never

thanks fallen angel

There is just too much rubble in the bible that can't possibly be true, and
have been proven wrong alot of times. The belief in a god is just the human
way to try to relieve themselves of their lonliness, and believe that there
is something higher controlling their actions. In most cases, it's just the
way you are brought up. Religeon is so... Outdated. In today's world one
doesn't have to believe in god. There is no proof that god excists, except
the bible. And that is so.... off, so no one really knows. So I'll stick to



OK, maybe I should introduce myself.

Hello, My name is Fredrik Malmquist, and I come from sweden.

I'm going to a gymnasium here, the swedish variant of high-high school.

I'm 16 years old, a computer freak, a socially misadapted person with many
views on our social situation. In my free time I enjoy sitting on da
computer, or maybe reading some Henlein books when I'm not reading all the
mails I get from my yahoo groups :). I don't do much else really. I have no
girlfriend, no job and no life :(.

I wasn't brought up as a christian. Even if i were, i think that I'd still
chosen atheism over christianity, because I'm a logical person. Here in
sweden not many believe in god openly. In our local church, 3 or 4 ppl go
every sunday. Sweden is the country for religeous freedom. The separation
between church and state has already happened here, and the church doesn't
have anything to say in political issues. We don't have any pledge we have
to recite at the beginning of the day, and we are pretty much free to
believe in anything at all since most people believe in nothing.

Well, that's me. I hope to hear from you all soon.
Hi to both princessednz & Fredrick.Thanks 4 joining!
I am glad there is now a mixture of both Christans and atheist
i myself am a Christian but i like to hear others opinions.
2 people since the start of the group have mentioned about how if ur
brought up in a Christian home u r one and that u have no choice.
Well yes i was brought up in a Christian home 1 but never once was i
forced into anything & i was never once was overwelmbed or smoothered
with Christian carry on and when i had finally made my OWN decission
to follow Christ my parents to say the least were, yes happy, but
very surprised.
There are heaps out there that were brought up going to church and
reading the bible and are not Christians today and even if they were
Christians it would not be cos they read the bible or went to church
but cos they actually believe in God and love Him.

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