Welcome to the Phamily Photopage

This is the site where we will put the photos from our family visits plus any other photos that any of you send me. All photos must be approved by those in them except in the case of pets. Our pets run our lives in so many other ways, at least we can post their photos without permission. You DON'T have to wait for all the pictures on this page to fire. When you decide where you want to go, just go there. To see a large photo with my wonderful caption, click on the small (and possibly out-of-proportion) version of the photo on this page. Once you are there, you can use the "Next:"

and "Previous:" buttons to your heart's content.

To go to a poem about SnowBall (Sadness Alert)Press Here

Or you can enter our family message board and leave word that you were here.

Post a Message in My Message Board!

If you use this link, you could go to my Roleplaying Game site

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