
Student should be held accountable

To the editor:

The May 12 article titled "War Lyrics at student talent show angers parents" struck a nerve with me as well. It's not only what occurred at the talent show that seems so utterly absurd, it's the statement that. The school district is not blaming the student, who apparently won't face disciplinary action." Huh?

Let me get this straight, the student's First Amendment rights nullifies any personal responsibil­ity for his little "performance"?

Instead, of respecting the spirit and nature of a civic event, this particular student deliberately and callously crashed it.

But, he won't be held account­able! His behavior demonstrated an utter lack of discretion and insensitivity to others in a title of war. Superintendent Fred McCar­thy described the act as "insensi­tive to military families, graphi­cally violent, politically partisan and inappropriate for a student talent show."

Despite all the facts, the school district is now tripping over itself to apologize for this student. Why is the student himself not apolo­gizing for his rehearsed and delib­erate cruelty? Apparently, the dis­trict has become so "politically correct" that it's now required to turn a blind eye to blatantly inap­propriate, disgusting and offen­sive behavior. This sets up a ter­rible precedent for this student and other young people. How will they ever learn that the trades, business and professional worlds operate on personal accountabil­ity, a whole different set of rules?

The First Amendment does not give citizens a pass on liability. Regardless of one's political per­spective or what you label it, bad behavior is still bad behavior.

But the message from the school district is clear: Students can say and do what they want (and in a public forum no less) and as long as the words "First Amendment" are referenced in the same sentence, they are free of all consequence and personal accountability.

This student is a product of the school district. If his behavior is so outrageous as to cause a public outcry and warrant a public forum and a subsequent investigation, one wonders just where the stu­dent's perspectives and attitude came from. The student walks away, and the district cleans up' the mess. The offended parties are just so much collateral dam­age.

Students can now check their brains at the door of future events. Discretion, common decency and personal accountability are no lon­ger required.






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